The huge dragon head turned towards Bai Guanyin, opened his mouth and said:"Let's fight!"

"What you want!"Bai Guanyin shouted, and her body was like a phantom. She appeared in front of the dragon in the blink of an eye, and then struck out a palm.

This palm looked very ordinary. It did not have earth-shattering momentum or monstrous murderous intent. , and I can't feel the slightest bit of strength.

It doesn't feel like a move that a supreme master can perform.

However, this palm is exceptionally clever.

Because Bai Guanyin condenses all the power here There was no leakage from the palm, so no change could be seen.

This palm just hit the dragon's body.

""Boom" made a huge sound.

It was as if the space was being shattered.

However, Lin Beifan only felt a little pain and was able to endure it.

If he had received such a slap before, he would have been seriously injured and vomited blood.

I have to say, After transforming into a dragon body, he was covered in dragon scale armor and his defense was greatly enhanced.

Bai Guanyin was very surprised.Her full blow didn't seem to have any effect.

"The dragon swung its tail!"Lin Beifan controlled the dragon's body and flicked its tail.

Bai Guanyin did not dare to take a hard hit, and turned around flexibly, as if teleporting, to avoid this move of the dragon's tail.

Then, his fighting spirit quickly increased and he continued to fight.

Lin Beifan The same is true.

At first, he was not used to controlling the dragon body. He was hit several times by Bai Guanyin, but he was not injured.

As he became more and more flexible in controlling the dragon body, his combat power became stronger and stronger.

A dragon claw Press it down and destroy a mountain.

With a sweep of its tail, it can sweep across a forest.

It can even eject dragon breath, forming a sea of ​​fire.

Bai Guanyin gradually becomes labored.

This golden dragon is so invincible!

Its body is as hard as a diamond. No matter how hard she fought, she couldn't break her defense. She could also attack with spells, set fire and thunder, which really drove people crazy.

However, the more she fought, the more excited she became.

After all these years, she finally met someone who was worthy of a fight. Her opponent!

Only in this way can she once again guide her way forward, and can she hope to achieve the realm of land gods in the future!

Therefore, her combat power has been greatly improved, and she has broken through a little bit further!

You know, practicing to the supreme The realm of Grand Master is basically the limit of a warrior. Every breakthrough is a great improvement and an opportunity that cannot be obtained!

Bai Guanyin broke through in a blink of an eye!

For Bai Guanyin's With his talent in martial arts, Lin Beifan could only sigh, what a monster!

The old man standing aside was already amazed.

"These two young men are really scary, one is more evil than the other! I have to admit that I am already old and can no longer keep up with the pace of young people!"

At this moment, the sky was getting slightly brighter, and Lin Beifan felt that it was time to go back.

So he shouted:"Bai Guanyin, it's getting late. Let's each use our unique skills. How about fighting another day?

Bai Guanyin nodded and said,"Okay!""

In a matter of seconds, Bai Guanyin seemed to have struck out one palm, and then seemed to have struck out hundreds of palms. The whole world was covered with palm shadows.

Moreover, the power of these palms can be superimposed.

If these hundreds of palms are superimposed on each other, , will explode with a hundred times the lethality, extremely terrifying!

Lin Beifan saw through the mystery, did not dare to be careless, and also used his unique skills

"Thousands of thunders struck!"

Purple thunder fell from the sky one after another.

Controlled by Lin Beifan, it turned into a terrifying thunder pillar and penetrated it.

The shadow of the palm and the thunder collided violently!


It seemed as if the world was about to collapse.

This huge movement could even be felt in the capital two hundred miles away. Everyone looked up in shock.

"What happened over there that made the sound so deafening?"

"It feels like an earthquake, so scary!"

"I seem to see a dragon……"


After about half a cup of tea, peace returned to heaven and earth.

Lin Beifan has recovered his body and is standing in the air, somewhat out of breath.

The same was true for Bai Guanyin. After experiencing the earth-shattering battle just now, her flawless white clothes were stained with some dust and a little messy.

However, both of them were very happy.

It's been a long time since I've had such a good beating, and I felt so good from head to toe.

