A life-hungry "Tree Head Wooden Fist" tormented by various control skills.

Finally under the nameless "execution",

Successfully got rid of the sea of suffering.

"It always feels like we're some kind of villain......"

Asuna of the [Paladin] profession sighed with a subtle expression.

"Monsters are just a bunch of data, don't care. "

Lane walked over and picked up the loot from the ground.

Because nameless is not considered a reincarnation player.

So this time only two loot chests were dropped.

The level of "Tree Head Wooden Fist" is level 12.

The experience of being a dark gold boss is also quite rich.

Directly raised Riene's level by 1 level.

Reach an astonishing level 15!

It's just that it's estimated that in the next period of time.

He probably had to spend it in the punishment of experience.

The loot of killing the "Tree Head Wooden Fist" is sparse and usual......

Of course, this is for Dawn's team.

A job transfer card is almost a must-have item. The remaining two pieces of "Three-Seven-Three" are randomly selected from the props.

Lane's luck this time was very average.

There is only 1 "Helmet" of the Gold Rare level.

Plus 10 vials of rejuvenating potions.

However, that's not what he cared about.


[You have met the achievement conditions of "Champion Boxer"!]

[You have 1 chance to unlock your own skills!]

Unlock opportunities with your own skills!

Familiar words come to mind.

Rien couldn't help but get excited.

How he used this opportunity,

It's already been planned.

So at the moment of seeing the prompt.

This unlocks the "Virtual Invasion" directly!

[You have unlocked "Virtual Invasion (Lv10)]

A simple hint.

But it shows the ...... A new beginning!

Asuna squatting on the ground to collect the loot.

Suddenly, a flower in front of me,

She blinked in confusion.

Looked at Rien beside him.

"Captain, you just ...... Did it flash a moment?"

"Nope. "

Rien replied with a calm face.

"You're wrong. "

In fact, he was just testing a new "feature".

With the virtual knowledge and authority he currently has.

It is not enough to modify the "data" directly.

However, after invading the underlying protocol of this world.

Lane himself in a way,

It is already possible to get out of the rules of the "Game of Death".

He found that each player was actually limited by layers of "switches".

The most obvious example, for example, is empirical punishment.

In these rules that surround itself.

Rien found a number of switches that he could "turn on" or "off".

He is now free to choose whether to upgrade or not.

If you don't level up, you'll stay at your current level.

Keep accumulating experience.

Alternatively, he can choose to assign experience to his teammates, etc.

Even...... He can also take the initiative to lower his level!

It's just that when you lower the level,

The corresponding attributes and skill points need to be deducted.

As for the "flower in front of her eyes" that Asuna just saw.

It was Dawn who turned off his "Player Avatar" feature.

In other words, he can be invisible to other players!

However, this "stealth" is not completely gone.

He still causes physical collisions of his own.

It can also take damage.

It just doesn't show the "appearance".

Theoretically, all players can do these things.

But they don't have a way to turn these "switches" on or off.

Dawn after mastering the "virtual invasion".

It is already possible to have full control of this "virtual body".

It's just that he can make changes now.

Limited to himself.

Even the namelessness of being a follower, he could not interfere.

This is because of the current situation. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He only has certain authority over "himself".

"After killing Andariel...... I could have done so much more!"

Rien thought excitedly.

This transgression of the rules......

Far more exciting than killing bosses![]

"Go back to the teleportation station, then teleport to the Stone Fields. "

Rien showed the Enifus scroll in his hand.

"I got a hidden mission, and it happened to be the four of us to do it. "

For Dawn's decision.

Naturally, others have no objections.

Anyway, every time judging from the results.

They can all make a lot of money.

Only, after teleporting back to the teleportation station in the Dark Forest.

They happened to encounter Thor and his party who had just emerged from the underground passage.

"Yo, what a coincidence. "

Thor was not at all dissatisfied with being preempted.

He strode over and enthusiastically held out his hand to Rien.

"Looks like you've already scoured this place. "

"It's just a dark gold boss. "

Li En also smiled and stretched out his hand and shook it.

"If you want to explore, there's a lot of uncharted territory. "

"It's a pity that the most oily and watery place must have been stepped on by you in advance. "

Thor said meaningfully.

Then he glanced at Lane's team and was suddenly stunned.......

Because he remembered that in Lane's team of 4 people,

There's an elven player.

Because it's a member of an interracial race, it's impressive.

But now, it has been replaced by a dark-haired girl.

"Speaking of which, I have a question. "

"The dark gold boss of the Stone Wilderness, why didn't you fight it?"

Li En asked curiously.

He didn't fight because the reactance of "Lacanixiu" was too high.

There is no need to fight.

And Thor spread his hands very simply and straightforwardly.

Said helplessly.

"I went, but I couldn't beat it. "

"We're pretty much all melee players. "

"As soon as that thing is attacked, it unleashes an arc of lightning that does incredible damage. "

"Nearly half of our potion reserves have been used, but we haven't been able to kill him......"

"In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I directly sold the information of this boss to other teams. "

Speaking of this, Thor suddenly smiled.

"Speaking of which, there are people from [Hidden Dragon] and [Divine Palace] among the buyers. "

"This boss hasn't been defeated until now, and it is estimated that there is also a factor that the two sides are facing off. "

This guy is really a good player.

Lane pursed his lips, he wondered why he was so proud.

Sell a boss that you can't beat at all.

Anyway, he will definitely not suffer a loss himself, and there will be some earnings.

Competitive teams are stuck at tier 5 because of this information,

No matter how long it can be delayed,

are conducive to their exploration.

It can be said that it is a move to kill two birds with one stone.

"Looks like we're just going to have a good time. "

Rien nodded, stepping into the teleportation station.

2.6 "I will not waste your time." "

Looking at Lane and his party who disappeared into the teleportation station.

Thor's face regained his composure, and he fell into deep thought.

He didn't understand why Rien was going back to the lower levels.

Is it for supplies?

Just as Thor was guessing the motives of Rien and his party.

The latter also returned to the 5th floor.

However, they were not the only ones in the "stone wilderness" at this time.

There are a number of players of all kinds gathered around the teleporter.

There are even some Indigenous players among them!

You know, those who can reach the 5th floor at such a time,

Most of them are reincarnation players who have a natural advantage in their own right.

And when Lane got a good look at the appearance of one of the Native players.

A hint of amusement suddenly appeared on his face......

Because this person is the original male protagonist of "Ayn Grant".

Known as the "Cheater", "Kiritani and the People"!

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