Day 3 of the death game "Ayn Grant".

After 72 hours, the death toll exceeded 100.

Less than half of the players died because their health was reduced to zero while fighting monsters.

The other part of the player's death ~ the reason is strange.

There is a reluctance to accept such a reality,

Thinking that death can disconnect and return to reality.

Thus the person who committed suicide.

There are also those who didn't have time to reach the -2nd floor before the "crash" occurred.

Thus the unlucky player who was directly "obliterated".

The rest of the players wandered around the safe zone like fellow corpses.

By the way.

Even if it's a virtual game, there's a "hunger" setting.

Although it only costs a small amount of gold, go to the tavern and buy a few loaves of bread.

to meet a day's supply needs.

But for ordinary players who don't dare to go out and fight monsters.

There is no source of gold coins at all.

They can only pray for handouts from well-meaning bigwigs to give them some funds.

These people are clustered in the corner,

Look at the "adventurers" who have returned from the outside.

I don't know how much time I have left.

"Life is full of variety. "

After Rien teleports to the teleportation station in the "Icy Plains".

I saw such a scene.

I couldn't help but shake my head secretly.

With the "collapse" continues to come.

There will be fewer and fewer low-level areas.

The enemies you will face will also become more and more powerful.

Missed the first opportunity to upgrade.

If you want to get stronger...... It's even more difficult.

The truth in this will be understood after a little thought.

If you don't fight right now.

Then there will be no chance to turn over in the future.

can only become an outcast and useless.

Lane didn't bother with these escapist players.

He is not a Virgin, nor is he a selfless and selfless good man.

Unless he's really idle and has nothing to do,

Otherwise, they will never interfere with other people's choices.

"The elven station...... Tsk, very arrogant, these elves. "

Based on the information provided by Ansenas, Riene,

Just a slight sweep around the teleportation station,

I found a camp made of vines.

Elven talents are mostly related to "nature", "magic" and "life".

In this case, it has a pretty good practical effect.

The most critical thing is that racial unification has been completed long ago.

So the cohesion of the elves is very strong.

Especially in this kind of copy.

The power of unity,

Definitely more powerful than a plate of scattered humans.

As Lane approached the camp entrance.

Two elven reincarnation players stop him.

"Human, please stop. "

"This is the elven station, and it is not open to the public. “

Lane raised his eyebrows,

secretly said in his heart, worthy of the elf race.

Even if it's two miscellaneous soldiers watching the gate.

Appearance can also beat some small fresh meat stars in the real world.

"I have something to discuss with your chief. "

Lane said,

While sending a message to Ansenas.

It didn't take long for the two janitors to appear to have received news from the team.

He looked at Rien in surprise.

After all, Lane's name appears on the announcement so many times.

It's a bit difficult to pretend you don't know.

Even elven players have heard of this name.

"Please come in, Your Highness is waiting for you. "

Lane nodded slightly and stepped into the camp.

I have to say, compared to other players who sleep in the wind.

The elves are quite accomplished in terms of enjoyment.

Exquisite wooden houses full of art,

It's hard to imagine that it was built in such a short period of time.

And according to the "information" observed by Riene. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These wooden houses are made from a single tree that grows directly.

It has not been processed in any way.

It is a true "miracle of nature".

"It's strange how Ansenas doesn't know how to do this. "

A flash of doubt crossed Riene's mind. []

Then we walked into the large wooden hut in the deepest part of the camp.

"Rian, you're here. "

A familiar voice came,

Rien glanced inside the room.

It was found that there were more elven players here than outside.

They should all be "guards",

Lined up on both sides of the room.

"Presumably, this is Her Royal Highness Yudola. "

Rien looked in the direction from which Ansenas's voice had come from.

I saw the upper seat in front of this elf teammate.

Sitting sat a blonde elf with a luxurious temperament.

Lane thought it was Ansenas and Celia

is already one of the best beauties in the elf clan.

But after seeing this blonde elf,

He felt that his aesthetic ceiling had been raised by another order of magnitude.

At this level of beauty, it seems that even breathing is a little unnatural.

"If you convert it to charisma attributes, start at least 50%. "

Lane thought silently in his heart.

"Mr. Lane, please be seated. "

Eudora nodded at him,

"I've heard a lot about you from Xiao An. "

Xiao An...... It should be said about Ansenas.

After Li En sat down, he said straight to the point.

"I don't know if His Highness specially asked me for an interview, is there something important?"

"Something collaborative, of course. "

Yu Duola smiled lightly, and her pretty face bloomed with a seductive glow.

"Moreover, I have known Mr. Lane for a long time, and I would like to take this opportunity to meet him. "

I'm afraid the meeting is fake, it's more to weigh how many pounds and taels I have, right?

Lane was not fooled by the other party's beauty.

No matter what race the superior is,

None of them are stupid people with no intelligence to speak of.

Lai was a little vigilant in his heart.

said without changing his face.

"The matter of cooperation, Ansenas and I should have made it very clear. "

"I provide information, and His Highness will provide me with some of the things I need...... That's fair. "

The Duke's daughter of the Elven Clan had a smile on her face even better.

"I mean, it's a little bit unstable. "

"I wonder if Mr. Lane would like to join the Elven team?"

"As long as you can provide more information about dark gold bosses and floors. "

"The elves will never treat you badly. "

Hearing this, Li En's heart suddenly dawned.

This Golden Retriever Elf...... Appetite is so big!

She wasn't satisfied with just sporadic information about one or two bosses.

Instead, they want to completely control him and squeeze out more surplus value!

"I'm sorry, I'm a loner and don't want to be tied down by a team. "

Lane shook his head directly and rejected the other party's proposal.


Eudora sighed rather regretfully.

"A talent like Mr. Lane, if not controlled...... For the elves, it's definitely a very big loss. "

Hearing this, Ansenas, who was behind Eudora, suddenly had a normal face.

"Your Highness, by no means—"

But she didn't finish her words,

Nor did it serve any dissuasive role.

The blonde elf looked solemn,

His gaze at Rien suddenly froze.

She whispered.

"Guards, take down some of this human!"

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