At this time, Baixiang Kingdom has only 3 million people left due to the exodus of 2 million people.

The people who stayed behind were all wealthy people, and they were also relatively law-abiding common people. They did not cause trouble during this riot and acted wisely to protect themselves.

Now that the mob has left, they naively thought that the riot was over and they were about to start a better life.

They naively thought that if they did not resist or cause trouble, the king would treat them well.

There is even some joy. These troublemaking mobs have left, and there are fewer people competing for their interests. They will live better and become richer.

However, they are still too stupid and naive after all!

At this time, a group of soldiers, led by a general, broke into a large family's house.

The head of the household was stunned, and then became furious:"What are you doing? You are breaking into a house without any reason. It is illegal. Do you know? Be careful, I will go to the Yamen to sue you!"

The general smiled coldly:"If you have the ability, just do it. Go and sue, this is His Majesty’s order!"

"What? Is this an order from His Majesty?"The head of the household had a bad premonition in his heart:"Then what does Your Majesty want to do?"

"What do you want to do? The general said loudly:"If you have anything valuable at home, hand it over to me!""

"Sir, something valuable? The head of the household immediately complained:"After an ice disaster, where are the valuable things in our house?" The only valuable thing is this house!"

"It seems that you are planning not to hand it over and search it for me!"The general waved his hand.

Then, all the officers and soldiers rushed in and conducted a carpet-like search, not sparing every room and even every cabinet.

As a result, a small box of broken silver was quickly found.

"take away!"The general waved his hand.

The head of the household was anxious and rushed to intercept him:"You can't take it. This is my mother's coffin book. It's life-saving money. If you take it away, what will happen to my family?"

"Get out of here!"An officer and soldier kicked him, causing him to fall over.

Then, they found two more quilts and some cotton clothes.

"take away!"The general waved his hand.

The head of the household who fell down became anxious again:"You can't take this. It's freezing cold now. Without these quilts and cotton-padded clothes, my family will freeze to death!""

"roll!"The officers and soldiers kicked him again, and the head of the household fell down again.

Then, another tank of rice was found.

"take away! The head of the household was anxious again:"

We really can't take this. My family only has this little rice!" If you take it away, my family will starve to death! Officials, please be kind and leave us a way to survive!"

"Get out of here!"

Then, a lot of valuable things were found, and they were all packed away.

The head of the household intercepted him again and again, and his head was bruised, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he still couldn't stop it.

Finally, the general got tired and took out the He took out the big knife from his waist, put it on the head of the household's neck, and shouted:"If you dare to talk nonsense again, you, your wife and your children will be killed immediately!""

"I... alas!"The head of the household looked at his family and gave up the struggle.

And this scene was happening all over the Baixiang Kingdom.

The officials took the lead in robbing and snatched away all the valuable things in the hands of the people.

Anyone who resisted or did not cooperate was not taken into custody. In the prison, many people were beaten or scolded by the officers and soldiers, and many people were beaten to death.

The people who stayed in Baixiang Kingdom never expected that they thought the riot was over and they should be able to usher in a better life, but instead they ushered in a nightmare. All valuable things were robbed, and many people lost their families and families.

The ice disaster did not kill them, but they fell into the hands of the corrupt court.

My heart was filled with anger and regret.

"The king is cruel and cruel, and he treats us like this. People and gods are outraged!"

"If I had known earlier, I would have followed that group of people to Dawu!"

"Yes, they still had something to eat when they went to Dawu, but now we can’t even eat!"

"At first, they laughed at them for leaving their hometowns to fight beggars! Now I realize that they were right, we were wrong, and I was the big fool! Super fool!"

"Now that all those people are gone, who will stand up for us?"


At this time, gold, silver, jewelry, and material wealth from all over the country were gathered in the palace.

The White Elephant King looked at the mountain of wealth and frowned:"Just such a small amount? It's not enough! If the tribute cannot be paid in full within three months, Dawu will be angry and send troops to fight.……"

The officials below were frightened:"Your Majesty, we have tried our best, but we really can't find anything! We have just experienced an ice disaster, and our wealth has shrunk. It is very difficult.……"

The White Elephant King shouted:"Since we can't find anything, let them go to work and make it for me! No matter what, we must collect tributes for me within three months! Otherwise, let them stay What's the use?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, the soldiers and horses of the Baixiang Kingdom were dispatched again.

This time they were not collecting property, but arresting people and taking them to work. Regardless of men and women, young or old, as long as they still have the ability to work, they must do it. We have to work for seven or eight hours every day, and there is no second way to go.

As for food, it is good to have one meal of chaff every day, and it is still chaff mixed with mud.

Many people died of exhaustion and starvation.

The ones left behind The common people once again felt great regret in their hearts.

