"Li En, have you come to see the results?"

Li followed the prestige and found several rare combinations.

As a second-class student, Erica and Mitsuki,

and a branch student's Shizuku, Honoka,

Walking towards him in tandem.

Deep snow, who is the bond of social relationships, was not present.

But Rien knew what the reason was.

As a member of the student council, she has recently been inseparable from the preparation for the Ninth School War.

Even on the day the results of the stage exam were announced, there was no time to look at them.

However, with the results of deep snow, you don't need to look to know that it will definitely be among the best.

"Well, I haven't had anything to do lately anyway, so I'll take a look. "

Lane nodded to the girls.

Since the end of the attack.

Even the reincarnation space does not give players more tasks.

Before the advent of the Nine School War, it was a period of calm and security.

"I don't know how many places I can rank this time, my theoretical results are not ideal......"

Honoka whispered.

"At least, as a subject, I'm not too worried about the results of magic skills, right?"

Erica comforted her.

Although her words may not be called any comforting words "six two zero".

The school's exams are divided into two sections: the Theory of Magic, and the Practical Skills of Magic.

For example, ordinary subjects such as Chinese and mathematics are counted as ordinary scores.

Because it is an educational institution that trains magicians.

So the school thinks that it is purely superfluous to get students to devote their energy to subjects other than magic.

Therefore, the final score will only be counted as the "Theory of Magic Test", which is a written test.

There are two compulsory courses: basic magic and magic engineering.

plus from magical geometry, magical linguistics,

Choose three subjects: Magical Structure, Magical Systematics, and Magical History.

A total of five subjects are used as a comprehensive assessment score for "Theory of Magic".

The "Magic Skill Test" mainly focuses on students' processing ability (casting speed),

Containment power (maximum mental power), interference power (intelligence attribute value)

and the combined mana of the three, as the result of the actual technical examination.

Students with excellent grades will have their names posted on the campus network and bulletin boards.

Of course, the reincarnation space will certainly not be idle at this juncture.


[Quest Activity: Study hard every day ~ Midterm Exam Activity (Released)]

+ Goal: Get the top position in the midterm exam as much as possible, the higher the ranking, the richer the reward!

+ Rewards: Credits, Knowledge Skills, Prestige

+ Special Rewards: The top 3 players in the school will be rewarded with special titles!


This event was not really important to Riene.

Because he has no shortage of credits or prestige.

Especially after reaching the highest level of prestige "worship".

Through the blessing of calamus's "wealthy monopoly" skills.

He has a terrifying 4% discount on the purchase of knowledge and skills!

E-level knowledge and skills can be purchased with only 200 credits.

The price of D-level knowledge skills is several times that of E-level skills.

But it's not that expensive to consume either.

The only thing that can attract Rien is the "Special Title" reward mentioned in the event.

"Tsk, that's in the way. "

Erica next to her suddenly "tsk".

Make a few grumbling complaints.

Dawn followed her gaze and glanced around,

Immediately understood what she was upset about.

Because of the release of the test results.

The number of students who went to the bulletin board to check their results gradually increased.

Passing by, whether it is a senior or a student in the same grade.

They all peeked more or less, looked directly, or pretended to be inadvertently aimed at their group of people.

However, it is also inevitable.

Not to mention that Erica herself is a very eye-catching beautiful girl.

Mitsuki's popularity is also unexpectedly high among first-year freshmen.

Maybe it's because she belongs to that kind of demure healing beautiful girl.,

Compared to Erica, it feels a little more approachable.

As for Honoka and Shizuku, even in a koku,

The results of the two are also very good, and their looks are enough to be classified as cute.

Finally, there is Lane......

Even without warning, Lane knew he was like a walking head indicator.

The prestige of the "cult" rank is no joke.

The love letters received this week alone can fill the height of a table.

Of course, because deep snow will always quietly dispose of these "debris".

So Ryne wasn't bothered for too much time.

Such a group of people walked in the hallway.

It will attract the attention of the students, and it is a matter of course.

