
[Smart Invasion (Lv 10)]

Level +: B

+ Resist: Knowledge, Intelligence, Will

+ Fruit: While you have the ability to hack into virtual networks, you realize that the human brain is also a biological computer with neurocurrent interaction, and it can also be used as a target for invading!

+Positive: You are now able to hack units with biological neural networks

+ Break - Offensive Defense: All of your stats are considered 1.2 times greater in the confrontation


Smart Invasion!

Looking at the name, Li En thought it was with the help of artificial intelligence,

Conduct more efficient virtual intrusions......

I didn't expect it to mean "invading intelligent lifeforms"!

"Not bad, kind of interesting. "

With the knowledge that pours into the mind,

Dawn reacted instantly.

The human body is actually a sophisticated "computer".

The various senses are transmitted through signals emitted by neurons.

If you can hack into a computer,

Invade the human brain......

That's a lot to do!

"Then again, the fully stealthy virtual connection device used by Enrante. "

"It's a similar principle with 16, right?"

Li En vaguely remembers that the "head-mounted virtual device" developed by Akihiko Aoba,

It is a realistic virtual reality experience by truncating the neural interaction signals above the spine.

As long as the corresponding nerves are stimulated, there will be corresponding sensations.

Such as heat and cold, pain, pleasure, and so on.

Now, Lane is clearly able to do the same.

"What kind of illusion does this need, it directly invades the neurons. "

Lane shook his head,

Satisfied, put away the rest of the loot.

Just wanted to gather the other teammates.

Discuss your next plan of action.

Another message popped up.

Not from the reincarnation space.

It's also not an in-game system prompt.

Rather, it comes from ...... Yui!

"Daddy, I've found the square you mentioned!"


Li En was slightly stunned,

Instant reaction.

Heradik Cubes!

This key item is located on the 28th floor of the "Temple of Death, Level 3".

Because the distance was too far, Lane didn't go by himself.

Let Yui run away with his "stand-in".

You can also brush up on experience along the way.

I didn't expect it to be less than 1 day.

Yui has already been from the teleportation station on the second floor,

ran to the deepest part of the third layer,

Found the Hradic Cube!

"Okay, I'll do it. "

Dawn closed his eyes,

The next moment, his will descended on the "royal stand-in"!

Opening his eyes, Rien found himself in an empty room.

The walls of the room are carved with dusty murals,

There are burning lamps in the four corners,

Reflect the surrounding scene.

Yui takes back control of the stand-in.

Around him, the familiar figure of the little girl in white condensed,

Gleefully threw himself into Lee's arms.

"Dad, look, isn't this it?"

Looking along Yui's slender white fingers,

In the center of the room there is a golden treasure chest that has been opened.

In the gold coins and potions all over the ground.

A "box" that exudes a hazy dark gold color

He was lying quietly on the ground.

"Yes, that's it. "

Li En stroked Yui's head approvingly,

Although it's just a humanoid interactive interface.

But in the virtual world, these touches are real.


[Heradic Cube] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Level +: B (Unique)

+ Fruit: Can be crafted according to the recipe, and the crafting recipe needs to be explored by yourself

+ Note: "In order to prevent the abuse of the power of the artifact [Kanai's Box], the replica was imitated"


"Huh? It's not a quest item. "[]

Ryne picked up the Hradic Block,

Regular square surface,

Decorated with some complex and obscure symbols,

seems to form a formula,

These are supposed to be the languages of the ancient Heradiks.

As a veteran player, though.

Even if you can't understand it,

Lane also knew what the formulas for crafting the Heradic block were.

The simplest is the 3-in-1 upgrade formula.

3 vials of "Light Healing Potion" can be combined into 1 vial of "Light Heal Potion"

And so on, you can continue to synthesize to the highest grade of the agent,

Mana Flasks are also formulated in the same way.

Even gems can be crafted!

3 gems of the same type "Shattered" grade,

Can craft 1 corresponding "Split" gem.

You can even use ordinary life,

Mana Elixir Synthesis "Rejuvenation Elixir"!

This is the most profitable business!

"If I can use permission to add formulas to it......"

Lane couldn't help but think.

Because "Heradic Cubes" are items from the "Dark" world.

And there are affixes that have a high priority such as "uniqueness".

Therefore, the difficulty of analysis is also very high.

It's not a research project that produces results in a moment.

"Just wait until you finish the task, and use [Homomorphic Reconstruction] to turn it into a technology side prop!"

Dawn had a plan.

"If you can't play the mysterious side, then change to the field I'm familiar with!"

Now keep the [Heradic Cube]

070 is because Rien needs to craft an item called "Heradic Staff".

Use this weapon to open the way to the Act 2 final boss

The portal in the area where "Duriel" is located.

"Crafting the Staff of Heradic requires two items. "

Rien patted Yui's shoulder,

Like a parent who assigns homework to his children,

Smile kindly.

"The King's Staff on the third floor of the maggot's nest"

"And the [Pit Viper Necklace] in the Temple of the Talon Viper"

"These two props, please Yui. "

Follow the speed of Yui.

I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for Andariel to refresh and the next group of players to arrive in "Lugoin".

Rien will be able to kill the scene boss "Duriel" in the second act directly!

"It's good to be efficient. "

Dawn's consciousness returned from the "royal double",

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Who will it be at this time?"

Lane raised his eyebrows,

"Could it be that Eudora can't help but want to get sick again......"

Although after "negotiations",

Riene's intervention temporarily suppressed her mental state.

But he also can't be completely sure that there will be no after-effects.

However, after opening the door.

The figure that appeared in front of Ryne's eyes.

But it was a little unexpected for him.

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