Because, according to previous experience, it should be windy and rainy at this time, with lightning and thunder, and thunder from the sky to punish him and destroy the elixir in his hand.

But now, there is no trace of Thunder at all.

Does this mean... that the elixir he refined is not a magical elixir and has no magical effect, so it cannot attract the attention of God?

Does this mean... that he failed in making alchemy this time?

However, he operated according to his previous experience from beginning to end, without making any mistakes. Why was this?

"Don't panic, maybe the punishment will come later!"Kong Kong Taoist comforted himself and continued to refine elixirs.

On the other side, the Emperor of Daxia and others looked at the sky and frowned without saying a word.

The imperial master said that thunder was coming, why did he still not see thunder after waiting for so long?

Among them, is there something wrong ? Something went wrong?

I wanted to ask a few questions, but I was afraid of disturbing the Imperial Master, so I could only hold back my words.

At this time, Taoist Master Kong Kong was still turning over and over to refine the alchemy.

The alchemy furnace was flying around in the air, posing and flowering branches. trick, but just can’t attract God’s attention.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest looked calm on the surface, but he was already panicking in his heart.

Thunder Tribulation, why hasn’t it come yet?

If you don’t come, my elixir will be released!

"Don't panic, wait a little longer, it will be here soon!"He comforted himself again.

As a result, it took only a stick of incense to wait.

The sky was still cloudless, very clean, and the night was very quiet. Only the sound of his alchemy was left.

The Emperor of Daxia and the ministers around him were all Some of them couldn't stand anymore, so they had to bring some chairs to sit down and rest.

Then, they continued to watch Taoist Master Kong Kong refining the elixir over and over again. The Emperor of Daxia asked in a low voice:"Why is it that after so long, the magic elixir is still there?" Not refined? According to the previous instructions of the national master, thunder should appear now, why is there still no movement at all?"

"this……"The officials looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Finally, an old Chen Chen comforted him:"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, all good things come hard, and magic medicine is not so easy to refine! Your Majesty, you see, until now, the Imperial Master still looks calm and unhurried, which shows that everything is under control. Among them! So, Your Majesty, you just need to wait patiently, the magic medicine will be released soon!" The Emperor of Daxia nodded in agreement:"What Aiqing said is absolutely true, then I will wait patiently!" At this time!

, the unscrupulous Taoist priest who seemed calm and composed in everyone's eyes was already panicking in his heart.

Why hasn’t Thunder come yet?

If you don't come, the elixir of life will be burnt!

Can you still eat the burnt elixir?

Moreover, he really couldn't bear it any longer!

I just vomited so much blood in a row, and my body was already deprived of blood, and my body became weak.

Even if he is an innate strong man, he will be affected if he loses so much energy and blood.

If it weren't for his iron will, he would have fallen!

"God, please send down a thunderbolt quickly! Just chop it on my body. As long as you can refine the magic elixir, I am willing to sacrifice 200 pounds of fat on my body to you!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest silently prayed to the sky.

At this moment, he only heard a roar.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest felt happy, thinking that God heard his prayer and struck a thunderbolt.

But when he looked up, it was not thunder. But his alchemy furnace exploded!

Because it had been burned for too long and was beaten by unscrupulous Taoist priests, it finally couldn't hold it anymore and exploded in the sky, turning into countless fragments and scattering like flowers from a goddess. Come down.

Everyone was shocked

"What happened? The alchemy furnace...exploded?"

"Could it be that... the refining of the divine elixir failed?"

"Can't you refine the elixir of life?"


Among the scattered fragments of the alchemy furnace, a black bead flew out and pierced the sky.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest had quick eyes and quick hands, so he descended from the sky and grabbed the black bead.

Looking at the black bead in his hand, his expression became tangled.

The Emperor of Daxia and others walked over quickly and asked:"Master, why did the alchemy furnace explode? Did the alchemy fail this time?" The unscrupulous Taoist priest looked at the emperor's eager face with eyes wide open, and suddenly his heart A block, a little scared.

In order to refine the elixir of life, the other party spent a lot of effort and even ignored the country.

If you dare to say failure, you may be chopped alive by the other party!

"Your Majesty, you have not failed……"

"Since there is no failure, what about the elixir of life?"The Emperor of Daxia asked anxiously

"Your Majesty, this is it!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest opened his hand. There was a jet-black bead in his hand, just like a ball of mud he dug out from the ground. It looked very disgusting.

"This... is the legendary elixir of life!!!"The Emperor of Daxia and all the officials were shocked.

"Exactly!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest nodded shamelessly.