It's just that, due to the identity of Li Enfeng Discipline Commission,

Coupled with the strong strength shown in the "attack".

Basically, no one dared to come forward and talk.

Of course, there are exceptions.

"Yo, Brother Lien...... Classmate, I knew you would definitely come!"

Deng Fa squeezed through the crowd and walked towards Lane,

Say hello from a distance of several meters.

Mitsuki, who was not good at getting along with strangers, shrank behind Rien.

Erica asked in a whisper.

"Li En, is he also your friend?"

"Well, sort of. "

Li En nodded, Deng Fa was wearing a [Corolla] uniform of a science student,

Because he is a D-class player himself, he has a preferential status.


Erica nodded and said suddenly.

"Then your friend is really ...... Ripe. "

Hearing this, even Li En couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and looked at Deng Fa.

Although Deng Fa is not much older than him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But some people's appearance is comparable...... Ripe.

"Ahem, I'm really sorry to look like this. "

Deng Fa laughed dryly, but he didn't take it to heart.

Instead, he leaned over to Lane and asked in a voice that no one else could hear.

"Are there any new side quests lately?"

"No, it's not a renewable resource. "

Li En glanced at him and said helplessly.

He had to admire the action of this officially born reincarnation player, as well as his execution.

In just one week, the school - and even the surrounding area of the branch line,

It's all cleaned up, and there's no slag left.

Although because of this, Li En has gained a lot of points and other resources.......

It's a win-win situation.

Deng Fa originally had to enter this copy this time because of the official mission.

With his strength, he can challenge D+ difficulty dungeons with his teammates.

"Demon Inferior" is an E-class/D-level dungeon, and the difficulty is not stable.

He is ready to lose a lot of money and wait for official subsidies.

But I didn't expect that because of Li En's relationship, he gained far more attribute points and skill points than before!

This week's earnings are almost more than the side quests he has done in the previous two dungeons combined!

"Again, I'm a little greedy. "

Deng Fa touched his head and said with some embarrassment.

Born in the army, his self-control is still quite high.

Although I tasted the sweetness from Ryne,

But he also knows that side quests don't mean they exist.

It's done and gone, and it won't be refreshed repeatedly.

Ryne simply has the ability to "discover side quests".

It's not a fabricated task out of thin air.

"How do you feel about this exam?"

Li En said casually, chatting about normal topics,

so as not to be discovered by Erica and Mitsuki and others.

"Exams...... It's better to be free. "

Deng Fa smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"The practical class is okay, but my head is big in the written part. "

Although the practical skill class tests the innate ability of the spellcasting system.

But there are too many ways for reincarnation players to cheat.

For example, a potion that temporarily increases the intelligence stat,

Wear equipment and accessories that increase cast speed during the exam.

Or even simply put a few buffs on your teammates.

The written test will not work, it will not be won't.

"When you ask, it seems that you are very confident in your grades. "

Deng Fa suddenly came back to his senses and asked rhetorically.

"So-so. "

Lane shrugged.

This is a lie.

At the moment of seeing the bulletin board,

The group's eyes instantly focused on him.


[List of students who have been excellent in the mid-term examination of "One High School" in the 1.0 show]

【Magic Test Results】


[2.Sibo Deep Snow]

[3.Honoka Mitsui]

【4.Kitayama Shizuku】


【Magic Theory Test Score】


[2.Sibo Deep Snow]

[3. Yoshida Kanbiko]

【4.Honoka Mitsui】


【Overall Score】


[2.Sibo Deep Snow]

[3.Honoka Mitsui]


First in grade!

Top three lists!

"Brother Lane, that's what you're talking about?!"

Dunfa poked Rien hard with his elbow.

There was a painful expression of "you tease me" on his face.

But in the next second, he coughed lightly, revealing a curious look.

"There should be a special title reward for the first place, right?"

"Mind sharing the attributes?"

"Hmm...... OK. "

Rien glanced at the prompt.

Anyway, he can't hide his results,

The effect of this title is actually not very strong.

"The name of this title is ......"

"[Honor Student]".

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