But although those children are all proud sons of heaven, if you talk about qualifications, they are not as good as Shakyamuni at all, they just grow up like ordinary children.

And Shakyamuni also got all the favor of King Pure Rice, after all, Shakyamuni grew up more and more like his deceased Queen Maya.

What's more worth mentioning is that when Shakyamuni was young, a very famous prophet once came to Shakyamuni and predicted that if Shakyamuni could ascend to the throne, it would definitely be the king of reincarnation.

At that time, the reincarnation king was in everyone's hearts, but the king who could rule the world, for them, if their small country could annex several other neighboring countries and become the biggest winner in one fell swoop, it would be very good.

Therefore, King Pure Rice spared no effort to cultivate Shakyamuni, wanting Shakyamuni to become the king of reincarnation and the king in everyone's hearts.

However, what others don't know is that the prophet at that time said not only this, he also predicted at that time that Shakyamuni would have certain achievements in the Dao, and maybe he could also reach the highest realm, but after the prophet said this, he was hurriedly stopped by the King of Pure Rice.

"I only want my son to succeed me and become a king that everyone can rely on, and I don't want him to come into contact with the rest, and I don't want him to become a monk. "

The prophet was very sorry for what King Pure Rice said, but King Pure Rice was also stubborn, and he hid all the books on the Tao in the library and forbade anyone to preach the Tao in front of Shakyamuni, but all of this was like a destiny of heaven to no avail.

"You see, this is our country, and these are the people who are working, and they have enough food for our country. "

King Pure Rice originally thought that as long as Shakyamuni was indulged in the supreme power in this world, then he would naturally no longer have the idea of becoming a monk, but what King Pure Rice did not expect was that Shakyamuni was born with a good heart, and when he saw those farmers who were working, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed in his heart.

He even began to pity the old cattle who ploughed the fields, as well as the snakes, ants, insects and finches in the fields, which was a natural phenomenon, but Shakyamuni had compassion for this, and the prophet was not wrong, Shakyamuni was born to be a person who would have achieved something in the Tao, no matter who could stop him, it can be seen from his benevolent heart.

"None of this should be your concern! What you have to do is take good care of the country, take care of all the people, you care about these little things that don't matter, what will happen in the end.?"

King Jinghan couldn't help but be angry, he didn't want his son to really become the supreme king in the Dao as the prophet said, what he wanted was a king, a prince who could inherit his mantle, not a person who worried about the country and the people and even thought about these inconsequential things, they didn't have so much time to care about these things.

So the King of Pure Rice let Shakyamuni practice martial arts, although Shakyamuni learned very quickly, and made rapid progress, but he didn't seem to have much interest in martial arts, until he defeated all the teachers around him, Shakyamuni no longer had any interest in it.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a very high talent in this way, but unfortunately His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doesn't seem to have any intention of continuing to learn, and the martial arts we are waiting for are not enough to continue to teach His Royal Highness the Prince. "

Hearing those people say this, the King of Pure Rice can be said to be very happy, but also a little worried, if Shakyamuni is once again deeply involved in the Dao, what should it be? So the King of Pure Rice thought of a new way, and he built a very luxurious palace for Shakyamuni.

The palace was warm in winter and cool in summer, and the materials used in it were all luxurious, and he hoped that Shakyamuni would indulge in the money and lust of this world, and he only sent a few hundred women to serve him.

Those women danced around Shakyamuni all day long, but Shakyamuni didn't seem to be interested in them at all, and usually didn't even look at them, which undoubtedly made the king of the fasting even more worried.

"I don't think he wants a son at all, but an heir, and as for what Shakyamuni thinks, he doesn't seem to care at all. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, for them, they didn't seem to understand such complicated feelings, the King of Pure Rice resented him, but on the other hand, he tried to hope that his son would become a dragon, and even the sword went sideways, using such an unsightly method, but Shakyamuni still had no waves.

King Pure Rice had no choice, so in the end he had to set up a family affair for Shakyamuni, and it was Shakyamuni's cousin who was married to him, and King Johan allowed Shakyamuni's cousin to serve Shakyamuni with other women, and they had to keep an eye on Shakyamuni's emotions. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whenever anything was wrong, they immediately tried to make Shakyamuni happy, and if they couldn't do it, they would be punished, so the women all trembled around Shakyamuni and never left for a moment.

However, it was this method that made Shakyamuni rebel for the first time, he did not like this kind of life, of course he knew that life should be enjoyed in time, but since life is so short, if it is all spent on pleasure, what is the point? Isn't it exactly the same as a life of suffering?

"Don't you like those women, if you don't, I'll find you again. "

King Pure Rice also sensed Sakyamuni's rebellious heart, but Shakyamuni shook his head slowly.

"My father's women are very good, they can sing and dance and have their own talents, but I think they are really a bit noisy. "

Seeing that Sakyamuni's eyebrows and eyes really showed a little tiredness, the King of Pure Rice had no other way, he knew that some things could not be rushed, so he let Sakyamuni go out to relax, some princes had never left the palace in their lives, and they could get the amnesty of King Pure Rice, Sakyamuni was still very happy in his heart.

Seeing that Shakyamuni was happy, King Pure Rice was also happy, but he didn't expect that this journey would also become the beginning of Shakyamuni's resolute and resolute path to the Daodharma, if King Pure Rice knew, then it would be absolutely impossible for him to allow Shakyamuni to go out.

It's a pity that all this is the arrangement of fate, and the identity and status of Shakyamuni have long been determined from the beginning.

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