"Terrorist Task Force?!"

The moment he saw this word, Li En's heart was full of alarm bells!

He didn't even think about it, and directly turned on the [Subjective Delay]!

The next moment, the whole world slowed down in his eyes......

Except for the 3 members of the Terror Squad who rushed towards him!

Their movements are in a state of "subjective slowness",

It's still fast and smooth, as if it hasn't been affected in the slightest!

Military-grade mechanical prosthetic - Sänwestein,

It can stimulate the central nervous system of the human body and amplify nerve signals.

With the regulation of the secretion of various hormones,

accelerates the conduction efficiency of synapses,

So as to have a similar effect of "subjective delay".

The most terrifying thing is...... Prosthetics of this level,

It's not uncommon in the worldview of "Cyberpunk 2077",

The elite agents and thugs trained by large companies are almost one each!

In other words, the mid-level combat power of this world,

Almost everyone can enter the state of "subjective time"!

At most, the duration and effect are slightly lower than that of Rien.

"The effect of Swystein...... Everyone is a monster!"

Li En complained silently, and then his eyes flashed silver.

The mechanical force 16 with the "void" characteristic transmits a certain signal,

With Li En as the center, dozens of small spatial cracks suddenly bloomed,

It's like a huge black mouth with a grin!

- Secondary Space Teleportation!

Prismatic crystals are projected from the secondary space,

Subsequently, it was instantly stimulated under the infusion of Li Enji!

"Buzz ......"

The blazing light directly dealt a head-on blow to the 3 members of the Terrorist Task Force!

Dozens of high-energy lasers pierced through the body of one of them,

The stench of flesh and blood is in the air!

"How is that possible?!"

"What kind of attack was it just now, and it can directly penetrate Type III subcutaneous armor?!"

The other two looked at the swarm of high-energy laser prisms floating around Rien,

Suddenly the scalp is numb!

But their task is to suppress the thugs in front of them!

As an elite thug nurtured by Night City's law enforcement agency NCPD,

The Terrorist Task Force has extremely advanced weapons and prosthetic inserts.

The trade-off is that they have to deal with "troubles" that ordinary police officers can't solve.

Obviously, Lane's presence is a headache for these elite thugs.

"Pester him and buy time for the hackers!"

Two members of the Terrorist Mobile Squad quickly hid behind cover,

Crazy call for support in the communication channel!

"He can keep up with our movements, and he should also be equipped with the ...... of Swiftstein"

"Hack his prosthetic chip and burn his brain!"

However, the information transmitted back from the helicopter,

But the two members of the mobile team were stunned.

According to the scan results, there are no traces of transformation on the other party's body!"

"How is that possible?!"

A member of the mobile team couldn't help but say.

"Could it be that this guy is a human fundamentalist dervishe?!"

"But he can pull out a dozen laser weapons at his fingertips!"

In the worldview of "Cyberpunk 2077".

Prosthetic modification has become as common a phenomenon as mobile phones.

Only some monks refused to make any modifications to the body,

They live a primitive life and advocate for integration with nature......

But the "thug" they were trying to suppress,

The level of science and technology mastered by them is probably even more advanced than theirs!

How could it be the same as those monks?!

"How do I know where this is sacred?!"

The hackers on the helicopter were also quite irritated to tap on the keyboard.

Li En doesn't have any prosthetic transformation plug-ins on him,

This means that all his means are useless against the enemy!

Immediately afterward, the hacker's face suddenly changed.

Because the screen in front of him suddenly keeps pouring out error messages!

The dominance of the system was taken away almost in the blink of an eye!

"Be careful, I'm being invaded-" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The hacker warned in a hurry,

Before he finished speaking, he directly turned into a huge fireball with the helicopter.

Burst through the air!

And under the blood-stained sky,

Lane walked unhurriedly behind the cover, []

Looking at the two piles of flesh and blood, he shrugged his shoulders.

The members of the Terrorist Task Force are all elite thugs full of military-grade prosthetics.

But this high-level prosthetic body is in Lien's eyes......

It's full of flaws!

Hacking into one of the prosthetic devices,

You can detonate it and create a chain reaction!

In the end, the whole person was directly killed by his own prosthesis!

After confirming that all enemies are dead.

A hint appeared in front of Riene's eyes that the mission was complete.


[You have completed the exclusive Personal Mission: "Dream of Reversal"]

[You get 50,000 reincarnation points, 50 skill points, 50 attribute points]

【You get 1 chance to reverse your fate】

[This opportunity can be accumulated, but it cannot be brought out of the dungeon]

[At a certain time, you can consume the reversal opportunity to change the reality that has already happened]


A chaotic light and shadow gradually plunged into darkness.

Rien narrowed, adjusting to the somewhat chaotic light.

The senses are gradually returning to control,

"I knew it was no wonder the mission was called Dream of Reversal. "

Getting up from the bed, Lane rubbed his eyes,

Take the device off your head.

Just now, he was still fighting with the Terrorist Task Force.

In the blink of an eye, he was in an old apartment.

The room size is not big, but it is neat.

Rien glanced at the device he had taken from his head.

This is an old model Mewtwo terminal for personal use.

Everything he had just experienced in 263 was just a "Mewtwo" video.

The so-called "Mewtwo",

It is a kind of information archive that can record all the senses of the photographer.

The experiencer can use the Mewtwo terminal,

Feel what the photographer is going through from a first-person perspective.

including sight, hearing, smell, touch......

All the senses will be experienced in sync.

Whether it's pain or pleasure,

can be restored extremely realistically.

It's like being taken directly into the photographer's memory.

"Interesting technology. "

Ryne's expression moved, and he put the Mewtwo terminal into the spatial ring.

Analyze it later when you have time.

With that done, he had time to look at the apartment.

"This is supposed to be David's home. "

"Based on the episode where I woke up from Mewtwo......"

"The timeline should be at the very beginning of Edgewalker. "

In other words, there is still time for everything. "

Lee's heart moved, his main quest had just been unlocked.


【Main Quest: Street Legends】

Level +: C+

+ Narrator: Become a "Legend" of Night City!

+ Mark: Raise Night City's reputation level to at least 40

+ Reward: For every 4 increases, you will get 10,000 reincarnation points, 1 skill point and attribute point


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