"More beautiful?"

Bai Xiaochun's words were instantly understood by countless people.

But this time, they were also in trouble.

These two are both stunningly beautiful!

And Bai Xiaochun's words were also heard by Nuwa and Houtu in the arena..They both stopped fighting and looked at each other.

"Compare the beauty, do you need to compare?"Nu Wa said proudly.

Hou Tu chuckled softly:"I see there seems to be some controversy below. How about I choose to withdraw and let you be on the list safely?"

After finishing speaking, Nuwa's face changed slightly.

"This first copy belongs to me, why do you need to give it up?"

Having said this, Nuwa took the initiative to walk towards Jiang Chen.

Then she bowed slightly and saluted:"I heard that Your Majesty will rank the most beautiful fairies in all worlds. Now that I am here, why not compete with the fairies in all worlds? How does it compare?"...........

On the high platform.

Jiang Chen, who was sitting and watching the show, silently looked at Nuwa and Houtu.

To be honest, he couldn't tell which of the two fairies was more beautiful if he was asked to tell them.

However, the eyes of the masses are sharp, and they may be judged by all the worlds.

It seems that the battle for the strongest fairy in the world is about to begin early.

After thinking about this, Jiang Chen nodded.

"The list of the most beautiful fairies in all worlds is not only about strength, but also about breathtaking beauty. It is a comprehensive evaluation."

"Do you think Fairy Nuwa is beautiful?"Jiang Chen asked in question

"beautiful!"Countless voices sounded in the arena.

"Do you think Houtu Fairy is beautiful?"Jiang Chen asked again

"beautiful!"There was another wave of noise in the arena.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen nodded.

"Since both fairies are willing, I will launch the voting mode of all realms"

"Whether it is people in the arena or in the universe, everyone can vote"

"Each person has one vote. You can only choose one person when voting. You can choose to vote or not."

"The big screen will record the number of votes cast, which is the popularity of the contestant."

"The level of popularity will determine the outcome of the two fairies."

"And this beauty comparison is limited to the ratio between Nuwa and Houtu. If a list of the most beautiful fairies in all worlds is released later, the order of the list will have been defined for the two of them."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This popularity contest is a limited-time event, lasting only one day"

"After one day, the voting channel is closed and you cannot vote."

"Therefore, the 'most beautiful fairy', as far as Nuwa from the Buddha's realm and Houtu from the Fengshen realm are concerned, is up to you to decide."

"Voting begins now."

After finishing speaking, the names of Nuwa and Houtu appeared on the big screen.

There was also a popularity value behind the names.

【Buddha's Realm Nuwa: Current popularity value: 0】


【Houtu of the Fengshen Realm, current popularity value: 0]

Everyone in the arena was stunned at first, and then became completely excited.

Subsequently, all the heavens and realms and the endless universe were directly detonated. them....They can support the people they like and do their part

"Listing?"Xiao Huo raised the corner of his mouth.

He was too familiar with this.

It's time to do his part for the goddess in his heart.

Go, go, go!

Just when Xiao Huo was elated, two cold eyes silently swept over

"Damn, bad, dangerous"

"Where is the teacher?"

Xiao Huo panicked and looked around for the teacher's whereabouts.

But it seemed that Yao Lao had learned the lesson this time and had already escaped.

"It’s over!"

Feeling the deformation in his waist, Xiao Huo silently shed tears of regret.

Damn! That's so sloppy!......... in the arena.

Nuwa and Houtu both heard the rules proposed by their lord.

Nuwa looked cold and said calmly:"Why do we need to evaluate the list of the most beautiful fairies in the world in the future? There is no doubt that the goddess of all worlds ranks first."

Hou Tu looked at this arrogant woman, frowned, and shook his head:"Number one? Just you!"

He finished.

They didn't say much, and the outcome was left to the audience............

Nuwa and Houtu ceased war.

But their war has just begun.

Zhou Qing, the leader of the Tiandao sect in the Buddha's own world, Yuqing, Taiqing, Shangqing, Sakyamuni and others were not calm.

Who didn’t see what happened just now?

The shouts in the arena are basically the same, which means no one knows who will win or lose.

"No, I have to do something"

"Nuwa is a person from our Buddha Realm, and she represents the face of our entire Buddha Realm."

"Mobilize everyone in the Buddhist world to vote for Nuwa immediately"

"Another thing to note is that they must not let their elbows turn outwards."

"Fellow Taoists, the real war has begun. We must unite as one."

"We cannot lose this battle!!!"

Zhou Qingyi of Tiandao Sect said righteously.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to the poor monk."Sakyamuni's face changed and he became extremely solemn............ at the same time.

The Six Saints of the Conferred God Realm did not sit idle and began to shake people.

The world of gods.

Chaoge City.

The Human Emperor Xin holds the Human Emperor Sword in his hand and is powerful without anger.

There are hundreds of officials under his command

"Pass on Gu's decree, inform the eight hundred princes, grant amnesty to the world, and reduce taxes for three years."

"In the territory where Fangu is located, everything in hand will be stopped on this day. Whether it is repairing the city wall, training soldiers, or farming, all of them will be put on hold. All the people of Fangu must vote for Houtu Empress and do their part for our Conferred God Realm."

"Yes, Your Majesty."Wang Shubi Gan left with a solemn expression.

"Master Wen, aren't you a disciple of Jiejiao? Go and ask the immortals for advice"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Yuan Hong, aren’t you a successful practitioner and have a wide range of friends? I want you to go to Penglai to invite Sanxian."

After a while, the human emperor Xin issued dozens of orders.

At the same time, the Lord of Heaven, the Heavenly Emperor, issued an order to summon all the immortals in the world.

The Buddhist disciples in the West summoned the Buddhist disciples in the world and started a crazy voting mode.

There were no ghosts from the underworld. While idle, hundreds of millions of ghosts are crazily making rankings.

As people from the Conferred God Realm, they all know

"We cannot lose this battle!!!"

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