Trains stalled at night,

Like a giant who has been wounded,

Lying on the railroad tracks that stretch as far as the eye can see.

A sturdy "youth" looks out at the infinite train.

With the help of sporadic lights,

It can be seen that he has short pink hair,

Golden eyes, pale skin,

The whole body is covered in dark blue tattoos.

In ancient times, it was a punishment that symbolized "sinners".

The winding of the nest, the nest seat.

"Nightmare, that guy really failed. "

"It's ridiculous that such a weak person is still called the Twelve Ghost Moons with me!"

There was a hint of contempt at the corners of his mouth,

He is the Ghost of Fighting

It can be said that he is the purest warrior and warrior.

Believe in the law of the jungle, or rather...... Obsession.

In order to hone yourself,

After the Nest became a ghost,

constantly fights with the "pillar" level swordsmen of the ghost killing team,

And from this, he cultivated into an extremely powerful fighting spirit!

It can be said that he is in the middle of the winding,

A formidable enemy!

With the death of Nightmare,

All the passengers have been lifted from the blood demon spell,

But he was still in a deep sleep.

"Oh, that's fine. "

The nest stretched its body and posed,

"To die without pain is also a mercy to the weak.16 "

The next moment, the fighting spirit all over his body was mixed with the blood of the ghost,

Instant explosion!

- Blood Demon Technique - Destruction and Kill!

Twelve-angled snowflakes glowing with crystal blue light,

With the Zodiac seat as the center, it blooms in the blink of an eye!

"Surgical Expansion...... Destruction Kill-Empty Style!"

The fighting ghosts threw heavy punches into the void one after another,

The air seemed to be torn apart by a powerful force, and the hunt sounded!

The invisible fist wind foot collapses the mountain and cracks the rock,

Not to mention that it has long been in the previous battles,

An infinite train full of holes!

Suddenly, a little fire swelled and erupted from the window of the carriage.

Instantly twisted into a fiery vortex of flames,

Block all the invisible punches!

- Breath of Flame - Wanton Type - The Meandering of Flame!

"Heh, are you coming? "

In this regard, the Nest Seat has long been expected,

Looking at a figure blocking in front of the train,

In his perception,

The other party's "fighting spirit" is so strong that it is not even inferior to his tempered self!

That didn't hold him back,

On the contrary, it made the fighting spirit of the "fighting ghost" burn even more!

"I didn't see a little ghost with a Hinawa earring. "

"But it's not worth the trip to meet a ghost slayer squad. "

The tone of the Zodiac is calm.

"Speaking of which, I don't think I've killed the Flame Pillar yet. "

"Yan Zhu of this generation of the Ghost Slayer Team is a strong man, and I am very satisfied. "

Seeing the undisguised words "winding" in the other party's eyes,

Yan Zhu's face was solemn, and the breathing method instantly accelerated.

"This sense of oppression and strong ghostly ......"

"Is this [winding]?"

He couldn't help but recall the news that came from the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer a few days ago.

"The winding is already so powerful. "

"What is the strength of Mr. Ryen, who can join forces with Shinobi to kill the Second String?"

Yan Zhu's mind flashed through the hint that Li En had just given him.

"Push the breathing method to the extreme, so that the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius and the heart rate is more than 200 times, and the [Marking] ...... can be activated"

"According to legend, this is a ghost-slaying swordsman during the Warring States period, a forbidden technique used to greatly improve physical fitness. "

"Once it's turned on, it's a huge burden on the body. "

"Although I don't know why Mr. Lane knows this technique......"

"But in the face of the winding, you can give it a try!"

The next moment, a majestic force instantly erupted from Yan Zhu's body!

Even if it's a fighting ghost,

I can't help but be shocked back a few meters away by the sudden expansion of momentum!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

In the rising pillar of flames,

A swordsman with a head shining with magma-like red markings slowly walked out.

"Good, good!"

Sudden change, facing a more powerful enemy,

Surprise of the Zodiac Seats,[]

The snowflake-like blood ghost battle array unfolded in an instant,

"Come, have a good fight!"


Above the infinite train.

Tanjiro, who was carrying a bamboo box, looked at Rien with a worried expression.

"Don't we really have to help Mr. Purgatory?"

"It's enough for you to protect these passengers. "

Lane shook his head,

At this time, Tanjiro had not yet grown to the strength to intervene in "pillar" level battles.

So just now, when he wanted to leave the carriage with Yanzhu,

Dawn dragged him back.

What are you kidding, Tanjiro still has a [Reversal of Fate] hidden achievement that has not been completed.

What if something happens and you give your beans?

This is a huge amount of money related to 1 million reincarnation points.

And the "big business" of 2 million professional experience!

So no matter what, Rien also has to make sure that Tanjiro is unharmed.

"Yes, since Mr. Lane has said so, then I'll do my own thing. "

Fortunately, Tanjiro is quite obedient and extremely empathetic.

There is also a 50% persuasion success rate bonus that comes with [Unrestrained Eyes].

Li En didn't have much effort, and arranged several plot characters steadily.

The rest ......

It depends on how far the flame pillar can reduce the HP of the "Lower String".

"Strange ......"

Syria watched the battle in the distance,

I don't know how many times the brow was twisted.

According to the information he had bought about the copy of Demon Slayer.

In the second stage of the [Infinity Train] boss battle.

The Flame Pillar shouldn't be so fierce, right?

Although it is a good thing for oneself, who is in the human camp.

But one after another, there were discrepancies with the information,

It made Farlan feel a little evil.

"No matter what, Dat, keep an eye out for the enemy's 427 blood. "

"Once it drops to around 60%, gather everyone and join the battlefield immediately!"

Because the boss battle needs to calculate the contribution,

Only the player deals more than 50% damage,

will have a normal drop.

If you are killed by the natives of the dungeon world, you will lose more than half of your HP.

Then the rewards for boss battles will be greatly reduced!

That's why in the previous battle to kill the lower string one,

There is no reason for Yanzhu to intervene directly.

Reincarnation players are rewarded for boss drops,

And not just to advance the plot.

If there is no reward,

These twelve ghost months love whoever kills and kills.

The destruction of the world has nothing to do with the player.

As a player organization, the Silver Knight is even more so.

It is precisely because there is a clear interest goal,

They have such an efficient team and abundant resources.

"It seems that the people of [Silver Knight] will not be able to sit still. "

Naturally, Lane also received a summoning message from Aram.

But he was just flipping through the copy of the Pokédex.

Accidentally found that it was the "lower string of the nest",

Just like the child mill, there are special drop conditions!

"This drop...... It didn't work much for me though. "

When he saw the special dropped items, Li En was thoughtful,

Then my eyes lit up, and I was rarely excited.

"But for Ye Ye, it's just tailor-made!"

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