"Accessibility extensions?"

Li En was slightly stunned.

In a moment of his frustration, the truck spun around and crashed towards the guardrail.

I don't know what kind of coincidence it was based on, bounced into the air,

Then, with a trajectory that does not conform to the rules of physics,

Straight in the direction of the bus!

In the [Elven Vision], the traces of deliberate techniques are even more obvious.

Obviously, there must be someone behind this unnatural situation!

At the same time, to the point where

The students on the bus were also aware of the immediate crisis.

It should be said that they are worthy of the elite of "one high".

Even in the face of such a sudden accident,

The first time is not in a state of panic.

Instead, he took out his own dharma machine,

Try to use magic to stop the runaway truck.

"Shock! Move me aside!"

"Don't! You'll fly to the other lane...... Things stand still!"

"Forced slowdown!"

This original "360" was originally a commendable response speed.

But as the head of the Discipline Inspection Commission and more experienced in actual combat, Morley's face changed.

"Stupid, give it all!"

Chaotic magic can only make the situation worse.

The various techniques that are launched in an orderly manner will interfere with and affect each other.

And thus it does not work at all!

Not only that, but chaotic spells can also interfere with the subsequent effective magic.

Even if you have the right plan, you can't implement it!

Mayumi had a rare anxious look on her face.

But soon, that anxiety turned to surprise.

A cold touch enveloped her hand.

"Don't worry. "

Rian's voice came,

Then focus your gaze on the truck that is rolling in the air.

[The main body of the information structure has been confirmed]

[Performing information decomposition]

【Decomposition Completed】

[This decomposition consumes 359 points of mechanical power]

"Dissipating clouds and fogging" is the application of [Surgical Deconstructor] for living objects.

If it is cast on an inanimate object.

It is enough to directly "break it down".

It is with this ability that Li En has no fear.

He directly with a powerful reserve of mechanical power, the entire truck,

Together with the remnants of the surrounding chaotic spells, they all disintegrated into basic particles!

As for chaotic environments where you can't cast spells.

Not a problem at all for him.

The [Spell Deconstructor] he possesses is the highest level and most original magical ability.

In terms of priority, directly cover all remaining surgical structures!


"The truck is gone!"

"Was it just a hallucination?"

"Could it be that the test of the Nine School War has begun?"

The accident happened suddenly, and the end was very sudden.

After calming everyone's emotions.

Mayumi returned to her seat.

"Li En, it was ...... just now"

"Don't worry about these details. "

Rien stretched out his hand and just put it on Mayumi's head.

Suddenly reacted, the other party was not deep snow.

is a "senior sister" who is older than herself in terms of identity.

Mayumi chuckled,

The frozen hand from his head was removed.

It didn't let go, though.

Just like what Rien had done to her just now.

"Think of it as a secret between the two of us, right?"

“...... It is very true. "


The rest of the road was smooth sailing.

The girls are back to laughing and playing.

The boys also glanced at Li En with envious, jealous and hateful murderous eyes as always.

Li En's face was indifferent - his eyes couldn't kill anyone anyway.

Of course, if these jealous boys know,

If you hold Mayumi's slender hand all the way.

I'm afraid that they really can't help but attack directly.

The difficulty of the [Flying Disaster] event is not high.

Even if Lane doesn't make a move.

Deng Fa, who was in the same car, was able to cope with it.

Although it may be delayed a little time, it is just that. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because it's only an E-rank event, the rewards aren't particularly high.

30,000 reincarnation points, 30 attribute points, 30 skill points,

For Lee, it's a more regular resource reward.

But another reward has to do with his SSS-level talent!

Just like in the original copy of "Iron City", []

The same as the "Basic Talent Unlock Card" that used to appear in the Reputation Shop.

This is also his exclusive quest reward!

After choosing to claim the event reward.

A hint popped up in front of Lane's eyes.

[You have obtained the "Full Picture Perspective Assist Plugin: Clairvoyance"]

[Do you want to activate the plugin?]

[After activating the "Clairvoyant" plugin, you can view the unit name and status on the dungeon map]

"Hmm? Nice enhancement. "

After going through the effects of the Claireye plugin.

Rien's eyes lit up.

Previously, dungeon maps could only see icons representing various units.

For example, the player is a white dot,

Aborigines are divided into green, red, yellow, and other colors according to their friendliness.

In addition to being able to tell if there are people around.

There is no other information.......

Now with the clairvoyance plugin.

He can see directly the characters represented by these icons.

Although only this one feature has been added.

However, it has improved the efficiency of information acquisition a lot.

And...... This also made Lane understand one thing.

"Since there is a [clairvoyance] plugin. "

"Does that mean that other accessibility features have similar plugins that can be enhanced?"

Lane's train of thought suddenly came alive.

The accessibility features he has are already very powerful.

If you use it with some functional plug-ins.

It will definitely have the effect of giving a tiger wings.

It's just that he has experienced 3 copy worlds,

I just met this plugin reward.

It seems that it is very difficult to get the plugin.

After more than an hour, the bus arrived at its destination without incident.

Today is just a dormitory, and the battle of the nine schools will have to wait a few days before it officially starts.

These two days are just a good time for the contestants to get used to the venue.

In addition, the free time for adjusting the C.A.D. for the game is also given.

"So, brother, I'll go back to my room first. "

Deep Snow bowed slightly to Rien, and then followed the other girls upstairs.

Obviously, in this case, the boys and girls naturally move in different areas.

"What's next......

Dawn scratched his head, since entering the dungeon world.

It was the first time he had encountered such a time when there was nothing to do.

The equipment and materials used for the research are in the basement of the home.

Although there are some equipment in the space ring, they are not all of them.

Just as he was wandering the halls.

4.6A young girl sitting on a sofa by the wall waved at him.


Hearing this familiar voice, Lane cast his gaze expressionlessly.

The other party is wearing cool shorts and tank tops,

Generously exposes the healthy skin and thighs of the light brown.

With the straw hat on her head, she looks like a young girl who is traveling.

If her hair wasn't bright red.

Lane may have really thought it was an accidental encounter.

"Erica, why are you here too?"

"Come on, of course. "

After a brief greeting, Lane naturally asked.

Theoretically, Erica, who is not a member of the contestants, will not be able to stay at this hotel.

"But the day after tomorrow is a game. "

"You're here today, aren't you?"

Erica patted Rien on the shoulder, revealing a mysterious smile.

"And I'm not alone...... Well, you see. "。

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