Mitsui Honoka, Kitayama Shizuku.

These two girls are the names of the two new friends who are with Shenxue.

The former is a sister-next-door character with brown hair and a double ponytail.

The latter is a three-nil girl who looks younger and has a cold expression.

"In this way, the harem group of the original male protagonist ...... The protagonist group is almost complete. "

Looking at the girls who are talking to Miyuki and throwing curious glances at them from time to time.

Lane thought silently in his heart.

Just then, he was tapped on the left shoulder.

"Hey...... How do you know I'm on your right?"

The girl who can cause such a movement has no one else but Erica.

Caught by Lane, she had a "terrible" expression on her face, but it was fleeting.

"Next time, if I get close like this quietly, I might just give you a shoulder throw. "

Rien moved his joints, if not actually glancing at the copy map.

I'm afraid that he had already subconsciously suppressed Erica with the [Ninefold Flow Fighting Technique-Capture].

This is the body's instinctive stress response, and it is most sensitive to sudden movements behind it.

"Li En, thank you for helping me adjust my glasses last time...... Ah, Shenxue-san, too. "

Mitsuki, the glasses girl, walked from behind Erica,

Seeing the two first-class students next to Shenxue, some didn't know what to say.

After all, there is a deep chasm between the identities of [Weed] and [Corolla].

seems to have sensed a slight change in the atmosphere,

Lane gave a 16 look at Deep Snow.

"By the way, it's not too early, do you want to go eat something together?"

A perfect smile appeared on Fukayuki's face, as if even the soul could be washed.

"By the way, I can also ask my brother to tell me what happened in the gymnasium yesterday. "

Sure enough, hearing about Lane's "great achievements",

Everyone present looked interested.

As a second-degree student, being able to become a member of the Discipline Inspection Commission is already big news.

Not to mention, Li En also personally leveled more than a dozen seniors of the Sword Fighting Club!

More people have heard about this from rumors.

I will definitely not let go of the opportunity to verify the facts in person.

Erica's gaze glanced around, then excitedly proposed.

"I know that there is a new tea restaurant nearby, and the reviews on the Internet are not bad. "


The appetizer is a community recruiting experience for everyone who attends this small gathering.

For example, Erica complained that the recruitment booth on the playground was too chaotic.

Of course, she didn't forget to hide some of it.

Like what happened before going to the gym.

But what everyone is most concerned about is naturally Lien's experience.

"-That senior named Kirihara uses a restricted-level [high-frequency blade], right?"

After listening to Rien's narration, Honoka came up with her own thoughts.

"Being able to use melee combat to knock down the opponent in such a dangerous technique, Li En-san is very powerful. "

"Just avoid the [High Frequency Blade] weapon attached to it. "

Lane shrugged, he didn't actually feel much of a threat.

Because before he rushed into the field,

He has already used [Surgical Invasion: Forced Shutdown] to stop the function of the magic machine.

"Except that you can't touch the blade, it's just like dealing with a real knife, it's not too difficult. "

Except for Miyuki and Erica, the other girls all looked at Rien with "you're kidding me" expressions.

Dealing with real knives...... Is it easy?!

"However, this is equivalent to stopping a swordsman with a murder weapon in his hand with his bare hands, right?"

Mitsuki couldn't help but say, but this time it was Miyuki who was sitting across from her who answered her.

"Mitsuki, it's going to be fine, because it's my brother. "

"Uh...... Is that a reason?"

Erica scratched her head, although with her level of swordsmanship, it wasn't hard for her to do the same.

But what is difficult is the courage to rush forward without hesitation, knowing that there is a risk of injury.

For Shenxue's unreserved trust in Riene, even she is a little curious.

"Shenxue-san, haven't you really been worried?"

"Yes, because it is impossible for someone to win the brother. "

Hearing Erica's question, Shenxue said without the slightest hesitation.

"It seems that Erica-san is still a little too naïve, and she actually wants to shake Miyuki's confidence in her brother. "

As a good friend of Fukatsuki, Honoka naturally knows how strong her faith in Rien is.

