"Strategic Weapons ......"

Seeing the mission description, Li En was a little yearning.

Although he knew that it was just a "test",

I will definitely not be able to take away the strategic weapon called the "third eye".

But even if it's just - a closer look at the property,

It can also satisfy his pursuit and imagination of this highest-tech crystallization of modern magic and technology.

And this exclusive personal quest also comes with a perk skill.

It is different from [Flash Memory Algorithm] and [Artificial Magic Calculation Field].

[Cloud Dissipation] is a downright killing skill!

And the destructive power is extremely terrifying, and it is rated as a "tactical" magic that is restricted in application!

Even if it is a Nine School Battle, the use of tactical-level magic will not be allowed.

"Hey, what about the deep snow?"

Lane glanced back,

found the deep snow that was still beside me just now,

At this point, there was no trace of him.

"But it's okay, that technique still needs to be perfected, and I'll let her test it later. "

Rien shook his head and returned to the basement to study.


"Brother, I'm Shenxue, do you want to drink black tea?"

Deep snow almost every day in the middle of the night,

Bring in tea or coffee.

Lane was embarrassed to thank him every time.

Today, though, his response made Miyuki a little strange.

"Just in time, come in. "

Is my brother waiting for me?

I don't know why, though.

But as long as it is Rien's waiting, it will make Shenxue's heart feel joy.

"I don't know how my brother will react when he sees it. "

Before entering the door, the deep snow on the side of the glass reflection,

I saw my own reflection.

The girl's face showed a smile that had succeeded in her mischief.

Then push the door and enter.

"I was going to look for you—"

Lane raised his head, and before he could finish his words, he froze in place.

Seeing Lane staring at his expression intently.

Deep snow has a little devilish satisfaction.

She held the tray of black tea in one hand,

With his other hand, he gently lifted the hem of his skirt and saluted gracefully to Lane.

“...... Ah, could it be that this is the competitive uniform of [Fantasy Stars]?"

That's when Lane reacted.

And Shen Xue smiled and spun around and replied in the affirmative.

"That's right, it's worthy of my brother, I know it so clearly. "

A mini skirt made of layers of silky tulle flutters elegantly with the action.

Pair it with light underwear that accentuates your curves and narrow booties made of shiny leather.

Like a women's figure skating gown, it is paired with a shoulder-capped top that conforms to the curves of the body.

The deep snow is as otherworldly as an elf, and it is a bit boring to describe it as "beautiful".

This costume is called [Dance of the Elves],

It is the competition costume of the popular project of the Nine School War [Fantasy Stars].

Although all the contestants are dressed in the same style and different colors.

But Lane believes that even among all the contestants.

Deep snow is also the star that catches the eye.

"Brother, am I good-looking?"

Shenxue put the tea on the table and turned around with a smile,

Unscrupulously showed his charm to Rien.

The light and flowing skirt is matched with the soft and flying, waterfall-like black hair,

The deep snow at this time has an indescribable elegance.

"Very cute, no one fits this outfit better than you, and ...... The timing was perfect. "

"Thank you, brother, for the compliment...... Huh?"

Deep Snow turned around and looked at him while thanking Rien for the compliment.

But what caught my eye was a figure floating in the air without relying on the seat at all!

"The newly developed technique, when paired with [Dance of the Elves], will definitely be very beautiful. "

Li En said in a comfortable mood.

In order to integrate the functions of the "anti-gravity floating" module in the floating cannon,

It is completely transplanted to a "technique" that can be used by CAD.

He has been working through the night almost every day these days.

And what Deep Snow saw was the result he expected - flying magic!

Although with the help of "Lucifer's" [hot air maneuvering], it is also possible to achieve low-altitude flight.

But after all, it relies on external forces, and the experience of flying is not very good.

So Lane is based on the floating module of the floating cannon,

Combined with modern magical technology unique to the world of "Devil's Inferior".

After a few days and nights, a 1.0 version of flying magic was finally developed.

This is also the world's first real flying magic!

"Flying Technique...... The permanent gravity control magic is complete!"

