"Brother, what did you do to Aoki?"

Until after going far away.

Deep snow also turns back from time to time.

Look at the deacon who is slumped on the floor of the hallway.

It was as if he was going through an extremely bloody and terrifying event.

"A little...... It's just a trivial false memory. "

Li En said indifferently.

The original male protagonist Si Boda also cut off all his feelings for the deep snow because he was removed.

So I don't have any thoughts about this kind of belittling, insulting, insulting.

But Rien is a human with normal emotions.

The clay man still has three points of fire, let alone him.

Therefore, he chose to fight back directly - with methods that were not bloody, but enough to intimidate the other party.


Although he is a deacon of the "Ten Divisions".

But Aoki's magical qualifications are not high.

Otherwise, they would not be assigned to a position such as managing finance.

Therefore, Lane's "magic eye" easily reached the judgment,

directly implanted a painful memory of his head exploding.

As for whether the later judgment will be successful, and whether it can be recovered from false memories.

Then it's none of Lane's business.

The life and death of a dog is just that, and it won't alarm the entire four-leaf family.

What's more, even Shenxue's father didn't dare to do anything to himself.

After all, the entire "four-leaf technology" is called

"Trust-Silver" was only developed by a magician on the day 16.

And Lane's other identity is the "Silver" in "Trust Silver".

Because Fuyuki's father is too jealous of his talents and talents.

Therefore, it is forbidden to use the real name to publish research results.

In order to suppress his fame and influence.

But at the same time, four-leaf technology is inseparable from the technical strength of "Silver".

So...... Until Rien did something to Aoki,

And swaggered away with deep snow,

The blue-faced "father" didn't say a word after all.

"Well, as long as my brother doesn't get angry anymore. "

Deep Snow had no other ideas.

Between Rie and the rest of the family, she would also choose to stand by the former without hesitation.

"Then again, since you have the costume of [Dance of the Elves] in Deep Snow. "

"It means that you are going to participate in the [Fantasy Star Picking] competition, right?"

On the way home, Rien suddenly asked.

"Well, there's also [icicle attack and defense]. "

Each participant can participate in a maximum of two events.

This is also a rule that is set to prevent all-rounders from winning all the gold medals.

"Come on. "

Li En's fluttering words,

But the girl's eyes were suddenly filled with brilliance.

"If you can win first place in all the competitions you participate in......"

"I'll give it to you...... The reward you want. "


[Personal Mission: Supreme Bond]

+ System: Reach 100 friendship with Sibo Deep Snow

+ Mark: Acknowledging the special relationship with Sibo Shenxue

+ Li: Follower - Si Bo Shen Xue


Actually, at the beginning of entering the dungeon under the identity of "Si Po Taiya".

Dawn has already triggered Deep Snow's personal quest.

It's not hard to see from the objectives and rewards of the mission alone.

It's a pure giveaway.

As long as Rien nodded in approval, there was a relationship between him and Shenxue.

Then the deep snow will be completely thrown into his arms.

It has been delayed until now, just to avoid extraneous branches.

However, after the Battle of the Nine Schools is over, there is not much time left for the dungeon.

So Ryne won't let Deep Snow continue to wait.

"It's a sister, a girlfriend, or a wife...... Gee. "

"It's a real punishment. "

Although Ryne and Shenxue are not really related.

It's just a "play" in identity.

Besides, the law of the blue star cannot control the reincarnation space.

After completing the exclusive quest of [Covering the Sky with Hands and Eyes].

In addition to the 10,000 reincarnation points that don't hurt or itch.

Ryan also gains a new perk.


[Clouds and fog dissipate Lv1] (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

+ Resistance: Will (affects the success rate), Constitution (affects the damage)

+ Result: Perform "Disintegration" on the selected target, which has a chance to make it "instantaneous", and if it fails, it will deal true damage based on the will attribute

+Positive: The success rate of instant death is (Difference in Will Confrontation), 50% (Willingness Attribute) of true damage after failure, consumes (Total Confrontation of Will) Mechanical Power, cools down for 15 minutes when successful, and cools down for 1 minute when failing


This skill is clearly an enhanced version of "information decomposition". []

It is not only effective for ordinary people, but also for reincarnation players.

It even comes with an extremely terrifying "instant death" effect!

Ryne's current will attribute is the limit value of D-class, 100 points.

Suppose he casts this skill on a normal person with an average of 10 all stats.

Then the success rate of instant death is as high as (100-10)%, which is 90%!

For other confrontation skills, the most that fails is to take some damage and eat a control effect.

And once it can't be fought through the will of [Cloud Dissipation].

It will be directly broken down into the most basic elemental particles by Li En!

Even if you fail, you can still deal some real damage!

Ryne immediately maxed out this skill to Lv10,

The discovery did not increase the success rate of instant death.

Just the real damage after the defeat.

Increased to 100% will.

However, the next 3 breakthrough directions are all of interest to Lane.


["Clouds and Mist" has been increased to Lv. 10!]

【Please choose a breakthrough direction!】

[1. Structure Dissolve: The real damage after the failure to die is converted into the durability value of random items on the target.]

[2. Constant Death: When your Will attribute is in the ascendancy, the success rate is at least 20%]

[3. Indulgent Cutting: The success rate of instant death judgment is halved, the true damage caused by failure is increased by 100%, and the cooldown is +1 minute]


"Interesting choice. "

Lane touched his chin, and for a moment it was a little difficult to choose.

With his vision and experience, he couldn't tell the good or bad of these three options for a while.

"In that case, it's just a matter of which option best suits my fighting style. "

【Structural dissolution】

It doesn't increase any damage or success rate, but it's disgusting......

Or rather, the main thing is a disgusting one.

It can deal damage to players or other targets.

Durability loss converted into items.

Similar to the high-level magic "Cleavage" on the mysterious side.

Highlight a "I can't kill you, so I'll dismantle all your equipment!"

【Constant Death】

It is to give a guaranteed success rate of instant death.

However, the 20% success rate is just a 20-point 947 will attribute advantage.

Li En is not short of attributes, so he will skip it directly.

【Indulgent Cutting】

This is obviously not intended to be used with the idea of "success in death".

Instead, you want the real damage after defeat to hit the output.

However, although this breakthrough gives a 100% true damage increase.

However, the cooldown time has been increased by one minute, which is equivalent to reducing the frequency of skill casting.

Overall, it's still a slight loss.

"In that case......"

Li En hesitated for a moment, and finally chose [Structure Dissolve] as the breakthrough reward.

"Whew...... In this way, I've almost collected all the male master's special skills. "

He looked at the skill bar and thought silently.

Except for the [Cloud Dissipation] that you just obtained.

[Flash Memory Algorithm] and [Artificial Magic Calculation Domain] have also been obtained by him.

It can be said that at this time, Li En did not have the strategic magic of Si Po Daya.

It is completely possible to replace him in terms of ability and strength!

Of course, as for the A+ use needs of [Third Eye].

It should be a change made by the reincarnation space in order to limit strategic magic.

In this way, the setting of "Devil's Inferiority" can be integrated into the balance system of the reincarnation game.

After taking a day off, Lane returned to campus.

Almost as soon as he stepped into the classroom, a notification came from the student's educational terminal.

[The last class this afternoon was changed to a whole school assembly]

[At that time, the school will hold a flag awarding ceremony for all members of the "Nine School Battle"!]


(Thank you for your flowers and rewards, as well as various tickets, plus a more chapter~).

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