Accessibility plugins!

Seeing the description of the plugin, Li En didn't even think about it.

Directly took out 10,000 meritorious deeds to buy the plug-in.

Although doing so directly made his available merits to the bottom.

But the merit is gone, and it can be earned again.

And if you miss the plug-in, you really have to regret it for life!


[You have purchased the "Accessibility Plug-in - Quest Illustrated Book"]

[You can now use the special keyword "Wasteland"]

[Wasteland: The dungeon worlds screened by this affix are all unexplored worlds, with stronger enemies, richer loot and resource quests, and a fixed cost of 100,000 points]


"Special keyword, the bonus is good, but it's a pity that I have to wait for the next copy of the world. "

Rien scanned the prompt in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

You can find the Dungeon function plug-in in the Ghost Slayer's Meritorious Shop,

It's an unexpected and reasonable thing.

Because plugins are the last commodity.

This means that he must farm reputation to the maximum level in order to unlock the exchange.

"It seems that we can't miss the most exclusive prestige shop in the future. "

Rien thought silently.

After exchanging the items, the preparations that Li En needed to make were basically completed.

The rest ...... It's to wait for the rabbit,

Go to the city where the Eternal Bliss Cult is located, and wait for the arrival of the Second String.

In addition to Butterfly Shinobi,

The participants this time also included Yeye and Iruri.

Or rather, in the absence of other player teammates.

The two forbidden dolls are Lane's greatest reliance.

Night's [Divine Awakening] progress has reached 84%.

Although since entering the dungeon, there has been little opportunity to "replenish demons".

But up to two months of copy duration,

Enough for her to complete the final transformation and become a "divine ingenuity"!

After the awakening of divinity is completed night after night, the next step is naturally Iruri.

Although this is also a commission from Glass, Iruri is different from Nightnight.

At the beginning, Li En was also pushed by the night to complete the first demon replenishment.

But let him take the initiative to initiate an invitation to replenish the demons......

And the subject is still as pure as snow, gentle and lovely Iruri.

The thought of what might happen in the future gave Lane a headache.

"Forget it, let's feed the night first......"

Shaking his head, Lane threw the pile of happy worries behind him.

A day later,

A special team departs from the Ghost Slayer headquarters.

Drive to a destination hundreds of miles away.

"Is this what a car is called?"

Butterfly Shinobu looked curiously at the inside of the buggy.

In the Taisho era in which the Demon Slayer team lived,

Various modern industrial products have appeared.

Cars are no exception.

Of course, the off-road vehicle brought out from the copy of "Devil's Bad" at the end of the 21st century.

In terms of technical content, it must far surpass the means of transportation of this era.

It's just under the additional "cognitive fuzziness" treatment of the reincarnation space.

It looks the same as a car from the early 20th century.

"Times are changing, and so is technology. "

Lane hit the steering wheel and said casually.

Along the way, he kept recalling the information about Tong Mo.

The city where the Elysium Cult takes root is more prosperous,

And only in this kind of populous place,

It has the potential to sustain the incense of a sect for hundreds of years.

The so-called [Eternal Blissful Teaching],

In fact, it was created by Tong Mo's parents,

But in the name of Tong Mo.

Because Tong Mo was born with rainbow eyes

Hair is also a natural, white oak-free color.

His parents thus codified him as the "Son of God"

And to spread to believers that Tong Mo can hear the "voice of God".

Doctrines that are fabricated are naturally false.

However, Tong Mo is indeed a relatively special existence among human beings.

Because he doesn't have the most basic thing of human beings - "emotions". (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether it is affection for parents, sympathy and empathy for others.

These are things that he has not had.

After discovering Tong Mo's abnormal appearance,

His parents founded the so-called Cult of Bliss,

With Tong Mo as the leader, and made up the gimmick of "Son of God" to recruit followers. []

In fact, it is to collect a lot of money in the name of the sect.

Even his father had an affair with a female believer,

After discovering this, Tong Mo's mother killed his father,

At the same time, he also committed suicide in front of the young Tong Mo.

In this regard, Tong Mo's heart has no fluctuations,

I even felt that my parents' blood smelled very bad.

Until the "Ghost King" Onimai Tsuji no miserable transformed him into a ghost.

Tong Mo gradually understood the absurdity of the world,

and human fragility.

Eventually, as the leader of the sect, Tong Mo began

"To liberate humanity from the world and to bliss"

Make it your own mission.

While maintaining the Eternal Bliss Cult,

Tong Mo began to "redeem" believers as a ghost.

That is...... Cannibalism.

People who he thinks are eaten by himself

will be "immortal" with himself,

This is the true meaning of "eternal bliss".

"To put it simply, he is a congenital psychopath. "

Dawn concluded.

"However, this guy has a lot to do with a lot of plots. "

For example, the land of the wind, the fallen queen and the prostitute Taro,

It's a ghost transformed by Tong Mo's own hands.。

Butterfly Shinobi's sister, the former "flower pillar" Butterfly Chanae, was also killed by Tong Mo.

In the protagonist group, the mother of Inosuke Kouhei,

When he was desperate, he defected to the Eternal Bliss Sect.

Tong Mo felt very happy with her,

decided not to eat her for the time being, and let her end her life as a human being.

It's a pity that after discovering the truth that Tong Mo is a man-eating ghost, he was also killed.

Before dying, he barely threw Inosuke into the river and escaped.

"It's here...... Wow, that's a lot of people. "

I clung to the car window every night and looked out.

The bustling scene of the busy traffic suddenly made people a little dazzled.

This is one of the few opportunities in the Devil Slayer dungeon to get in touch with a large city.

The off-road vehicle slowly drove into the city,

Carve a path through the rushing crowd.

In this era, there is naturally no division of lanes and sidewalks.

Actually, despite the "cognitive ambiguity" of the reincarnation space.

At times like these, cars are also extremely rare.

Just being on the street is enough to generate discussion and onlookers.

Lane didn't plan to keep a low profile.

He glanced at the copy map.

In a huge city,

Although there are some red dots that symbolize "ghosts".

But this is an ordinary D-class demon with weak strength.

There is no figure of the second winding.

In other words, even if you find the base camp of Tong Mo.

Normally, he doesn't show up either.

Unless there's something that piques his interest.

"It seems that something special is needed...... Bait. "

Lane parked his car in front of a clothing store.

"Miss Shinobi. "

"Are you interested...... Dress yourself up pretty dirty?".

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