
What happened to the mechanic?

Did the mechanic recruit you and mess with you?

Lane looked at it with some inexplicability

A lion man who is half a body taller than himself.

Soon, though, a look of clarity appeared on his face.

"yes, what's the problem?"

Since the other party has a request for himself.

Then there is nothing to worry about.


After hearing Lane's answer.

The golden lion's tone suddenly became polite.

"If you have skills related to mechanical repair, can you help me do some maintenance?"

"Of course, I'll pay accordingly. "

Graynn didn't go wrong with his words.

It's to help "him" do maintenance, not his equipment.

Information obtained through [Information Breakdown].

Gray's attributes are extremely strong!

Not only has the strength, physique, and agility reached the limit of D-rank - 100 points.

And with various bonuses, it has a value that is not inferior to that of C-level players!

The most important thing is his profession......

First class: Ancestral Warrior

Second class: Mecha Warrior!

In Dawn's perception.

Greine is not entirely flesh and blood.

At least 20% of the body is made up of machinery!

This includes, but is not limited to, joints, bones, arms......

With such a large size, 20% of the mechanical body is also a very heavy load.

Before the power source was replaced by a more powerful technological creation.

Although the mechanical warrior is powerful, it also has an extremely serious attrition.

"Hmm...... OK. "

Rien took a look at his skills.

Among them, there are many effects that can strengthen and repair mechanical creations.

Fortunately, Greine is only a D-class mecha.

It is also within the effective range of skills such as [Simple Maintenance] and [Mechanical Reinforcement].

"But this is not the right place, let's go to the base. "

The layout of the Demon Slayer's stronghold is very simple.

The reception desk, the dormitory and the vacant room for the sergeants,

Plus a bounty list, which is all the components of the colony.

In the stronghold, Rien did not find the characters he was familiar with.

However, it is also a matter of course.

As a strong man at the "'pillar'" level,

Most of the time patrolling the area under their jurisdiction.

Either that, or go back to the headquarters of the Demon Slayer to report on their work.

It's normal to not have time to come to a stronghold in such a remote area.

"Speaking of which, you're also a player of the Mechanic Faction, don't you have maintenance skills on you?"

While Rien checked the situation for Grayne, who was lying on the ground,

He asked.

"Yes, but they're all Lv1 E-level skills. "

Hearing this, Gray's lion face showed a little helplessness.

"I could have made do with it a little. "

"After advancing to the D rank, these low-level skills are useless. "

"If you want to learn D-level maintenance skills, you have to have a lot of pre-existing knowledge. "

"So...... I can only ask mechanic players like you to help maintain it. "

"Oh...... That's right. "

Rien nodded.

Not everyone has an endless number of skill points like him.

From the D-level onwards, there is a hierarchy of skill levels.

The effect of E-level basic skills, which do not require any learning conditions, begins to wane.

It doesn't even work on high-level players at all.

and learning D-level or higher skills,

knowledge is required.

If it is not the relevant knowledge of the department, it must be a loss-making investment.

For reincarnation players who want to break each skill point in half.

They can't be like Lane, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether it comes in handy or not, let's +10 first.

There are countless players like Greine.

In other words, this is a relatively common phenomenon.

It is difficult for lone wolf players to survive in the game of reincarnation.

A profession like a mechanical warrior that eats more about logistics,[]

Generally, they will join a player organization or faction to ensure their status.

But according to Lane's observations......

This lion man has been in at least two copies of the world for a while,

No decent maintenance has been performed on these mechanical parts of the body.

So what he called the "reward" in the mouth of this orc player,

Expressed great skepticism.

However, he was not completely without gains.

[You repaired an unknown machine]

[Intelligence determination in progress...... Judgment passed!]

[Knowledge judgment in progress...... Judgment passed!]

[You have discovered the blueprint for the "D-class alloy skeleton frame"!]

[Current parsing progress 10% (10x return)!]

[You have found the blueprint for the "D-Class Heavy Robotic Arm"!]

[Current parsing progress 10% (10x return)!]

It's not bad, but you have to keep following up. "

Seeing these two prompts, Lane's eyes lit up.

his intellectual attributes and reserves of knowledge and skills,

Among players of the same level, it is definitely a top-notch existence.

It is not surprising that two judgments were passed.

It's just that the parsing progress is a little slow.

Even if it's a 10-fold increase,

It would also take at least 10 repairs to fully resolve the drawings.


"Okay, how are you feeling?"

Rien patted Greine on the shoulder,

The mechanical glove and the lionman's arm suddenly made a metallic collision sound.

"Very good!"

Greine moved his body and was about to cry out in comfort.

It's like an old rusty clock, suddenly dripping oil and removing rust,

Every gear is perfectly meshed together,

It's also incredibly smooth to turn.

Repair treatment carried out by Dawn,

Not only can it be easily repaired, but it can also be repaired

There is also [Mechanical Enhancement] that can increase temporary durability and reduce mechanical durability consumption

It can be said that it is a one-stop repair and reinforcement,

More professional than the big health care on the street.

It almost comes with an additional oiling and polishing service.

"About Your Remuneration ......"

Grein was about to say something.

Rien interrupted first.

"I don't need points much. "

"Would you like to do me a favor?"

There was a very clear look of relaxation on the lionman's face.

Then he made a sonorous promise.

"I swear in the name of my ancestors!"

"As long as I can do something, I will definitely do my best to help!"

"Okay, then ......"

Lane pulls out a bounty order that he had just taken off the bounty list.

"These days, I'm bothering you to come with me to a place called Nada Spider Mountain. "

"Help me...... Go hunt for the Ghost Moon of the Lower Strings!".

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