Deep Snow was only amazed for a moment.

He flew over happily and shook Riene's hands.

"Brother, congratulations...... Now you are the first person to solve the three problems of gravity!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Among the 4 systems and 8 types of magic that are the foundation of modern magic.

The most complete system and the most used magic is the [Acceleration-Heightening] system.

This is magic that extends from the simplest superpowers, physical laws, mathematics, and other levels.

It is generally considered to be the most basic system of modern magic.

However, the [flight] technique that is possible according to the theory of acceleration-aggravation system[]

This is also known as "resident gravity control magic".

Even now, it has not been possible.

However, every year, there are a lot of related academic papers.

This is a technical idea that works theoretically, but is extremely difficult and almost impossible to apply.

This has almost become the consensus of modern magic.

But in front of the deep snow, Lane in front of her,

It's easy to solve this dilemma.

"Don't get excited, there's still a lot to be done in this technique. "

Dawn landed from the floating state and took out a special Dharma machine device.

"That's why I wanted Shenxue to help test it. "

"I do...... Brother, whatever you want me to do, I won't refuse. "

Deep Snow slowly increased the speed of "flying" according to Rien's instructions.

Push the limited space in the basement to the limit.

Like a goldfish swimming in water,

Turns, spins, somersaults, and dance with grace.

The light and fluttering skirt shows off the graceful curves with the stretching and bowing movements.

Even Lee, who developed the technique, did not expect such an astonishing beauty.


FLT - the abbreviation of [Four-leaf Technology].

It is not difficult to see from the name that this is the property of the four-leaf family belonging to the "Ten Divisions".

At the same time, it is also a well-known technology company known in the world for the development of C.A.D. procedures.

Obviously, the research institute of the four-leaf technology is heavily guarded,

For a tech company,

The institute is their heart.

It's not just mechanical surveillance.

Even the guards are excessively manpowered.

However, none of the guards stopped Ryan and Deep Snow in their tracks.

You don't even need to register.

It's as if his face is the passport to the highest authority.

【3rd Research Room】

In front of a room with floor-to-ceiling windows on the entire wall, a spacious test site that looks like a hangar.

The two stopped.

On the other side of the corridor is the observation room where the researchers are located.

And this open space is the testing area of C.A.D.

It is here that the [Third Eye] test that Rien is going to perform today is to be conducted.

More than a dozen technicians and researchers wearing the emblem of "Four Leaves Technology" are busy.

Either to discuss the results of an experiment or to operate a measuring instrument.

"Ah, the young master is here!"

At the moment when Dawn entered the door,

Some people stood up to salute and send greetings.

Unlike when I was in school,

The only target that is in the spotlight here is Ryne, not Shenxue.

"Major Kazama should have mentioned before that there will be a secrecy test today. "

"Ah, yes! The equipment has already been sent to the test site. "

The technician in charge of the response took the two to the test site.

Li En finally saw the "strategic weapon" that he had been thinking about since yesterday!

The Third Eye is a slender, oddly shaped sniper rifle.

Although from the perspective of technology and vision at the beginning of the 21st century,

There are a lot of things that don't make sense about this gun.

But this is not a real thermal weapon, but a special C.A.D. machine.


【Third Eye】

Level +: A+ (quest item, cannot be taken out of the quest area)

+ Seek: Intelligence 350, Will 400, Power 200%, Perception 150%

(Quest props, temporarily ignore the need to use)

+Nature: +1000% dismantling magic area of effect, +500% increased power

+Style: This weapon can only use dismantling magic

+Special: When holding this weapon, you can activate the decomposition strategic magic [Quality Explosion]

+ Quality Explosion": A+ level strategic magic, the mass of matter is directly decomposed into energy, no annihilation reaction and radioactive contamination, the power depends on the quality of the decomposed matter, each point of energy invested will be converted into 50 points of physical damage, no upper limit of damage, the minimum input of 3000 points of special energy, the initial damage radius is 1000 meters, and every additional 1000 energy invested, the radius is increased by 100 meters

+ Note: "...... E mc2......"

... Enter....

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