In a duel, you have to meet an equally matched opponent to have a happy fight.

"Ha ha! Wonderful, really wonderful! The old man clapped his hands and flew over, smiling:"I haven't seen such a wonderful duel in a long time... No, I should say, this is the most exciting duel I have ever seen!" Even if we look forward 500 years, we probably won’t see such an unprecedented competition! It’s my blessing, haha!"

"Senior, thank you!"Lin Beifan and Bai Guanyin said in unison

"I'm not exaggerating at all, I'm just telling the truth! The old man smoked a cigarette and said with an envious smile:"And you are still so young and have huge potential. You will have the opportunity to go further in the future and realize the land of immortals. It is really enviable!""

Lin Beifan and Bai Guanyin both nodded.

They were both very confident to take the final step and become land gods.

The old man was smoking a cigarette while looking at the two young faces in front of him. Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and smiled. Said:"That's right! Are you interested in becoming a Taoist couple?"

"ah?"Lin Beifan and Bai Guanyin were dumbfounded.

"What I mean is, are you interested in getting married? The old man smiled and said:"After all, the road to martial arts is long, and it is best to work together with people who share the same path!" You are still young, and you are a perfect match for a talented man and a beautiful woman. It is most suitable for you to become a couple! Bai

Guanyin's face turned red with embarrassment, and she said angrily:"Senior, what are you talking about?" Old and dishonest!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! The old man took a puff of dry cigarette and said with a wry smile:"I am advising you as a person who has been through this!" Look at me, I have lived a long time and watched my relatives and friends die one by one until I am the only one left in the world. Do you know the loneliness and pain in this?"

Lin Beifan and the two fell silent, because they heard endless sadness in the old man's voice.

Sometimes living too long is not a blessing, but a kind of torture.

Because no one in the world understands he

"So I hope that my tragedy will not happen again to others! The old man advised:"You are still young, and you are the top experts in the world. The years ahead are very long!" If you can join hands for a lifetime, you will definitely not be lonely in the future! This is a good thing that you can’t even ask for!"

"Senior, stop talking!"Bai Guanyin's face turned red with embarrassment.

Although she also felt that what the old man said was reasonable, she should not say it to her face! No matter how you say it, she is still a woman, and she is also a young girl. She will inevitably be shy when encountering such things!

"Alas, how could you not say it? The old man shook his head and smiled:"You young people, you are so thin-skinned!" If you don't pierce this layer of paper, I'm afraid you will miss it in the future, which is a pity! So, I’m here to do it for you!

The old man said with a smile:"After you become a Taoist couple, you will become a family. You can explore martial arts together, make progress together, and work together for a lifetime. What a beautiful thing!""

"It will be even more beautiful if I have children in the future!"

"Your talents are so evil, and the children you give birth to will definitely inherit your evil talents. Coupled with your careful training, they will definitely be the top people in the world! There is even hope for land gods!"

"Therefore, you should have more children and don’t waste your own talents! If the old man is still alive at that time, I can still stop being a disciple and pass on my mantle!"

"In this way, I can be considered to have a wife, haha!"

The old man became more and more excited as he talked, but Bai Guanyin couldn't stay any longer!

After just a few words, he even had children, and there were several of them! If he continued talking, I'm afraid...

So, Bai Guanyin slipped away:"You two, I have something else to do, so I’m leaving first!"

The figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, running so fast

"This...girl is so thin-skinned after all! The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked at the thick-skinned Lin Beifan next to him and said with a smile:"How about it? What do you think of my opinion?"

Lin Beifan was ashamed:"Senior, please stop trying to persuade me!""

"What can you not advise? You are both top-notch people in the world, and you are also young. You are a talented man and a beautiful woman, a match made in heaven!"The old man persuaded again.

Lin Beifan continued to be shy:"Senior, you really don't need to persuade me. You should persuade her more. I want to marry!"

The old man:"……"

Lin Beifan thought about it seriously and said,"Senior, I'll leave this matter to you! After the matter is completed, I will let our children worship you as their teacher!" The old man's eyes lit up:"Okay! It's a deal!"

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