At this time, Lin Beifan had led the alliance army into the important border town.

Due to the rapid elimination of Daxia's main force, the remaining soldiers and horses could not organize a strong resistance at all. They ran away, but most of them surrendered and did not want to fight anymore.

Since they surrendered, Lin Beifan naturally spared their lives.

After all, these are young and middle-aged people who can be used to fight, farm, and work. They are so useful that if you can, try not to kill them.

As a result, Lin Beifan's alliance army successfully took over the important border town.

After a day's rest, I plan to continue setting off to capture the city.

When Lin Beifan sent the order, the Dawu Army immediately repaired on the spot and prepared for tomorrow's battle.

However, the soldiers and horses of other small countries began to have fun.

They bullied the local soldiers and civilians in Daxia, robbed them of their money and food, and some even wanted to rape women from good families...

Their behavior was really heinous!

Lin Beifan frowned. After all, it was a small country with few people!

He has not received a relatively systematic and complete military education, and he has not followed orders and prohibitions. As soon as I achieved a small achievement, I immediately released my inner demons and started to enjoy myself.

Lin Beifan already regards this place as Dawu's territory, and the border residents here also regard this place as Dawu's people. You have caused harm to this place, and when the time comes, when you leave, it is Dawu whom they will resent!

So, Lin Beifan shouted loudly:"Go down the order, all officers and men of the Alliance Army are not allowed to disturb the people, are not allowed to cause trouble, and are not allowed to rape or plunder. Anyone who disobeys the order will be dealt with according to the military law!""

"Yes, Marshal!"

The order was conveyed quickly.

However, the generals from various countries came over, with some dissatisfaction in their tone.

"Marshal, why do you issue such an order?"

"We finally conquered this place, everyone is a hero, can't we just enjoy it?"

"Yes, the soldiers have worked hard after this battle, so they should be allowed to vent their anger!"

"Marshal, isn't this why we fight?"


Although these generals were nominally his subordinates, they were from different countries after all, and Lin Beifan was not easy to lose his temper.

So he smiled and said:"Generals, I understand your thoughts very well! However, have you ever thought about what adverse effects it will have if you let everyone vent at this time?"

"What adverse effects could this have?"Everyone is a little confused.

"The impact is huge and the consequences are very serious! Lin Beifan said with a serious face:"Wolves, only when they are the hungriest, will they desperately grab food and hunt livestock!" However, once he has eaten and drank enough, he will become lazy, and he will not bother to move even if you stand in front of him! The same is true for people!"

"Generals, you have let everyone get rid of their anger, get what they deserve, eat and drink enough, how can they still have the fighting spirit to fight? If it were you, would you still be willing to fight?"

"Marshal, what you said is absolutely true!"The generals suddenly realized

"Therefore, I want to keep everyone hungry, so that they can’t get what they want most, and can see or eat it, so that they can hold back their fire, fight hard, conquer cities, and fight! In this way, wouldn't we be able to gain more territory and gain more benefits? Lin

Beifan smiled proudly and said:"At that time, if we can enjoy it well, wouldn't it be wonderful?""

Everyone slapped their thighs one after another

"What the marshal said is absolutely true, they must be kept hungry!"

"Only hunger will unleash powerful power!"

"If they are satisfied, they won't bother to fight!"

"The marshal is wise, and he will finally learn a lesson!"


"Therefore, after all generals go back, they must restrain the people below them! Only by keeping them hungry can our army be invincible! Lin Beifan gave another instruction.

The generals bid farewell to Lin Beifan and went back to restrain their own soldiers.

After that, the burning, killing and looting did not happen again. Everyone rested peacefully and prepared for the next war.

After resting for a day, Everyone was full of energy and set out towards the hinterland of Daxia. It took a day to arrive at Xia Yan City, a city close to the border.

This city originally had a population of one million and was considered a relatively prosperous city on the border.

However, since the establishment of the border, After the news of the Xia Alliance Army came, more than 200,000 people fled here.

When the news of the breach of the border came yesterday, more than 300,000 people fled here.

There is only less than 500,000 people left.

And There were less than 50,000 defenders inside, and they were unable to withstand the menacing 2 million Alliance army.

Standing under the city gate, Lin Beifan shouted loudly:"Who is the defender? I advise you to open the door quickly and surrender, I will spare your life! Otherwise, when my army rushes in, you will definitely die!"

The general who defended the city was also tough:"Don't even think about it! As the saying goes, it is the king's salary that feeds the king, but the king's worries! As an official of Daxia, I receive a salary from the imperial court, so I naturally have to serve Daxia and the imperial court! If you want to break into the city, you have to step on my corpse!

Lin Beifan said loudly:"Okay!" This king will help you! The innately powerful man entered the city, then opened the city gate and welcomed the army into the city!"

