"It's finally over...... I didn't expect it to be so easy. "

Ansenas shook off the ghostly blood stained on the weapon,

In her impression, the boss battle usually lasts at least 15 minutes.

Usually, the first boss battle is mostly a temptation.

After testing the skills and weaknesses of a strong enemy at the boss level with the Scout skill.

Then retreat to make more targeted preparations.

What she didn't expect was that the team she had formed improvised with Lane and Rain,

actually killed the "Lower String Army" in the Twelve Ghost Months at one time!

And the whole process is just thrilling,

Even the players of the opposing faction who suddenly appeared,

are all counted by Riene,

It became a part of the boss of the Raiders.

As for Gray, he was even more surprised.

"With such a high damage output, isn't Mechanic a support class?"

As a mechman, he is loaded with a lot of combat support plug-ins.

So you can see the output list of all combatants, including yourself.

In the entire battle, the combined damage dealt by him and Ansenas was only 40%

And Lee, who took on most of the defense tasks,

One person hit more than 50% of the total output!

The strength of the oni increases according to the amount of flesh and blood of the person who has eaten it.

Although this is an instinct deeply rooted in the genes.

However, cannibalism can also bring buffs to ghosts.

For every 1 person you eat, you can increase your maximum health limit by about 10 to 20.

If it is a person with 040 and "thin blood", this increase will be increased by dozens of times!

As a team that has survived for decades, there have been more than 10,000 people who have eaten "tired"!

His total HP will be 10,000 terrifying values!

For a C-level leader unit, it's not an exaggeration.

After all, the boss-level enemies are the strong enemies that players can team up to challenge.

The exaggeration is that one person knocks out 50% of his total HP for Lee.

Grein glanced at Lane and didn't ask too much.

Although the races are different, the most basic courtesy between reincarnation players,

Just don't ask too much about other players' secrets.

"Lane, this enemy is so troublesome, there are spider silk everywhere!"

When he saw that the battle was over, he entangled himself again and complained coquettishly.

"Monitoring the battlefield is also an important task, and you don't have a lot to do with it. "

Dawn soothed Ye Ye and said with a smile.

Night's attack method is too simple and direct,

In the face of the "tiredness" with the ability to manipulate spider silk,

Her speed and strength will become her biggest constraints,

If you don't control it well, you accidentally rush into the sharp cobwebs.

Rien may have to think about letting Glass change her body again.

So, in the course of the boss battle just now,

He had the night (BGFG) on standby at the edge of the battlefield, monitoring movements around him.

Just to avoid that from happening.

After killing the "Lower String Guard",

The three of them also received a copy notice.

However, they are more concerned with what rewards they have received than announcements.

First of all, there are three bounties, exactly one for each person.

The bounty order of the second quarter of the Ghost Moon is definitely more generous than the ordinary bounty rewards.


[Bounty Order: Lower String Warrior - Tired]

Level +: C

+ Description: This item is proof of killing the important campaign bounty objective "Bow of the Strings - Tired".

+ Fruit: Give it to the Ghost Slayer Headquarters to get the corresponding bounty reward

+ Reward: 15000 reincarnation points, 1500 ghost slayer reputation, 1500 ghost slayer feats, 15 attribute points, 15 skill points


Bounties are nothing more than guaranteed resource rewards.

The most important kill reward is after completing the boss battle.

Loot chests for everyone!

It's like when Lane defeated the "Edgeworth Angel" in the copy of "Karakuri Girl",

Open the treasure chest of "Edgeworth Angel's Madness".


【Loot box of "Troop of the Lower Strings"】

Level +: C

+ Fruit: After use, 3 items related to "Lower String Armour" will be randomly selected

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Such a treasure chest of loot has a share for everyone involved in the battle.

"If I'm not wrong with the information I've gathered before. "

Looking at the loot treasure chest in her hand, the elf girl said suddenly.

"Killing the Ghost Moon will reveal the special items of the Ghost Clan's camp. "

"It's like the breathing method of the Terran camp. "[]

"Most of the players who joined the ghost clan camp also went for this item. "

"Oh, a specialty of the ghost camp?"

Li En's expression moved slightly,

He only knew that the specialties of the Demon Slayer were the Nichiren Knife and the Breathing Method.

What specialties can the ghost faction have?

Is it a ghost bloodline?

"It doesn't matter what his specialty is, if you open it, it's over. "

The lion warrior opened the loot box directly.

Seeing this, Li En no longer wasted time,

As he has seen, in the copy map,

There was already a group of people speeding closer.


[You opened the loot box of "The Lower Strings"]

[You have obtained 1 copy of "Blood of the Ghost King"]

[You have obtained the "Silk Robe of the Spider Ghost"]

[You have obtained "Filament Imbued with Ghost Blood"]


"The blood of the Ghost King?"

Dawn had a hunch,

This should be the specialty of the ghost camp that Ansenas said.


【Blood of the Ghost King】

Level +: C+

+ Fruit: After use, slightly increases the attribute bonus from your bloodline power, and the same unit can be active up to 10 times

+ Note: Only bloodline power that increases evil and dark attributes, and the bloodline level does not exceed B


"It's actually a prop that can increase the bonus of bloodline attributes?!"

Seeing the effect of the "Blood of the Ghost King", Li En raised his eyebrows.

This effect is not insignificant.

For example, Deng Fa's "rock dragon" bloodline,

Convert Constitution attributes to HP at a ratio of 1:50.

If he can use the Blood of the Ghost King, after 10 times

This ratio will increase to 1:100 or even higher!

Of course, because the "rock dragon" bloodline does not belong to the dark and evil attributes,

So he can't use this prop either.

Although there are no small limitations,

But the importance of the blood of the ghost king,

It is not inferior to the human camp's martial arts skill "Breathing Method"!

This is equivalent to directly raising the overall strength of the bloodline power up by a cut!

Let some C-grade bloodlines, after strengthening, also be comparable to the strength of ordinary B-grade bloodlines!

This is also a clear indication of the difference in power systems between the two camps.

The ghost clan relies on the powerful power of the bloodline to crush the attribute value!

Humans rely on the attribute amplification and sword skills brought by the breathing method to compete with the ghost race!

"However, [Ghost King's Blood] is of no use to me. "

"After all, I don't even have the power of the bloodline right now. "

"It can be used as a [Pioneer Quest] material, and it is also a C+-level item. "

A bold idea popped into Lane's head.

"The source of [Ghost King's Blood] is undoubtedly the Ghost King's Misery. "

"With the Pioneer's Quest...... Will you deduce the knowledge related to him?"

As he pondered, the sound of footsteps around him came.

In the moonlight, two figures dressed in feathers fell to the ground softly, without making any sound.

Lane finished thinking and looked at the two figures that were very familiar.

"Sure enough, it's them. "

"Water column, Tomioka Yoshitomi. "

"And ...... Worm pillar, butterfly forbearance!".

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