
With the death of Dr. Mishima,

The players of the Yagikai camp who invaded the library this time were also wiped out.

However, the objectives of the last stage of the event were not completed.

Because the camp confrontation is not over yet.

It's just that the situation has turned into a one-sided crushing game for the defenders.

When the reincarnation players of the Yagikai faction in other regions hear that the library operation has been defeated,

The clever head has begun to prepare to run,

Unwitting ...... It is estimated that it will not be long before it becomes the contribution of the defender's player.

Rien reached out and picked up Dr. Mishima's scarlet chest,

Casually threw it into the space ring.

He fought his way through, and there were a lot of Crimson Chests inside.

Of course, the most important thing is the box of Dr. Mishima, who is a D-class player.

is also a research-oriented player on the technology side,

Rien was looking forward to what he could do.

But now is not the time to open the box.

"Brother Lane, thank you for your help. "

A familiar thick male voice came from behind him.

Lane turned around and found Dunfa walking towards him with his shield on his shoulder.

"Five-Zero-Zero" "Do you know my name?"

"I've looked at all the players who signed up. "

Deng Fa said tentatively.

"It seems that brother, you are really hidden. "

Hearing the other party's words, Lane pondered for a moment.

Deng Fa did not intend to hide the identity of the official reincarnation player in front of him.

This means that the fight cooperates with itself in the name of the official?

After thinking about it, Li En said succinctly.

"In this dungeon world, there is my promotion mission. "

Hearing this answer, Deng Fa suddenly realized.

No wonder you fight so hard, brother, it turned out to be a promotion match!

"There should be no danger here. "

Rien glanced at the dungeon map.

"If you still want to make some contribution at the last time, now is your last chance. "

"This camp confrontation should end soon. "

This sentence was said to the reincarnation players of the defensive camp behind Deng Fa.

These people looked at each other in disbelief.

But with Rien's fierce performance before,

They eventually believed Lane and left one after another.

Only Deng Fa and Li En remained in the library...... and corpses in one place.

"Brother Lane, you don't look like a lone wolf player can afford it. "

Deng Fa looked at Li En, who was recovering the automata, and said in surprise.

If it's just a "Lucifer", forget it.

But other than that, in the battle just now,

Dawn also operated a number of models of the same style!

and a series of other weapons and equipment on display,

Even Deng Fa was dazzled.

Among the officially cultivated reincarnation players, there are also people on the technology side.

Therefore, Deng Fa knew that he wanted to raise a mechanic-like player.

What a horrible amount of resources it would take!

"It's a trade secret. "

After cleaning the battlefield, Li En looked at Deng Fa with a smile on his face.

"So, would you be interested in taking care of my business?"


Deng Fa was slightly stunned.

"Of course, but ...... If you're looking to sell tech items, I'm afraid I don't need them. "

The official has a systematic production line of props on the scientific and technological side.

So an official-born reincarnation player like Deng Fa,

There will be no shortage of props.

"It's not a prop, it's something else you desperately need. "

Rien coughed lightly and whispered.

"I'm selling leads about side quests. "

"E-level feeder, 500 points. "

"E+ level feeder, 1000 points. "

"D-class feeder, 2000 points. "

"How's that, are you interested?"

Deng Fa's eyes widened.

"Trail of side quests...... You sell this stuff too?!"

"That's right. "

Rien added.

"Also, after you receive the task, you must share it with me. "

"That's the rules of trading. "

Hearing this, Deng Fa thought thoughtfully and thought silently.

"This should be his natural ability to help him find clues to side quests. "

"No wonder he has such a rich net worth and has done so many tasks, and the income from a dungeon is estimated to be several times that of other players!"

This is also the conclusion that Li En deliberately guided.

A lone wolf player, with such a rich net worth, will definitely attract suspicion. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's better to take the initiative to give a clue,

Let others figure out the reasonable conclusions themselves.

Not to mention...... If you can beat the name of [intelligence trafficker].