"According to rumors, the elixir of life is a golden, very bright bead that can float and sink in the air without any support. It is very miraculous! Why is this one... so ordinary?"The Emperor of Daxia asked in shock

"Your Majesty, you also know that it is a rumor. The magic pill has divinity and is invisible and has no form! It can be a golden bead, or it can be a black bead, or it may not even be a bead, but other shapes, which is very normal!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest calmly quibbles

"But, Master, there are rumors that when the elixir of immortality is completed, it will be fragrant, making people feel refreshed and all diseases will disappear! Why does this pill not only have no fragrance, but also smells like... burnt? A faintly disgusting stench?"The Emperor of Daxia asked again

"Your Majesty, the divine elixir is formless, colorless and tasteless! It can grow into various shapes and have various flavors, and it is absolutely indistinguishable from its appearance!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest once again calmly quibbled

"But Imperial Master, I heard that the elixir of immortality is a magical elixir that cannot be found in the world, so when the elixir is completed, heaven will rain down thunder to destroy the elixir! Why has there been no movement until now?

The Emperor of Daxia thought for a while and added:"National Master, that is what you said yourself, not a rumor!""

"Ahem……"The unscrupulous Taoist priest finally lost his composure, his face became weak, and he explained with some sweating:"Your Majesty, it is actually like this. When the elixir appears for the first time, there will indeed be a thunder disaster and a destructive elixir!"

"But it won’t happen the second time, because the Great Dao is fifty and the Heavenly Act is forty-nine. Everything will have a glimmer of hope, and the same goes for the magic pill! Moreover, this is also God’s recognition of Your Majesty. He thinks that you are of high virtue, so that’s why you did not destroy the magic medicine. After all, you are the Son of Heaven, the Son of God!

The Emperor of Daxia laughed heartily:"The Imperial Master is right!" I am the Son of Heaven, so I am favored by God! Give me the magic pill quickly!"

"Your Majesty, please use it slowly!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest handed over the"elixir" in his hand.

But at this moment, an old minister next to the Emperor of Daxia suddenly tore off his mask and clothes, and then killed him with lightning speed. , wanted to snatch the"elixir" from the hands of the Emperor of Great Xia.

However, he was discovered by the grandmaster next to him, and the two sides quickly fought.

In the blink of an eye, they had fought for 10 rounds, and neither side could do anything to the other.

But at this time, the opponent's body With a shock, Emperor Daxia's hand was affected by the strength, and he suddenly let go, and the"elixir" in his hand was thrown into the air.

The opponent rushed into the sky with thunder and lightning, grabbing the elixir.

"I took this elixir of life, haha!"

"Don't even think about it, thief!"

Grandmaster Daxia followed closely, and the two sides fought again.

Then at this moment, many strong men came from outside the palace, either innate or grandmaster, and they all went to snatch the magic medicine.

"This elixir of life belongs to me!"

"It should belong to me, you can't even think of succeeding!"

"See the real chapter in your hand!"


Seeing so many strange and powerful men snatching his magical elixir, the Emperor of Daxia was very angry and shouted loudly:"Get my elixir back quickly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

All the masters of the Great Xia Dynasty were dispatched, blocking the masters from all walks of life while snatching the magic pill. The

Ouchi guards stationed in the palace also started to take action.

The palace seemed very chaotic.

That one pill was stolen by everyone. The snatched magic elixir was flying around in the air, constantly changing hands, and being knocked away again and again.

The Emperor of Daxia, who was standing on the ground, looked very anxious.

He was most afraid that they would accidentally blow his The life-extending elixir was shattered

"Your Majesty, this place is very dangerous, let’s retreat first!"Someone advised

"I won't leave! I will never leave until I can get the magic medicine back!"The Emperor of Daxia looked at the elixir flying around with his eyes infatuatedly.

But at this time, the unscrupulous Taoist priest was extremely happy.

Fight, fight, it's best to destroy the medicine, so that the poor Taoist will be fine!

However, although the fight was fierce, everyone was careful not to damage the elixir.

In the end, Daxia's masters were superior.

After paying a heavy price, they finally defeated all the enemies and grabbed the elixir. Presented to the Emperor of Daxia

"Your Majesty, the magic medicine is here, please use it slowly!"

"OK OK! Dear friends, you have done a good job in protecting the medicine, and you will all be rewarded heavily! Emperor Longyan of Daxia was delighted:"When I take the elixir of immortality and achieve the great cause of immortality, I will definitely reward you for your merits!""

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"Everyone was happy.

In the midst of everyone's expectations, the Emperor of Daxia stretched out his trembling hand, took the black and smelly magic elixir, and said obsessedly:"This is the legendary immortality. Medicine! When I eat it, I will definitely be able to realize my dream of immortality and overlook the world! And I, Daxia, will be passed on to generations to come!"

As he said that, he put the magic elixir into his mouth.

"Your Majesty, wait!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest shouted.

The Emperor of Daxia stopped and asked with a smile:"Master, what else can I do?"

The unscrupulous Taoist priest looked at the dark pill that didn't look like an elixir but looked like poison. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly and he thought to himself: If you eat this thing, nothing will happen to you, right?

"No...nothing! Your Majesty, please continue! The

Emperor of Daxia thought that the unscrupulous Taoist priest would be reluctant to part with it, so he smiled and said:"Master, after all the magic medicine is made, it will be eaten by people!" Imperial Master, don’t worry, I will never forget your contribution! After I achieve immortality, I will definitely keep my promise, make you the one-word king, and share the world with you! Ha ha……"

After laughing, he swallowed it in one gulp.

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