A humanoid silhouette made up of data,

Gradually clear in the dim cavern.

The summoned girl opened her eyes,

His eyes reflected the figure of Rien.

"The hosts. "

Nameless bowed his head slightly,

Lane expertly put his hand up.

Even if it's a body woven of data.

The feel is as familiar as ever.

"Your current attribute is still very low, I'll take you to upgrade. "

Dawn clicks on the Nameless status panel.

Discover beyond the attributes.

The skills are all retained.

Including the "Shadow Breath" that has been cultivated to the 6th floor

At this time, Nameless already initially had the strength of the "pillar" level.

Able to maintain a state of "full concentration-constant progress" at all times.

Not only can it greatly improve its agility, mobility, stamina and health regeneration.

It can also extend the duration of the self-buff status.

Further up the cultivation, a more advanced breathing method.

Powerful skills such as "Transparent World", "Hedao", and "Zebra" can be provided!

With Nameless's own "six pure" specialties.

Enough to make her a terrifying Grim Reaper!

"By the way, use this up, it will give you new abilities. "

Ryan retrieved the Assassin's Career Card from his inventory. 16

At the first glance of this transfer card.

He felt that Nameless must be the most suitable person for this profession.


The girl nodded obediently in response,

The attribute is suppressed to the level of ordinary people,

Even weaker than when she first came out of the copy of "Iron City",

It made her a little uncomfortable.

After using the transfer card,

She's just like she was in the previous dungeons.

Straight into Rien's shadow,

This is the power that comes with Shadow Breath.

Dawn chooses to summon Nameless,

It's because she has an extremely powerful "execution" ability,

Plus elusive mobility!

The low-level Dark Gold Boss only has a few thousand HP.

It didn't last long in front of Lane.

However, as the level of the enemy increases, the modifiers increase.

It will be difficult for Lane to guarantee that he can maintain this kind of attacking efficiency.

Especially in the face of having a high lightning resistance,

Even when a monster with the effect of "lightning immunity".

The damage he can do is limited.

This is a very common thing in the "dark".

That's why he spares no effort to develop his teammates.

It's just to prevent this from happening.

Lane picked up an unmanned branch tunnel,

Use the newly modified skeleton warriors to clear the way ahead.

Fish in the back.

"Can you eat experience?"

He asked without looking back.

"Yes...... In fact, I've upgraded. "

A nameless voice came from the shadows.

This stunned Riene.

He hadn't seen the upgraded pillar of light just now.

This is enough to show the strength of Nameless's ability to conceal.

"If you're a skill, you don't need to point [Trap]. "

"[Martial Arts] and [Shadow] are two of them, you look at them. "

"Assassin", one of the seven heroic classes,

There are 3 skill systems of "Trap", "Shadow" and "Martial Arts".

As the name suggests, "traps" allow Assassins to create a variety of lethal mechanisms.

"Martial arts" is the root of the assassin's terrifying explosive power-

By infusing the attack with magic and mental power.

The Assassin is able to "gather energy" in the first few attacks,

Then through the final blow or "finishing",

In one breath, all the accumulated energy will be released,

Deal a lot of damage!

Take, for example, the Assassin's Level 1 "Martial Arts" skill "Tiger Strike".

Even if you only tap level 1, the damage bonus of the third attack.

There is also a terrifying 300%!

If the point is full, it has an amazing multiplier of nearly 1500%!

In the hands of the nameless, I am afraid that the enemy will be directly "executed with full blood" in an instant!

This was the scenario that Lane had envisioned.

The super high burst damage of the assassin class, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

With "Execution" ...... It's a match made in heaven!

"The host is happy?"

A nameless voice came from behind him.

"Yes, the stronger you are, the happier I am. "

Rien chuckled. []

Only a player like him who is good at delving.

In order to experience the BD molding with your own hands,

The sense of accomplishment when people block people and Buddha blocks and kills Buddhas.


Nameless pondered for a moment.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to remind you that there's a dead end ahead. "

Sure enough,

After passing around a corner.

The tunnel came to an end.

But that's exactly what Dawn is here for.

At the end of the tunnel,

A carrion with a prismatic object like broken glass stuck in its head.

It's a leisurely stroll.

"This should be the fragment of the world......"

Rien raised an eyebrow and manipulated the skeleton to kill the carrion.

After the monster's corpse turns into a stream of data and drifts away.

The splinters from its head fell off.

Floating in mid-air, emitting a faint white glow.

It looks like the gold coins, potions, and scrolls that have been exploded.

It's like a normal drop.

Lane held out his hand as if magnetic.

The splinter snapped up on its own.

And then it went straight into the palm of his hand!

Suddenly, a hint appeared in front of Lane's eyes.


[You have recovered 1 "World Fragment"]

[You have acquired the D-level virtual knowledge skill: "Common Network Protocol (Lv1)"]


"It's only D-class......"

Lane pursed his lips,

After all, the reward for his exclusive personal mission,

You can give up to A-level knowledge and skills!

He's a consolation prize at best.

"Forget it, it's a new knowledge. "

Ryne clicks on the skills panel.

Unexpected discoveries of newly acquired knowledge and skills,

You can directly use your own skill points to level up 683!

"The body is virtual, but knowledge is not...... Is that what it means?"

A flash of realization flashed through Lane's mind.

Fill up the "Universal Network Protocol" on the spot!


[General Network Protocol (Lv10)]

Level +: D

+ Fruit: You are now able to parse different network structures and interact with information

+ Note: "Understands semantics, clarifies grammar, and corrects timing"


A large amount of information suddenly poured into Li En's mind.

Unlike the chaotic flow of information collected through the "unrestrained eye".

The information is very regular and easy to understand.

"Break through, draw inferences!"

More knowledge is centered on the "Common Network Protocol",

Constantly "lit up" in Lane's mind.

This time I was unlucky, and only gained two additional D-rank knowledge.

But one of them lifted Lane's spirits!

[By "drawing inferences", you have obtained "Network Protocol Cracking (Lv1)"]


【Network Protocol Cracking (Lv1)】

Level +: D

+ Fruit: When you have the "virtual intrusion" capability, you can choose to crack the network protocol

+Positive: The success rate of protocol cracking is affected by one's own intelligence and the computing power of auxiliary equipment, and it is additionally increased (this skill level)%

+ Note: "Lift their veil"


After having this knowledge and skill.

The virtual world in front of Lane's eyes.

Something changed in an instant!

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