He can also gain a lot of popularity and cooperation.

"Yes, how many clues can you give about the quest now?"

Deng Fa finally nodded, anyway, Li En's offer was not expensive.

Reincarnation points are secondary,

His main focus is on the attribute points and skill points rewarded by side quests!

No matter how vigorously the official stacks up resources, the reincarnation points and props are enough.

But only attribute points and skill points are things that can only be obtained in the reincarnation space.

So, there's an opportunity to buy side quest clues right in front of you.

Dunfa certainly won't miss it.

"Hmm...... Let me see. "

Rien glanced at the dungeon map.

The side quests that are relatively close to each other and within the school are listed.

"There are 5 E-level and 2 E+2, so there are only so many for the time being. "

"How much do you want?"

"How much?"

Deng Fa smiled, with an expression of "Do you look down on the official reincarnation player" on his face.

"I want it all. "

As he spoke, Deng Fa directly threw Li En a white card from Star Diamond Bank.

There are neat 5000 reincarnation points on it.

Rien took the card and glanced at the balance.

"500 more. "

"The first time I worked with the Lane brothers, it was a lottery. "

To this, Lane pursed his lips,

is worthy of being an official background, and spending money is so happy.......

After the two added friends, Deng Fa couldn't wait to do the branch line after receiving the task clues.

After all, all Lane gave him was a clue.

If the task is completed before then.

Then he will be empty of bamboo baskets and water, and he will not get anything.

Last time, Li En forced Qianjun to share the task with him by forming a team.

This time, however, no such insurance is required.

First of all, Deng Fa's character is okay,

Secondly...... The other party is an official reincarnation player, and generally pays great attention to credibility.

In the end, even if Deng Fa really broke the agreement, it would be a big deal not to do his business.

Those branch Ryne didn't have time to do it, and they didn't lose anything.

Instead, if Deng Fa keeps the agreement, share the task with him.

Then what Li En has gained is hundreds of thousands of reincarnation points, hundreds of skill points and attribute points!

[Faction Confrontation Event Ends!]

Suddenly, a line of prompts emerges, accompanied by fireworks and streamer effects.

"It's over when it's over, so many tricks ......"

Lane twitched the corners of his mouth, recalling the headline "Heart-pounding faction confrontation activity."

It's not just that the heart is beating, the heart is not beating.

Shaking his head, Lane continued to flip down.

[The winner of this camp confrontation is the "Magic Science University" camp!]

[As a winner's reward, the prize pool of this faction is doubled!]

[For every 1% contribution, you can exchange for 5,000 reincarnation points or 500 credits!]

[When redeeming, players will also receive the same amount of school reputation rewards!]

"Hey, the reward is quite generous. "

Ryan now has more than 30% contribution.

You can redeem 150,000 reincarnation points or 15,000 credits!

Unfortunately, this exchange model belongs to the "transaction" type.

Cannot be boosted by 10x resources. 4.4

Otherwise, this Po Lien will directly scrape together the 1 million points required for the quest to conquer the dungeon.

After thinking about it, Li En didn't rush to exchange it.

Anyway, until the end of the dungeon, he can have a choice.

The most important thing now is ...... Rewards for completing chain quests!

[The third stage goal "Native people and players of the faction steal confidential magic materials" completed!]

[Stage evaluation: B, reward multiplier 1.0 times]

"Tsk. "

Seeing that there was only a B rating, Li En was a little helpless.

By the time he reached the library, there was only one line of defense left.

This wave can only be said to be a lack of teammates, and they were almost pierced by players from the opposing camp.

[Comprehensive Reward Multiplier: 4.0 Times!]

[The chain event "Wild Grass Burning Plain" has been completed!]

[You have gained 200,000 reincarnation points, 20,000 credits, prestige (10 times the income)]

[You have obtained a special skill - Artificial Magic Calculation Field]

[Your stat limit has been unlocked to 100 points!].

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