The morning sun shines through the window and into the room.

In the quiet atmosphere, the sound of regular keyboard tapping is heard one after another.

Li En stared intently at the screen on the terminal,

The brow is sometimes slightly furrowed, sometimes stretched.

Until there was a rustling sound on the bed.

"Brother, good morning......"

The girl's lazy voice sounded,

You don't have to look back, but you can also think of the delicate appearance of half-stretching and yawning lightly.

"You don't have to get up so early during the holidays, and it's okay to sleep more. "

Lane typed down the last character.

Then I felt a warm weight weigh on my body.

"Brother needs to rest, after all, it was ...... yesterday night."

The sound of deep snow is getting quieter and smaller,

Although she has already been rewarded with what she hoped.

But because of the girl's reserve, she still didn't say the rest of the words.

"In terms of physical strength, I'm still quite confident. "

Li En smiled, his constitution attribute of up to 100 points was not a joke.

Don't say you don't sleep for a day.

Even if you don't rest for three days and three nights, at most, you will be a little sluggish.

After reaching the D level.

The physical fitness of reincarnation players is already far beyond ordinary people.

Especially a hexagonal warrior like Rien who is a hexagonal hexathlon.

There is hardly a single shortcoming.

"What is this sorting out...... A list of procedures?"

Deep 16 snow lifts the strands of hair that are scattered in front of you behind your ears,

Leaned over to Rien and asked softly.

"Well, there are many gains in this world, but not all techniques have actual combat value. "

"I need to sort out some more practical magic. "

Hearing Rian's answer, Shenxue bit her lip lightly,

"Sure enough, my brother is going to leave this world in the end......"

After becoming a follower, Miyuki was instilled from the reincarnation space.

I know a lot of things.

For example, Lane's identity as a reincarnation player.

Just like the original calamus and nameless.

"Don't worry, I'll be coming back to see you often, just for a few days. "

Lane freed up one arm and gently stroked the girl's hair.

He's not comforting Deep Snow,

Because there are already plans to develop resources for the "Demon Inferior" dungeon.

In the future, it is estimated that it is indispensable to come to this world for activities.

The rest period after the end of each dungeon.

Maybe you have to soak in this world.

In other words, Lane is just going to be in the real world for time.

Moved to the world of the "Demon Inferior" dungeon.

"Then my brother will also take me away, okay?"

Deep snow wrapped her arms around Ryne's neck and pleaded softly in his ear.

"If you want, you can. "

"But...... If you stay in this world, you can help me better. "

Rien gives the choice to Deep Snow.

After he leaves, [Four Leaves Technology] must have someone to maintain and manage.

And there are other relationships that need to be maintained......

Even if the world of "Demon Inferior" is a fertile land that can produce abundant resources.

If no one cultivates and takes care of it, it will gradually become barren.

“...... Brother is so cunning. "

Deep Snow suddenly bit down on Ryne's shoulder.

The force is not great, like a kitten expressing dissatisfaction.

At least for Lane, it's an attack that can't even break the defense.

"So, my brother is going to reward me well today. "

"After all, you're leaving today. "

Dawn subconsciously glanced at the sun outside the window.

"But it's still morning......"

"I don't care! It's a holiday, so it's okay to get up late!"


[Quest time has ended!]

【Reward settlement in progress!】

Familiar checkout space.

Rien breathed a sigh of relief, finally not having to face Deep Snow's resentful expression.

Suddenly, he was slapped coldly on the shoulder.

When I looked back, it was Deng Fa's resolute tough guy face.

"Brother Lien, why do you have such a ghostly expression?"

"Nothing, don't care about the details. "

Ryne coughed lightly, and then saw the other players participating in the dungeon,

It has also returned to the settlement space one after another.

There are more than 200 players in total, and only less than half of them are scattered at this time.

And the Dragon Kingdom has the largest number of players and the most complete retention.

On the other hand, the players who entered the Sakurajima country with the largest number of entries at the beginning suffered the most serious losses.

As for the reason......

Rien shrugged as he glanced at the kill value, which was already over 500.

Anyway, the camps are different, the countries are different, kill and kill, he has a clear conscience.

"Hehe, this group of guys sold us 50,000 points for a place, so let's get retribution. "

Deng Fa also gloated and almost laughed out loud.

