“...... To sum up, we have a new member to our team. "

Under Mann's introduction,

Several lines of sight suddenly focused on Riene.

One of the Pi ~ La that has been seen before.

But more often than not, there are still unfamiliar figures......

However, it is strange to say.

But Lane actually recognized the identities of these people.

In the mercenary team codenamed "Edge Walker",

Mann, the most powerful in battle, is the captain,

He has the most prosthetic body modifications,

Once the battle breaks out, it can turn into a terrifying killing machine,

At the same time, it can also be the strongest shield for teammates.

Pyrrha is the technical expert in the team.

Responsible for the maintenance of firearms and other equipment,

At the same time, you can also create items such as grenades.

followed by a stout green-haired woman,

She is a power-type member of the team named "Dorio".

After several prosthetic modifications,

The already strong body is more powerful,

Looks as burly as Mr. Bodybuilder,

In contrast, the remaining members are a little more feminine.

While these people were looking at Lane,

The latter are also watching them.

"Wow...... the main characters in "Edge Walker" are all here. "

Rien thought silently in his heart.

Although it is not unexperienced before,

But seeing the characters in the plot who should have "died",

At this time, he stood in front of him,

There is a sense of confusion that my memory is wrong.

"Huh...... Why are you suddenly recruiting new members?"

A petite little girl with a pale green ponytail walked up to Rien,

Muttered rather dissatisfied.

"Hey, there's another penny. "

"I don't have much experience like this, can I do it?"

Hearing this, Mann couldn't help but fall silent.

Don't have much combat experience?

Lao Tzu can pick up a life,

Thanks to the fact that people didn't kill people!

"This is Rebecca, don't look at her young age, but her marksmanship is top-notch. "

Mann introduced Ryan to Rhine.

"At the same time, she is also Pila's sister, and she is usually a little crazy, so don't worry. "


Hearing what Mann said about himself,

Rebecca scolded the captain and gave her two middle fingers.

Riene's gaze lingered on this "rampaging Lori" for a moment.

"Hmm...... This is Rebecca before it turned into Rebecca sauce. "

As a loli-type character,

Rebecca's popularity in the original work is also quite good,

Second only to Lucy as the heroine.

Eccentric personality...... Or rather, some madness.

Doesn't seem to care about anything,

But in fact, the mind is the most delicate.

"What about the two?"

Lane set his sights on the last two silent players.

Compared to others, they are a little too reticent.

"Chevie, Lucy, the hackers on our team. "

Mann walked over to Rose with a mechanical mask,

Patted her on the shoulder.

"Lane is also a top network technologist. "

"I'm sure you'll have a common language. "


Hearing Mann's description,

Qiwei couldn't help but look at Li En twice,

But she wears a mechanical mask on her face,

So I can't see more expressions.

"I don't think there need to be 3 hackers on the team. "

"Or are you finally going to get me and Lucy away?"

The division of labor in this mercenary corps is very clear.

As the captain, Mann is the strongest combat force,

It can be said that it is a "trump card"-like existence,

Dorio, Rebecca, and Pyrrha are combatants.

Grace and Lucy are in charge of technical support.

For example, before the start of the battle

Hack the enemy's prosthetics

Or turn off surveillance equipment, security systems, and so on.

"No, actually...... Lai En is a prosthetic doctor. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mann didn't know what expression he was saying this.

But it can't be helped, this is the identity that Li En himself requested.

"Prosthetic doctor?!"

Rebecca seems to see some rare species,

He kept looking around Lynn. []

"But I didn't see any signs of prosthetic implantation on him. "

Lucy ...... Can you find out who he is?"

The cyber hacker known as "Lucy",

She is an indifferent girl with short pearl hair.

Hearing Rebecca's inquiry,

Her eyes instantly turned red.

"Electronic prosthetic eye...... It's really a convenient makeover. "

Dawn sensed a pulse of signal brushing across the surface of his body,

suddenly knew that he was being scanned by the other party,

I couldn't help but shake my head.

The next moment, a "ghost" with terrifying computing power.

He was unleashed along his network of mechanical power!

"Don't peep into Daddy's privacy!"

Yui holds a sign with the slogan "No Visiting",

instantly appeared beside Dawn,

Cut off all malicious access lines that target him!


Lucy was startled,

A little girl in a white dress appeared in her sight.

Then, there were a few crackling sounds in her head,

A beautiful short pearl-colored hair exploded directly under the action of static electricity,

It's fluffy like a fried cat.

"Sorry, I have a special ICE (Intrusion Countermeasure Unit)"

Rien said with a smile.

"I advise you not to hack into my system at will. "

Even though he didn't have any implants at all.

Yui exists only to prevent anyone from detecting his identity.

"Wacky Guy ......"

Lucy muttered,

"Actually using AI as a firewall, aren't you afraid of being counterattacked?"

In the world view of "cyberpunk".

Wandering AI located outside the "black wall",

It's an extremely terrifying existence,

They can dominate all devices connected to the network.

It can overturn human domination in an instant.

So, even hackers who are proficient in network technology.

There is also a fear of these AIs.

"Anyway, Ryndi will be with our team on several missions. "

Mann has almost been introduced to everyone,

Then he came out to do the final touches.

"There's no doubt about his quality – I've already done it with Pila and I. "

"I just have a little job tomorrow to run in and ......"


[Exclusive Personal Mission: Edge Walker]

+Degree: C+

+ Mark: Work with the "Edge Walker" squad to complete 10 middleman missions

+Inspiration: "Edge Walker" squad members have +10 friendship, Night City reputation +5000, reincarnation points +10000, skill points +10, and attribute points +1

+ Note: "Is it the starting point to the legend, or a one-way ticket to the abyss?"


Looking at the new exclusive personal tasks in front of me,

The corners of Lien's mouth rose slightly,

But soon, he remembered something,

Turning to Mann, he said.

"I don't have time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., so if I have a task, it's better to schedule it on the weekend or in the evening. "


Mann was stunned for a moment, and asked casually.

"I try to ...... Do you have any special arrangements?"

Lane shrugged.

"Classes with. "。

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