Smash the hidden achievements of the "Smasher".

Rewarded Li En and others with a "self-selected occupation" transfer card.

This includes not only the 7 hero classes in "Dark".

There are also many side professions with life skills!

For example, an alchemist who can collect potions and refine various potions.

A forger who can gather minerals, forge equipment, and more.

Each player can switch to 1 combat class,

and 1 sub-class.

But after Lane gets the Career Card of his choice.

Decisively locked down the "Necromancer" among the 7 hero classes!


[You have unlocked Temporary Class: Necromancer]

[This class will be deleted when you leave the dungeon]

[Each time you level up, you can get an additional 1 skill point]

[When you leave the dungeon, the skill points obtained through leveling up will be retained]


Just like any other "dark" class.

Necromancers also have 3 faction skill trees.

They are bones, summoning, and curses.

The Bone Skill is a Necromancer's main output spell.

Pack 16 skills such as bone spear, bone shield, corpse explosion, and poison explosion.

Summoning is the necromancer's most well-known skill system.

From the lowest skeletons, clay stone demons.

Then to the Skeleton Mage, Flame Stone Demon, Steel Stone Demon, and so on.

Necromancer's ultimate summoning skill,

You can even resurrect dead enemies for your own use!

Curse abilities allow the Necromancer to greatly weaken the enemy's status.

Paired with the aura of the [Paladin] class

One weakens the enemy, the other strengthens the own.

The combat power will be multiplied!

Lane is not a professional spellcaster.

So he plans to specialize in the summoning system and the sub-curse system.

The benefits of this are...... The skill point method is quite simple and crude!

"Level 1 damage deepens the curse, and the rest of the skeletons are revived!"

Ryan is now level 11 and has 10 skill points to call.

At level 9 [Skeleton Resurgence], you can summon 5 skeleton warriors.

Lynn walked around the mausoleum, filling the summons from the monster's corpse.

Then he took out the "Rubik's Cube"-level portable technology workbench.

Start working on the retrofit.

His actions quickly drew onlookers from several other teammates.

"Ryne, what are you doing here?"

Ansenas did it beside him.

Curiously watched as the molten metal in his hand melted into a mess.

"Transform these skeleton shelves. "

Li En smiled and didn't explain much.

He showed his answer directly with action.

Liquid metal covers the fragile bones,

gave the skeleton a stronger support carrier,

This increases the load-bearing capacity.

Alloy joints and mechanical bearings replace bone joints.

Make the rigid and rigid way of action more flexible.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no roads in the "dark" world.

Rien probably wanted to put a pair of pulleys on the skeleton.

The arms have also been modified to be more flexible, and all metal components have been replaced.

"What is the purpose of this?"

The elven girl looked at Rien in bewilderment.

Even after this transformation.

The combat power of these skeletons,

In her opinion, it is still a "negligible" level.

A few casual attacks on your own will fall apart.

At best, it's a bit more flexible.

"The reason for their existence is to free my hands. "

Rien pulls out a few pre-built Steam Guns from her inventory.

Stuffed into the hands of these skeletons.

Thereupon...... These skeleton warriors are transformed.

Become a skeleton "shooter"!

"Can it still be like this?"

Seeing this, Ansenas fell silent for a moment.

Then she sighed and said in a subtle tone.

"This skill only requires 1 skill point, which is so cheap for you. "

Her profession is Barbarian

If it weren't for Lane's strong recommendation.

In addition, she found that among the 7 hero classes,

There really is no other suitable profession other than that.

I changed to this profession.

Because of the Barbarian's [Combat Expert] skill tree. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You can learn the [Sword Weapon Mastery] skill!

Ansenas only needs to specialize in these 1 skills!

Not to mention, there are also passive abilities that increase stamina, defense, resistance, and speed!

And there are also some more practical small skills in [Combat Skills].

"By the way, there are still some equipment, change them all. "[]

Before leaving the mausoleum, all four of them changed a few pieces of equipment.

"Bone Crusher's" loot chest,

Plus the proceeds of the Golden Chest.

That's tens of thousands of gold coins!

And that's just the shallowest level of gains.

The Golden Chest contains several pieces of equipment of the Rare Level.

Includes a golden short sword and a piece of golden leather armor.

There are also a few pieces of blue magic-grade gear.

Ansenas finally had a weapon that worked.

The golden leather armor was assigned to Asuna.

After all, she is now the main wounded member of the team.

"Hmm...... It's a little tight. "

Asuna tugged at the edge of her leather armor.

Some embarrassed to writhe body,

Because after changing equipment.

The chest part is a little too full.

Ansenas and Long Crescent looked down silently.

Then he cast a subtle glance at Rien.

"If you don't fight for yourself, what do you care about me?"

Lane touched his nose and coughed lightly.

Will break the somewhat awkward atmosphere.

Then he looked straight and said in a serious tone.

"Next, it's time to deal with the monsters affected by the tormented spirits. "

"Although now we have all changed jobs. "

"But don't be careless!"

"According to the tactics I worked out earlier...... Let's go!"

Soon, the entrance to the mausoleum.

Teleported 4 figures.

At the moment of leaving the dungeon. 063

Dragon Crescent has already started casting spells!

- Frost Nova!

The undead who are trying to rush around them,

In a comical pose, he froze directly in the middle of the road,

The chaotic sound of falling to the ground out of balance is constantly sounded!

Immediately after, a row of gunshots rang out from the rear,

Lane manipulates 5 skeletons and keeps shooting!

Under the influence of "arrogance".

Monsters gain +25% power stat though.

But at the same time, it also reduces defense!

Even if it doesn't trigger [Magnetic Storm Crown]

If this bullet goes down, it will either be dead or maimed!

Like the wheat harvested,

A few rounds of salvos came down, some skeletons and rotting corpses in the front row.

It fell straight down and dissipated as a stream of data.

Gold coins and potions that burst out of the land.

There are also a few pieces of whiteboard equipment scattered around.

The second "Frost Nova" followed,

Freeze subsequent enemies continuously.

This process is repeated over and over again.

The team is like a slow but steady harvester.

Constantly cleaning the undead of the buried bones.

"Attention, a rare monster possessed by a guilty soul is here!"

Ryne, who has been keeping an eye on the dungeon map,

Suddenly, a loud reminder sounded.

In the direction not far away,

A golden skeleton covered in a green ghostly mist,

Holding a huge bone blade,

It's coming to their location!


(I was supposed to rest today, but the flowers are over 100,000, add a more).

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