This is because the rewards are given out by the game system.

It is not a task in the reincarnation space.

So even as a follower nameless.

I also received the same reward as everyone else!

"4 dark gold jewelry, it should be able to make a good thing. "

Lane though excited.

Actually a reward for dark gold jewelry,

Don't get your hopes up.

Because of the tasks of this level.

The equipment given is definitely low-level dark gold.

And there are low-level dark gold jewelry with names and surnames in "Dark",

There are only a few of them.

Most of the effects are not very powerful.

Apart from...... A piece of dark gold equipment that will be very useful against Andariel!

Ryne opens his inventory and finds the newly acquired Dark Gold Gear.

It's a belt that looks like it's made of snakeskin!

The moment he saw this belt, Li En was stunned.

Then an indescribable sense of surprise surged in my heart.

"Could it be...... It's my turn to be lucky this time?!"

This belt was exactly the best result he had just expected!


["Snake Rope" Light Buckle Belt]

Level +: D

+ Seek: Level 12

+16 Defense: 15 Physical Resistance

+ Effect: Regenerates an additional 5 health every 5 seconds

+Efficacy: Poison Resistance +25%

+Effect: Reduces Toxin Damage over Time by 50%

+ Effect: Attack deals 12 toxin damage for 3 seconds


As always, the dark gold equipment has a wide variety of attributes.

But there are only two of them that Li En likes the most!

+25% Toxin Resistance!

and 50% reduction in DoT damage!

These two attributes allow Dawn to face toxin damage.

Has a very high damage reduction effect!

Pair it with a few pieces of anti-poison equipment that you have acquired.

Ryne's poison resistance can reach about 60%.

Let's say he takes toxin damage that loses 10 health per second.

With this equipment, you only need to lose 2 points per second!

Even if you don't use an antidote

It can also last for a long time.

"If the other people's anti-poison equipment is scraped together, they can go and challenge Andariel!"

Lane's heart was on fire.

After solving the hidden quest.

Start in the "Black Wasteland" area.

The road ahead is all the way open!

Except for a few dark gold bosses that need to be watched out for.

He will soon be able to face the final boss of Act 1......

"The Demon King of Pain and Suffering", Andariel!

Of all those present,

Only Rien meets the required level requirements for equipment.

So he didn't give up the equipment this time.

I wore it directly on my body.

"What dark gold jewelry did you all get?"

Dawn looked at Nameless first,

The latter stretches out their palms,

On the fair-skinned and delicate fingers,

He wears a metal ring that looks like a ruby setting.


【Nagko's Ring】

Level +: D

+ Seek: Level 7

+ Effect: Reduces magic damage taken by 3

+ Effect: Attacker takes 3 damage

+ Effect: Increases attack accuracy by 75

+Effect: +30% Magic Equipment Find


"It turned out to be this one. "

Lane nodded,

The low-level dark gold ring stats are not very good.

The only one property that is useful.

This is "+30% Magic Equipment Recovery".

It's also appropriate for Nameless.

Because she always takes on the role of executing the boss.

+30% gear explosion chance might be a good thing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For the other two, Asuna received a dark gold necklace that greatly increased fire resistance.

Dragon Crescent also received a dark gold belt.

It's just not a "snake cord".

Rather, it is a lower-grade "Rainier Mouse".

Slightly increased some mental power caps. []

However, it has increased mental health regeneration by 30%.

It's quite suitable for the dragon crescent moon as a spellcaster.

"Alright, there's nothing to do here, let's go. "

Rien tore open a teleportation scroll.

Looking around, the number of monsters has been drastically reduced.

In front of the "passionate" reincarnation player.

These monsters are obviously still a little unbearable.

In particular, as the level increases,

The strength of the reincarnation players is getting stronger and stronger,

It can be said that it is easier to deal with these monsters.

The whole process is a positive cycle...... From the player's point of view.

"Where are we going next? Do we continue to explore the higher floors?"

After returning to the teleportation station,

Asuna asked, a little excited.

She's just got a new gear,

There was a kind of excitement that I wanted to try my strength.

"You're looking more and more like a professional gamer now. "

Li En looked at the girl's eager expression and said with a smile.

"At the beginning, I remembered that you didn't even dare to look at monsters, you would only be chased and run. "

"At that time...... I was really scared. "

Asuna also recalled what she looked like when she first joined the team.

Quite emotionally recalled.

"I didn't expect my name to appear so many times in the game's announcements now. "

"There will only be more in the future, just get used to it. "

At this moment, a full-server announcement popped up at the right time.


[Server-wide announcement: The team led by the player "Thor" was the first to discover the "9th Floor - Black Wasteland"]


"Saul...... This guy is quite diligent. "

Dawn seemed to think of something, and pondered for a moment.

Then he clapped his hands and sent a message directly to Thor.

"The reward for the hidden floor is 1 chance to unlock skills and props of your choice, are you interested?"

After sending, Rien silently counted the time in his mind.

In less than 3 seconds, Thor sent a bunch of exclamation points.

"You make a price!!

Rien smiled.

The coolie took the bait.

"In the black wasteland, there is a [Tower of Oblivion 113]. "

"I'll take you over to open a picture, but I won't touch the dark gold boss inside, you go and fight. "

"All I need is the runestones dropped by this boss...... yes, the one you traded to me last time. "

"Add some anti-poison equipment, and the deal is over. "

For Saul's side.

Not only can you get rewards for hidden floors.

You can also harvest 1 dark gold boss loot for nothing.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a loss.

What is paid is only a part of the loot of the dark gold boss.

Plus a few pieces of equipment that increase toxin resistance.

So without thinking about it, I just agreed to it.

"Good luck, then. "

After the trade was completed, Rien glanced at the [Freedom Alliance] players who had stepped into the Tower.

Then he returned to Asuna and the others.

"Why do you want to give them this information, can't we fight it ourselves?"

Asuna asked curiously.

"It's a waste of time, it's a hard tower to climb. "

Lane shrugged his shoulders and looked at the silhouette of the building at the end of the horizon.

"So, why don't you let them do a job for me. "

Anyway, the dark gold boss "Countess" of the [Tower of Oblivion],

The most valuable drop is the "Rune" he needs.

And the time saved allows him to lead the team.

Attack the demon-occupied "monastery" directly!

This is the lair where Andariel, the final boss of Act 1, is located!

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