
Lyle held a microphone and spread his voice throughout the entire venue. Of course, if he just said that, the people in the venue would definitely not give him face. After all, you are the leader of a terrorist organization, and I am here now There are more than a dozen champions here, so I'm not afraid of you.

But as Lyle finished speaking, a terrible sense of oppression emanated from his body. The audience seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, as well as his tragic death~ picture


Some timid and weak-willed people screamed, their faces were extremely pale, and when their pants became hot, a stream of liquid flowed out. They were scared to the point of peeing, and there were still many people.

Who can really not be affected by Lyle's momentum? Only a handful of people at the scene were affected, including the teachers who led the team and the contestants.

The king-level trainers were relatively less affected, and even the ordinary people below were not affected.

The same thing was said by Quiet.

Jiang Qing's words But it can soothe the fear in everyone's heart.

Lyle's words continue to amplify everyone's fear, and finally defeat most of the will.

But Lyle quickly took back his breath, and many people were breathing heavily. They looked at each other with fear on their faces.

They really thought they were almost dead just now.

Now none of them dared to speak, for fear that the scene just now would happen again.

Lyle was obviously very satisfied with the reaction of these people, and continued with the microphone:"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lyle, the seventh-generation leader of the Y God Organization.

" Champion-level strength and extremely powerful skills.

Because of this, the Y-god organization has gradually become the largest terrorist organization in the world.

Each generation of leaders is a monster-level figure. Such a figure does not want to benefit society and mankind. But he thinks about how to destroy the world and kill all mankind all day long.

As expected, there is only a thin line between genius and madman

"The person on my left, as everyone knows, is the Watano Champion of the Baga Kingdom. Of course, he also has another level of identity. He is the deputy leader of our Y God Organization."

"On the right is the Saint of the Y God Organization.

The Y God Organization has one leader and three deputy leaders, as well as an extremely mysterious master. The senior officials of Baga Kingdom were completely speechless. They only had two champions, but one of them turned out to be... She is the deputy leader of the Y God Organization, and the only female among the contestants is a saint.

No wonder your Y God Organization is creating terrorist organizations everywhere, but our Baga Country has never been here.

I thought we were powerful, but you couldn't help it.

Feelings Our champions are all your people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that half of the Baga Kingdom is organized by you.

Since the Baga Kingdom is your territory, then you will cause trouble in your own territory.

Now the senior officials of the Baga Kingdom Already completely desperate.

Tired, destroy it

""Lyle, why are you talking so much? What is your purpose?"

A strong man jumped down from the stands. He was almost two meters tall and his whole body was full of muscles.

This guy is the leading teacher of White Bear Country. , is naturally one of the champions of the White Bear Country.

He also held a bottle of vodka in his left hand. After taking a sip, he hissed and continued:"You rats, dare to appear in the sun, what gave you the courage?"

Lyle Smiling slightly, his eyes swept across the audience, and then said slowly:"The purpose of my coming here today is, of course, to send you all to death."

"More than a dozen champions, and nine hundred talented trainers from all over the world, if you all die here, I think it will be much easier for me to destroy the world in the future." The champion of the White Bear Country was stunned, and burst into laughter after a few seconds.

"Hahaha, I didn’t expect that the leader of the dignified Y-god organization would be a brainless idiot."

"Just the two of you and Watano want to defeat a dozen of our champions. I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet."

The dozen or so champions represent at least a dozen champion-level elves, and there are several champion-level champions. There is not only one elf.

He himself has three, and Jiang Qing has two. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This guy actually wants to fight against more than a dozen of their champions with the power of two people , is there something wrong with the brain?

Faced with the other party’s ridicule, Lyle looked at the other party as if he were an idiot.

"What are you looking at?" the White Bear Country Champion said extremely angrily. He hated this kind of look the most. He always felt that he was being looked at as a fool.

In fact, from some perspectives, what he just said was indeed a bit too simple.[]

"It's a miracle that you can become a champion. Such an IQ is so rare."


"The strange power will kill him."

The champion of the White Bear Kingdom was furious and immediately sent out a level 92 strange power.

"Don't move."

Jiang Qing saw this and stopped him.

"Champion Jiang, what are you doing?"

The champion of the White Bear Kingdom suppressed his anger when he saw this. If it weren't for Jiang Qing who was blocking him, he would definitely have ignored it if it were another champion.

Who said Jiang Qing could command a first-level god and be a god? Injury-free state, with this ability, all champions must be convinced

"You are not his opponent." Jiang Qing shook his head.

Lyle has the aura of a first-level god. This aura is not the aura of a puppet like Du Cheng in Xiangjiang at that time, but the aura of a first-level god who has truly mastered it.

White Bear Country The champion went up, just to deliver food to the other party.

Seeing Jiang Qing's solemn expression, it didn't look like he was joking. The champion of the White Bear Country was also relatively rational and did not continue to let the strange power attack.

If Jiang Qing really said that, If you don't listen and force yourself to go up, the strange force may cause an accident because of your recklessness. The champion of the White Bear Country has already entered the stage.

Followed by the champions of Gaul Country, Great Ding Country, Canada, Pampas Country and other countries. They all stood beside Jiang Qing.

Counting it down, there were a total of sixteen champions, from sixteen countries, wearing the uniforms of the national team. I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but Jiang Qing happened to be in the C position..The expressions of the sixteen champions were either dignified, indifferent, or frivolous.

But the aura of calmness and self-importance was extremely extraordinary.

Just when these people stood together, the space around them seemed to be much more solemn.

And their gazes were all Focus on Lyle

【Everyone, I'm a little panicked. This guy's expression is too calm. He doesn't feel like he's surrounded by more than a dozen champions at all.】

【Why are you panicking? You weren't even there】

【Shit, I'm right there】

【Sixteen champions stand together, take screenshots quickly, you might not miss it if you miss it】

【My husband is standing in position C. He is not very handsome.】

【Then Lyle is really not panic at all. Is this guy just pretending, or does he really have some powerful trump card?】

【It's a pity that a girl as scary as Saori is actually a member of a terrorist organization. It's really a waste of time.

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