"149th ...... From the core members of the Freedom Alliance, done. "

From the player's body in front of him,

Took out a "Void Weapon" that shone with the glow of the starry sky.

After making a good mark, put ~ into the crown of sin.

"I'll stop here today, and I'll talk about the rest later. "

Dawn glanced at the list,

The name crossed out means that he has taken the "Void Armament" by him.

And there is a long list of names left waiting for him to "patronize".

"It's an elite player from all over the world. "

"The Void Value of the Void Armament is so high. "

"It saved me a lot of effort. "

Looking at the "Crown of Sin" with the skyrocketing value of the Void,

There was a joy of harvest in Lane's heart.

The strength of the Void Armament is related to its host.

The Void Sons have an average Void Value of around 1,000.

The relatively high ones are only the "call of the ghosts and gods" of the wood,

Because it can be enhanced by killing,

It has now surpassed the 2000 Void mark.

As for Sakuraman's real name, the ???-level "Dance of Judgment" is not among them.

As the queen of the apocalypse virus,

She herself is one of the origins of the Void Gene.

It is not necessary to represent her person by numerical values.

But Dawn needs to collect the "Void Armament" extensively,

to increase the maximum Void of the "Crown of Sin".

These elite players from all over the world,

And didn't disappoint him -

Almost every player can provide more than 2000 Void Points!

If you take it a step closer,

Able to convert these players into the "Void Race",

Then Li En can also harvest an extremely large amount of "Evolution Energy"!

But...... After much consideration, Lane resisted the urge.

Because it's too risky to do so.

C-rank players basically already have bloodline power.

Forcibly replacing the bloodline will most likely cause a strong bloodline backlash and rejection.

If you are not careful, it will directly involve human life......

Lane's goal is simply to collect the Void Armament,

Enrich the arsenal of the "crown of sin" and that's it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Because later copies,

I guess it's hard to come across something like this,

There are nearly a thousand reincarnation players lying there,

Wait for Lane to extract the "Void Armament" one by one.

With these players' "Void Armaments",

It's basically equivalent to having the power of life and death in their hands.

"It's better to keep quiet for the time being. "

Rien thought silently and made a decision.

"The hidden card in the hand is the deadliest trump card. "

The Void Armament stored in the Crown of Sin.

At the same time, it is also the "causal connection" between Li En and the original owners of these Void Forces.

He was able to directly invade the hearts of these people with the [Voice of the Gods]!

Although it is not of much use now......

But Dawn believes,

These shadows will come in handy one day.

After all...... The higher you climb, the smaller the circle.

These people are all elite reincarnation players in various countries.

Possesses higher potential than the average player.

In other words, wait until you reach a higher rank.

There is a good chance that you will meet these people again.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back. "

Back in the virtual world,

Dawn finally received good news from Yui -

The last component of the "Hradik Staff", the "Pit Viper Necklace", has also arrived.

This means that he already has a "ticket" to challenge the final boss of Act 2!

"Come back, and be careful not to be discovered by Asuna. "

In the past few days, Li En has led the team to level up in places such as "Distant Oasis" and "Stone Tomb".

Delay the progress as much as possible, so that Yui can manipulate the "stand-in" to obtain mission items.

Now he can finally accomplish the little goal of this scene.


Waiting for Lane in the safe zone teleporter,

I just saw a portal appear,

From it, a figure swooped in.

"Stop! you're still manipulating my avatar, pay attention to the image. "

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched, dodging the flutter of "herself".

See yourself from the perspective of a bystander...... It feels weird.

"Hey...... Forget about it. "

Yui retrieves two items from her inventory and gives them to Rien. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is the King's Staff and the Pit Viper Necklace......"

Dawn glanced at them, and these two items were not just mission items.

Instead, it has its own attributes, and even dark gold equipment!


Pit Viper Necklace

+ Ask: None

+ Sex: +25% Poison Resistance, +10 Health, +10 Mental Power


【King's Staff】

+ Seek: Strength 30

+Harm: 12-20 (Physics)

+Sex: +50% Attack Speed, +10 Health, +10 Mental Power


Such a garbage property,

It didn't seem to be worthy of the dark golden light that lingered around them.

But Lane knows their true value.

Not equipment, but ...... Synthesis!

"The process that should be gone through still has to be repeated. "

Rien took out the Hradic cube he had obtained earlier,

After focusing your attention on the block,

A crafting bar popped up in front of me.

[Do you want to craft "King's Staff" and "Pit Viper Necklace"?]

Put two quest dark gold items into the back of the block.

Rien nodded in confirmation.

"Synthesis. "

Unlike ordinary synthesis,

This synthesis blooms with dazzling colorful light!

Two props drowned in light.

From the dazzling light and shadow,

A new silhouette of a staff emerges!


【Staff of Heradic】

+ Seek: Strength 30

+Damage: 12~20 (Physical)

+Sex: +50% Attack Speed, +10 Health, +10 Mental Power

+Effect: +10% All Elemental Resistances

+Potency : +35% Poison Resistance

+ Effect: +50% damage to undead units


"Hmm...... It's still rubbish. "

Lane shrugged helplessly.

He didn't have much hope for the result of the synthesis anyway.

Because this staff is not a "weapon".

It's the "key".

"Durrell's level should be around 44. "

"Plus your own scene boss template. "

"Strength should be at the pinnacle of the C-tier – but it also counts dominance. "

"Now I should be able to handle it. "

Dawn glanced at his "royal stand-in",

"Yui, come along. "

The next moment, his figure disappeared into Rugoin's teleportation station.

This time, he didn't take Asuna with him.

Because of the enemies to be faced in the future.

It was far beyond their current level and strength.

However, Li En still has a strong self-confidence -

【You have discovered "Warlock's Canyon"】

Because I used the permission to close the announcements related to myself.

So when Rien arrives in the new area,

The server-wide announcement was not triggered.

"The Demon King who rules the pain, Duriel...... Scold. "

Dawn summoned Natsuyo's "guardian star god" - Dolphin Star.

The corners of his mouth curled dangerously.

"I don't know how many seconds I can hold on to under 3 times the [Magnetic Storm Crown]. "


(The previous chapter was sealed, which affected a little, but the problem was not greater).

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