"If I had known earlier, I would have gone to Dawu too! I heard that Dawu treats our compatriots really well. As long as everyone works hard, there will still be enough food! If there is a good harvest of food, you can still get 30% of the food!"

"Yes, I regret it so much now, I would have gone if I had known!"

"We could still get a bite to eat in Dawu, but here we can't even get a bite to eat!"

"Yes, you can still be a human being in Dawu, but here you are even worse than a dog!"

"Let’s all go to Dawu too!"


As a result, many people in the Baixiang Kingdom who could not bear the suffering secretly sneaked to the border and rushed to Dawu.

However, the Baixiang court was well prepared. The city gates were closed, all roads were blocked, and heavily guarded. There was no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

"Are they all blocked? Can't run away?"

"There is really no way out!"

"Do we just have to wait to die?"

"I don’t want it!"


The people of Baixiang Country are in despair!

This is the rhythm that drives them to death!

Among them, the White Elephant King stood boldly on the city gate and shouted loudly:"Go back to me! If you dare to take a step forward, don't blame me for being rude!""

"return to! return to! return to……"The officers and soldiers of Baixiang Kingdom were holding spears and shouted sternly.

Among them, a big man standing in the crowd gritted his teeth and said:"Why don't we rebel too!"

"How dare you rebel? The White Elephant King was touched and said angrily:"You ungrateful and unruly people!" The lesson you received is not enough, I will kill you and leave no one alive!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The officers and soldiers of the Baixiang Kingdom were dispatched and carried out a bloody massacre on the people in front of them.

After a bloody storm, the court naturally won. The people who resisted all turned into cold corpses and fell into a pool of blood. The scene was terrifying.

Bai Xiang King Xiang had a stern look on his face:"From now on, whoever takes one step closer to the city gate will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

So, in order to prevent the unruly people in the country from rising up again and shaking his regime, King Baixiang adopted a bloody rule. Anyone who disobeyed discipline or had the intention of rebelling would be killed without leaving any one behind. Under such circumstances, the Baixiang Kingdom Occasionally there are resistances in various places, but they are quickly suppressed.

The life of the people of Baixiang Kingdom is becoming more and more difficult.

In the dire straits, there is no hope.

The situation in Baixiang Kingdom quickly spread to Wuxi and was known to the local people of Baixiang Kingdom. Got it

"Should! They didn't work with us back then, and they won't go with us now. They are all selfish people!"

"Selfish people deserve such a fate!"

"They thought that if they didn’t resist, the king would be kind to them... How naive! The ones who stab you the hardest are often your own people! Sure enough, as soon as we left, his fangs were immediately exposed!"

"Fortunately, I came to Dawu, otherwise I would have suffered too!"

"Yes, luckily it goes fast!"


While they were happy in their hearts, they couldn't help but cook it up.

This is the case for the people who stayed in Baixiang Kingdom. Will they suffer the same fate in the future?

After all, they are essentially the people of the White Elephant Kingdom. They only came here to seek a living because of poverty. They will definitely go back after finishing their work, and then face the same situation...

They sighed deeply in their hearts.

How great it would be if I could stay in Dawu forever!

Naturally, Lin Beifan knew about the Baixiang Kingdom.

"This is the way to die! In less than three months, the White Elephant Kingdom will be destroyed, and Dawu will add another piece of territory to the map!"

All things in the Baixiang Kingdom are developing according to his plan, which makes Lin Beifan very satisfied.

Looking at the land of Wuxi, the 2 million Baixiang workers have been settled in place and are in full swing to open up wasteland and farm. Everything is in order. Lin Beifan wants to After thinking about it, he felt that it was time to return home.

After all, he was the prime minister of the court meeting the general marshal of the army, or the prefect of the capital and the Imperial Academy offering wine. He had too many things to do and could not leave the capital for too long.

So, Lin Beifan He handed over the matters in hand to the local officials.

At the same time, he also said goodbye to Princess Ziyue:"Your Highness, I have to leave! You know, I have too many responsibilities behind my back. I can’t help myself when I’m in court!"

Princess Ziyue nodded in understanding and said reluctantly:"Military advisor, when will you come again?"

"According to the plan, if everything goes well, I will come to Wuxi again in three months, and that will be the time when White Elephant enters the military!

Princess Ziyue nodded:"Okay, I will come back to accompany the military advisor in three months!" But before leaving, I hope you can meet my small request! Lin

Beifan opened his arms, closed his eyes, and said as if he were dead:"Your Highness, come on, I can bear it!""

Princess Ziyue burst out laughing and said angrily:"Military advisor, you are so naughty! However, I love it!"

With that said, he rushed forward, and the two hugged each other tightly.

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