Even when he was excited to tell her what was happening in the gymnasium.

Deep Snow only let out an "oh" without the slightest surprise.

As if for this older brother of hers, this level of operation was nothing at all.

"That Kirihara senior, the strength is second to none in the second grade. "

Suddenly, Shizuku Kitayama, who had not spoken, seemed to have finally organized his words.

The cold and sudden voice seemed to pour ice water on the heated atmosphere of the discussion.

"The next trump card of the Sword Club was defeated by a freshman who was only a second-class student. "

"Brother Shenxue, you should be more careful during this time, because ......"

There was no need for the mouthless girl to continue, everyone present understood what she meant.

Especially Lai as a party.

Because after Kitayama Shizuku said this, he received an exclusive personal task!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


[Exclusive Personal Mission: Revenge of the Corolla]

+degree: E+

+ Description: Words can't convince you, so use your strength to conquer those who are hostile to you!

+ Mark: Defeat all the students who try to get revenge on you before the club recruitment week ends.

+ Reward: For every challenger defeated, 20 credits and 200 "One High" reputation will be awarded

+ Note: Defeat all of them to get an additional exclusive perk skill x1


"Brother should have his own solution, right?"

Deep Snow stared at Rien, as if she could read the look on his face.

"An enemy of this level is not a threat to my brother at all. "

Of course, it's even a door-to-door reward.

Rien smiled and touched Shenxue's head.

"I can't hide it from you. "

"Of course, as long as it's my brother's business, I can see it clearly. "

Looking at the two brothers and sisters who fell into a certain pink atmosphere,

Honoka couldn't help but interrupt.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

"This isn't a brother-sister conversation, is it?!


Deep Snow gave her friend a strange look.

"Why do you think that the relationship between a couple is more advanced than that of a brother and sister?"

"Isn't it true that brother and sister are more of a lover?"

"Uh...... I throw in the towel. "

Looking at the deep snow with a serious face, Honoka made a voice of surrender.

It's like rediscovering this friend who is like a glacier beauty in the class.

"You dare to complain about this pair of glue-like brothers and sisters, you are still too naïve. "

Erica, who had already seen the actions of these two people, said with a smile to Honoka.

As Kitayama Shizuku expected, in the next few days, Li En was attacked one after another.

The attackers are all students who want to save face from him.

Even if they don't know each other, they didn't provoke them, but for the pride of the so-called "Corolla 453".

These people are simply hostile to Lane and thus retaliate.

And the means of retaliation are also bizarre.

For example, disguised as the scene of the riot, waiting for the patrolling Li En to approach,

Pretend to miss and launch a magical attack on him.

Because it's still in the club recruitment week,

The C.A.D. proliferation has fueled the morale of this group.

In this regard, Li En chose to accept all the orders -

Anyway, the performance delivered to the door, and the challenge reward to take, don't be in vain!

As for how to identify which ones are the Avengers in disguise, it is even better.

Open the dungeon map directly, as long as it is a hostile unit symbolizing the "red dot",

Just take precautions in advance.

[The exclusive personal mission "Corolla's Revenge" has been completed!]

"It's finally over......"

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Rien breathed a sigh of relief.

Although in the past few days he has earned a lot of credits and prestige.

But being on guard at all times is also quite draining.

Especially everywhere he goes, there will be riots almost everywhere.

It's almost all malice against him.

Due to his duties as a member of the Discipline Commission, he had to follow a predetermined patrol route.

In other words, he was in a state of jumping into the trap with his eyes open.

At first, there may be a sense of novelty that "good hunters often appear as prey".

But it lasted for almost a week...... Ryne was also a little impatient.

"I hope that the random specialty skills can make up for the encounters in the past few days. "

Shaking his head, Rien received the reward for the mission.

【You have defeated all the challengers!Drawing exclusive perks!】

[You have obtained "Flash Memory Calculation Lv. 1]]


(Photo: Honoka Mitsui).

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