
[Blood Crow: Dark Gold Boss, Level 7, HP 3100/3100]

[Resistance: 50% All Elemental Resistance, Poison Resistance, Magic Resistance]

[Torment Soul - Greed: Possessed Unit Projectile Quantity x5, Movement Speed Reduced by 50%]


Unlike "arrogance".

The positive effect of "Greedy" Guilty Spirit.

It's to increase the number of projectiles!

Arrows, bullets, and even fire~bullets and ice picks in spells.

can be regarded as "projectiles"!

This also made the blood crow enter the moment of battle.

It has become a turret with a strong and suppressive force!


Ansenas tried to take advantage of the move,

Rush in front of the blood crow.

But after flashing two rows of arrows.

The third row of arrows swept by,


An arc-wound arrow pierced Ansenas's shoulder.

In addition to pain at the wound site,

There was a trembling paralyzing sensation!

The elven girl quickly rolled behind a tombstone,

Filling the vial of life potion, he shouted at Asuna.

"Her normal attack is lightning damage!"

"I see!"

Asuna saw that her teammates were injured,

Don't dare to delay for a moment,

Directly activated the [Resistance to Lightning Aura]

In an instant, a white halo appeared on the soles of everyone's feet.

[You are affected by "Lightning Resistance Aura", Lightning Resistance +52%]

[Based on the level of "Lightning Resistance Aura", you increase the maximum lightning resistance by an additional 1%]

Paladin's aura not only directly increases resistance.

Each level of aura also increases the maximum resistance of all teammates!

The standard resistance limit is 75%.

Reaching 100% is considered "immune",

More than 100% of the damage of that attribute will be "absorbed"!

And the paladin's skills can be upgraded up to level 20,

That is, it can increase the resistance limit by 20%,

Pull individual resistances to 95%!

It's just that Asuna's level is too low now.

Each aura only has 1 level.

But the 52% base resistance bonus is already very good!

It can greatly relieve the survival pressure of other teammates!

"Her movement speed has been reduced by 50%...... You can try to gather fire and kill her!"

Lane gestured casually in the direction of the blood crow.

A bright red emblem suddenly appeared above the latter's head.

- Curse: Damage Amplified!

Level 1 "Curse of Damage Amplification" increases the target's damage taken by 100%!

Increasing the level will only increase the range of the curse.

So Li En only ordered level 1, which was just used to fight the boss!

The next moment, he manipulated the skeleton to shoot,

No matter how [Blood Crow] dodges,

In the face of a barrage of bullets, it is impossible to dodge them all!

On the Rogge archers who fell into demons,

Suddenly there were several puddles of blood!

Accompanied by a muffled sound of an electromagnetic explosion.

Her health dropped by more than 900 in an instant!

If it doesn't have 50% lightning resistance,

Negates half of [Magnetic Crown]'s additional damage.

I'm afraid this one hit will send her to the point of dying health!

Compared to the "bone crusher",

Her body needs to be more fragile!

Suddenly suffering a heavy blow,

Bloody black's eyes glowed with a fierce red.

Like an enraged demon,

The bow and arrow in his hand pointed straight at where Lane was!

"Captain, be careful!"

Asuna heard only a series of bowstring vibrations.

In the darkness of the bones,

Streams of fiery red light tore through the darkness like meteors.

"Tsk, the vindictiveness is quite heavy. "

Lane dodged and hid directly behind his skeleton.

Manipulating the last skeleton barely fired a shot.

Take away [Blood Crow] more than 900 HP again.

Subsequently, the "mechanical skeleton" that he transformed

The whole army was annihilated under the offensive of "Flaming Arrow"!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is the first time I've been suppressed by monster fire. "

Looking at the metal parts scattered all over the place,

Li En was quite distressed...... However, his purpose has been achieved!

Not only has the amount of [Blood Black]'s HP been reduced to less than 50%.

What's more...... He's taken most of the energy out of this dark gold boss![]

Don't forget, he's not fighting alone!

- Thunder Breath - One Type - Thunderbolt Flash!

Ansenas's attack burst out from behind the "Blood Crow",

The sharp sword light passed directly through its body,

Then several slender phantoms erupted,

Repeating the slash he had just made.

This is not the professional skill of the "barbarian".

It should be Ansenas's other combat skills that have been unlocked by herself.

As a teammate, Liene,

A series of damage numbers can be seen floating above the head of the "Blood Crow".

Even if some of them are "dodged" by her,

The boss's health is still inevitably at 10%'s dying line!

Rien didn't have time to summon new skeletons,

Pick up the steam gun yourself and fire directly.

However, it was evaded by the "blood crow" and the ballistics.

"Is it moving speed instead of agility that goes down, or is it slippery like a loach......"

Lane frowned,

But soon, he saw that the "Blood Crow" seemed to be pushed by an invisible force.

The tattered body flew out,

Crashed into the trunk of the giant tree in the middle of the burial ground with countless corpses dangling!

- Telekinesis!

A lightning skill unlocked at level 6 of the "Witch" class.

It doesn't hurt anything.

But so much can be done!

For example, knock off enemies, pick up items, activate traps, open doors, and more.

It's like turning your mind into an invisible palm,

Take control of everything in front of you!

The dragon crescent poured a bottle of mana potion,

Then he casually threw a cloud of ice magic at the "Blood Crow" that was knocked away......

- Ice Storm!

"Looks like I don't need to do anything. "

Rien counted the damage.

He then threw the Steam Gun into his inventory.

The next moment, the corpse of the blood crow was in the ice spells that followed.

Ice slag shattered to the ground!

Before the flow of data dissipates,

From where the body is located,

Condensed a [greedy] sin spirit!


A silent scream emanated from the hideous countenance of the guilty spirit,

It seems to curse the world,

And then the whole thing is like a balloon being clenched,

Burst open!


[Full Server Announcement: The team led by the player "Li En" has won the first kill of the 4th dark gold boss "Blood Crow"!]


The rain of gold coins fell from the sky.

And it's even more luxurious than last time.

However, Li En and the others have already seen it once.

So I wasn't too excited.

"There's finally a loot box this time. "

Rien walked over and picked up the treasure chest that had been submerged in the gold coins.

"Let's open it all, we'll be back to the waypoint in a minute. "

Lane led by example and was the first to open the treasure chest.


[You opened the loot treasure chest of "Blood Crow"]

[You have obtained a "Job Transfer Card: Amazon"]

[You have obtained the "Follower Contract"]

[You have obtained "Unidentified Cloth Armor (Green Outfit)".

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