There are more than 50 players in the Dragon Kingdom who have entered the dungeon this time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That adds up to more than 2.5 million points!

Tickets for a D-class copy can be sold so expensive,

Sakurajima Country purely took advantage of the first discovery.

This time I entered the dungeon, and I also planned to do a big job according to the experience of the last time.

As a result, he was directly given a litter by Lien. []

Those who can be officially selected by Sakurajima to enter this dungeon.

Most of them are relatively rare scientific research reincarnation players.

For example, Dr. Mishima must have the support of organizations and forces behind him.

Maybe it's the official reincarnation player of Sakurajima Country.

As a result, there were only a few dead left, and the losses were heavy.

"By the way, Brother Lien, you can go to the silver-plated lily and find me after you leave the dungeon. "

Deng Fa suddenly remembered something and reminded.

"I'm solely responsible for this operation, and you can exchange the knowledge and skills in this dungeon world for rewards. "

"Oh, what are the rewards?"

Hearing that there were rewards to redeem, Lane's spirits suddenly lifted.

He has a lot of extra knowledge and skills on him.

Either it's repetitive knowledge he's already learned.

Either it is knowledge of other power systems that is not suitable for him to learn.

There are dozens of books in total.

E-level knowledge is the majority, and there are several D-level knowledge and skill books.

It has far exceeded the task given to them by the authorities at the beginning.

"When you sign up, you have an E grade, so you can follow the standard of E grade. "

Deng Fa glanced at Li En, judging from the momentum, the other party had been successfully promoted.

This made Deng Fa nod secretly in his heart.

The first promotion is the threshold for many reincarnation players.

Only by crossing this threshold can you truly enter the circle of reincarnation players.

"If you turn in 3 E-level knowledge and skills, you can get 10,000 reincarnation points. "

"Excess knowledge and skills can be exchanged for contribution points according to quality. "


"Oh, I forgot brother, you just advanced to the D rank, and you haven't officially activated the reincarnation network yet. "

Deng Fa patted his head and reacted.

"After you leave the dungeon, you can register an account for the reincarnation network, and you can locate the area you are currently in. "

"You have my friends, you can contact me directly. "

"I'll be responsible for returning the knowledge and skills you submitted to you in the form of contributions. "

Contribution is a special currency officially used by the Dragon Kingdom.

Similar to the "DKP" (Dragon Slaying Points) in the online game Wasteland Development Team

It is used to calculate the player's contribution to the official Dragon Kingdom.

These contributions can be exchanged for a lot of goodies in the official inventory.

From the cheapest cash, to the highest-level items, skills, knowledge, equipment, and even classes and bloodlines 727.

You can redeem it!

It can be seen that although the official has not recruited reincarnation players on the surface.

But the support for reincarnation players is very strong.

"Oh, can I exchange my contribution for knowledge and skills......

Lane's heart moved.

The [Genetic Modification Surgery] he obtained from Dr. Mishima

There are still 3 pre-knowledge skills to learn.

Maybe there are these pre-requisites in the official reward inventory.

"Brother, I'm waiting for you in the silver-plated lily, remember to submit skills, it's related to buddy's performance. "

Deng Fa teased, and then left the settlement space.

Seeing this, Li En also withdrew from this area and returned to his personal space.

"Master, you're back~"

The greeting of the iris was as punctual as ever.

"Well, what about Yeye and Nameless?"

Dawn glanced at the list of passengers in the Iron City and saw that only Calamus was on the car.

"This time should be on the side of Lord Hualiuzhai. "

"Flower Willow Zhai...... I know, I need to visit her for something. "

Lane nodded,

After Tiecheng stopped in the world of "Karakuri Girl",

His followers will be free to enter and leave the city and the world.

Until the quest resets - there will be a long duration if it doesn't stay overnight.

Lane estimates that the issue of a reset will not be a concern for at least a few months.

"Before going back to the real world, there are a few last things. "

Opening the menu of the reincarnation game, Lane clicked on the tooltip and talent panel at the same time.

[You have new accessibility features to unlock!]

[Accessibility: Dungeon Bestiary (50,000 points required to unlock)]

[You have a new personal space template to load!]

[Personal Space Template: Training Ground (150,000 points required to load)].

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