In addition to Aram and Dat, who have seen the registration information,

The other players saw the floating cannon next to Rian,

They all showed surprised looks.

"Mechanic player, what is the mechanic doing with this dungeon......"

"It could have been a random match. "

"Unlike Dat, he looks like a real-life combat mechanic. "

"Then it seems that this battle should be stable. "

The members of the Silver Knight Warband were talking.

can be in a non-technological copy like "Demon Slayer",

Bump into a wild-lone wolf mechanic player,

The odds can be said to be low - pitiful.

"Okay, it's time for you to play. "

Aran also glanced at the floating cannon array beside Li in surprise.

As the head of the regiment, his vision is broader than that of ordinary regiment members.

can control so many combat machines at the same time,

It shows that Li En has a strong firepower suppression ability.

It has a unique advantage in this kind of boss war.

[9 minutes and 55 seconds left until "Wound Up of the Wind" joins the battlefield]

The countdown was shortened to less than 10 minutes, and the font turned red.

reminds the players of the Terran camp that every second counts.

"Remember what I just said, on!"

Aran took the lead and kicked open the door of the car that connected the front of the car.

The rich smell of blood mixed with the tentacles of the riot,

Instantly poured out of the car door,

But in the next second, it was cut into a pulp by several sword lights!

The players of the Silver Knight Warband are skillfully completing the advancement work,

Instead, there are a few surviving scattered players,

There is a sense of unfamiliarity that I can't get my hands on.

"Give it to me...... Break!"

Aran directly stabbed the long sword attached to the holy light into the floor!

All of a sudden, the whole carriage seemed to tremble!

The floor pierced by a sharp blade does not feel like metal.

More like taut flesh!


The walls around it began to seep into the disgusting flesh tentacles,

Unlike ordinary carriage defense battles,

In addition to the tentacles, on the walls of flesh,

I keep opening my eyes one by one!

[Nightmare Eye: 200 HP, cast "Blood Demon Spell - Forced Sleepy Sleep - Eye" after 10 seconds]

A feminine voice came from above the heads of the people,

"Why, do you want to ruin everyone's dreams? "

A figure in a black suit appeared in front of the player's eyes,

If you don't look at the bruises on his face,

He's a pretty good man.

But the "one of the lower strings" engraved in both eyes

His identity was revealed.

The only remaining last quarter of the twelve ghost months,

One of the next strings - nightmares.

"Don't bother with him, it's just a clone!"

Aram reminded loudly,

In order to cope with the plot of [Infinite Train],

He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy sufficient materials.

"Concentrate fire on the junction between the front of the car and the compartment!"

"Mr. Lane, those eyes please!"

"Roger. "

There was no need for Aran to remind, Lane had already reacted.

Under his control, the 10 floating cannons instantly found their respective targets.

Then fire in unison!

Because the space in the carriage is not spacious,

So Lane did not use special ammunition.

Instead, it is output only with regular bullets.

Relying on the additional damage of [Magnetic Storm Crown],

Blow up all the condensed "Nightmare Eyes"!

This is because Magnetic Storm Crown has a 1 second trigger interval.

So he had to time it,

Minute by second, in the order in which the eyeballs are generated,

Break them one by one!

If there's one omission, it will affect other players who are outing!

"How can there be so many eyeballs?!"

Looking at the dense eyeballs on the walls of flesh,

Even Alan, who had purchased the information in advance, couldn't help but tingle his scalp,

There were far more eyeballs around him than he had imagined!

But after 10 seconds, he was surprised to find ......

These eyeballs were all suppressed by Li En alone!

Although there are still eyeballs that are constantly generated,

But Li En can always get stuck in the last 1 second, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Explode the eyeballs that condense the blood ghost magic with a floating cannon!

"What a lot of computing power and battlefield control!"

Other players may not notice the surprise of this,

But Syria, who is in charge of the whole situation, is indeed clear......

How terrifying it is to be able to do this![]

"There's nothing missing on the eyeball's side, all that's left is ...... Output at full strength!"

Faya quickly gave instructions on the team channel.

"Everyone, skills with a cooldown of less than 30 minutes, free to cast!"

"Output at full strength, don't worry about hatred!"

As he spoke, he directly raised the silver holy sword in his hand,

Pierced into the deformed body with the sole of the foot in the shape of a spine!

The shining but not dazzling white light bloomed instantly,

Then condensed into a pattern with a regular pattern,

- Order Brand!

Ryne, who is playing a game of "whack-a-mole",

Like the other players, a battle prompt appeared in front of me.

[The body of "One of the Lower Strings" has been branded and attached by order!]

[As a Chaos Faction unit, "One of the Lower Strings" will take an additional 50% Order Damage!]

"Good guy, it's a 50% increase in injuries all at once. "

Dawn casually popped an eyeball,

[Magnetic Storm Crown]'s additional damage instantly increased by 50%,

Nearly 2000 points of electromagnetic damage,

It also comes with an additional 1000 or so order damage!

But that's not the end of it,

After releasing the Brand of Order,

Condense the "holy power" again,

This is the special energy of the Paladin class,

It can release all kinds of "divine combat skills" with divine effects,

Like what......

- Breaking the Evil Slash - Group Judgment!

[The main body of "One of the Lower Strings" is affected by "Evil Slash", and takes an additional 50% of divine damage!]

[Under the effect of "Mass Judgment", all units of the Order Faction that are not Paladin classes can trigger "Evil Slash"!]

Order Brand + Evil Slash,

directly let the "one of the lower strings" of the chaotic evil camp,

Took 100% additional damage!

At the moment when the Evil Slash effect is triggered,

The players of the Silver Knight Warband seem to have turned on some kind of switch,

Directly will have been hiding unused skills,

All of them were thrown out!

Even Greine directly gave up his defense,

Start a frenzied attack on the main body of the lower string one!

The health of the lower string one instantly fell like a waterfall!

Even with up to 250,000 health,

Under the joint fire of more than a dozen players who are full of state,

Didn't even survive 3 minutes!

"No !!"

The front of the infinite train broke directly under the fierce attack!

Deformed flesh like a spine,

was blown into pieces of minced meat,

The flame pillar in the carriage suddenly stopped the Japanese wheel knife in his hand,

A tentacle of flesh piled up at his feet,

Begin to gradually ablate.

[Quest Announcement: The Terran faction has killed "The First of the Lower Strings - Nightmare"]

"Whew...... It's kind of dangerous. "

Aram, who was stained with blood, breathed a sigh of relief,

"There are still 5 minutes left before the first wind is in the fight. "

"Quickly recover the situation, clean the battlefield, distribute the loot. "

After a series of orderly orders,

Syria looked at the white youth.

"Dat, count the percentage of damage just now. "

"Captain, the damage statistics have come out......"

Date hesitated, but eventually handed over the statistics to Arran.

"Let me see...... Huh?"

【Damage Percentage Ranking】

[First place: Lane, damage accounted for 36.5% five].

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