"Yes, Marshal!"Dozens of innates once again came to kill with overwhelming arrogance.

Daxia's 500,000 regular troops couldn't hold it, let alone the 50,000 city defenders here?

In less than a moment, the city gate was opened.

Lin Beifan raised his arms. Shouted:"Everyone, soldiers, follow me into the city!""

"kill!!!"The shouts of killing were loud.

This city soon changed hands.

After a day's rest, everyone was full of energy. Lin Beifan led the alliance army and continued to kill in the direction of Daxia.

Every time, it was the innate strong man Open the way and open the city gate.

The Dawu army will follow closely and eliminate the main force in the city. They will start from behind and eliminate the remaining forces in the city.

Basically, one city can be captured in one day, which is very fast.

If you don't need to rush and rest , maybe everyone was faster.

We fought like this for seven days, conquered seven cities in a row, and advanced more than 200 miles!

Everyone in the world was stunned by the speed of conquering cities and territories.

"Good guy, I conquered a city in one day! In just 7 days, 7 cities have changed hands!"

"This speed is unimaginable!"

"It can only be said that the alliance army is too strong. With more than 50 innates and 2.5 million soldiers and horses, plus Lin Beifan, a military god-level commander, it is difficult not to win!"

"Da Xia is miserable! The princes and grandsons were all fighting in their dens, but in the end, everyone was beating him at the door of his house!"

"If this continues, Daxia will really be doomed!"


Everyone sighed at what happened to Daxia.

At the same time, everyone was very envious of the seven alliance countries headed by Dawu, and felt sour in their hearts.

Because, through this military operation, these seven countries will definitely bite off a piece of flesh from Daxia.

The expansion of territory is just around the corner.

If it weren't for the fact that it didn't border Daxia, they would also want to join in the fun and share some soup.

At this time, the Seven-Nation Allied Forces, which had won consecutive victories, were advancing to the eighth city with great momentum.

Lin Beifan was planning to let the innate masters clear the way as before. The large military force would eliminate the main force, and the troops from various countries would fall behind to quickly capture the city.

As a result, a general shouted loudly:"Marshal, wait a minute!"

Lin Beifan turned around and saw that it was General Liu of the Desert Country, so he smiled and said:"General Liu, what can you do?"

"Marshal, this is what it looks like!"General Liu said seriously:"This time in the expedition to Xia, you have always been the main force in destroying Daxia with force, and you have contributed the most. In the end, the general will be very sorry! Therefore, let us in the desert conquer this city!

Lin Beifan was stunned:"Ah this……"

At this time, the generals from the desert country spoke one after another

"Yes, Marshal, let us in the desert fight this battle!"

"We in the desert hope to do our part for the alliance!"

"We guarantee a great victory!"


They were very active because they had to fight.

Because according to the distribution rules, whoever sends more troops and sacrifices more will get more territory. Which country contributes more will have priority in distribution.

But until now, the Dawu Army has been the main force. They have been playing soy sauce throughout the battle, and not many people have died.

In this way, how to obtain big benefits?

Moreover, Daxia seems to be easy to bully now, no matter how hard he fights.

They are all generals of the Desert Kingdom, and they have risen through the ranks by virtue of their military exploits.

With such an excellent opportunity to spawn monsters, if you can conquer a few cities with your own hands and step on Daxia's head a few times, you will definitely become famous all over the world!

Therefore, if we don’t take action now, when will we wait?

Lin Beifan pondered for a moment:"But if this is the case, you will have to sacrifice a lot, and I will feel sorry for you!"

"Please make it happen, Marshal!"The generals of the Desert Country said in unison.

Looking at the firm eyes of the Desert Country generals, Lin Beifan was very moved and moved, and said loudly:"Okay! You are all good soldiers. Since you insist on doing so, I will grant you permission! In this battle, you will be the main force, and the other troops will follow behind!

The generals of the Desert Kingdom were overjoyed:"Thank you, Marshal!""

Looking up, I found that the generals from other countries had envious and jealous eyes, so I couldn't help but raise my head slightly. It was better to open the way in advance and quickly opened the city gate.

General Liu of the Desert raised the knife in his hand and said excitedly:"Son of the Desert Wolves, the city gate is open, follow me to kill! This is the time to make great achievements!"


The soldiers and horses of the Desert Kingdom, with high morale, fought towards the city.

The two sides quickly engaged in hand-to-hand combat!

However, the soldiers and horses of the Desert Kingdom were too weak. Even if they faced the soldiers and horses of Daxia, which had no morale, they were still killed. The men were on their backs, and the battle loss ratio reached 2:1.

In other words, it took two desert soldiers to take away the life of one Daxia soldier.

However, the desert army was still excited to kill!

In this regard, Lin Beifan could only laugh: Just be happy!

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