"Open the time channel!"

Fang Ye took the naginata of Dream Isshin from Aying's hand.

Then he ordered Dialga.

The fates of Raiden Shin, Kosai Palace, and Tora Chiyo have their own order. You must know that they are not Being plagued by misfortune in the same place and on the same timeline.

Fang Ye decided to reverse the real fate of Raiden first.

This one is the heavyweight.

It can even be said that the team of Inazuma's first generation Thunder God, each and every one The disappearance of fragrances one after another is inseparable from her first death.

Walking in the time wormhole, you can feel the profound feeling of walking on the long river of time.

If nothing else, the walls of the wormhole ebb and flow from time to time. A fleeting scene, or a single picture, contains a terrifying amount of information, representing a timeline and a world.

Therefore, if there are not enough characters, time and space travelers may end up lost on the road one day.

Fortunately, Fang Ye She is the trainer of Dialga, and now she has abducted Palkia.

Lost in time and space?


Just let Dialga and Palkia find their way back.

At the same time, Lei Movie is one of the seven rulers of the world. She is The body has even been transformed with lost technology, and is not afraid of the wear and tear of time and years at all.

Holding hands with Fang Ye.

Raikage:"You mean, there is the last trace of my sister's spirit in Yume Isshin's naginata?""

Fang Ye doesn't want to be a spoiler dog.

However, now that things are going on, there is no need to hide the secret of Dream Isshin Naginata.

"That's right"

"When you truly understand a certain truth, your sister's residual spirit living in the knife will be touched and awakened, and she will bid you a final farewell.……"

Listen to Fang Yefeng Qingyundan's explanation.

Lei Qianqian didn't question, he just pursed his lips and held the palm holding Fang Ye's fingers tighter and tighter:

"But now we are changing together, right?"

Fang Ye glanced at Dialga, and Palkia hanging leisurely behind.

There was also Giratina in the Poké Ball, who had been restored to strength by a healing device.

Three mythical Pokémon. Surrounded.

Who dares to fight me?

Full of confidence.jpg!

Fang Ye gave Ah Ying a confident smile:

"That's right, after a brief separation... there must be a reunion!"


Dialga opened the exit of the wormhole.

When he stepped out,

Lei Shiqiang was so nervous that he stopped breathing and stared closely at the dream heart that suddenly began to tremble inexplicably in Fang Ye's hand.

This The spiritual naginata also senses the aura of its true master.

It's exciting and joyful!


Fang Ye led Aying out.

My vision suddenly went dark!

Fang Ye, who had already visited the underground world through the portal of the Abyss Cult at Mondstadt Star Cliff, immediately knew that the scene in front of him was underground. but.

It’s totally different from five hundred years later!

Now this underground world is filled with bright lights.

There are electric technological lights everywhere! even.

Two autonomous mechas happened to patrol from near the entrance of the wormhole.

Their infrared light scans everywhere.

It is impossible to find time travelers here.

Not far away, there is a park. In the center of the park, there is a phaseless iron that players are very familiar with radiating light.

Many humans from the underground kingdom were standing and sitting nearby.

There are wandering entertainers busking.

There are children chasing and playing.

Someone was carrying a radio device, and the sweet voice of the female anchor sounded:

"……black sun dynasty morning news"

"Yesterday, the king solemnly received the sage in the royal court"

"The sinful sarong……"

"According to reports from reporters at the scene, the sage proposed the concept to the king"

"Uncovering the veil of sin unleashes a tidal wave of divine wrath, destruction, and foolishness." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But the king and his staff have decided to push forward this great plan immediately——"

"For a new era and order! Long live!"

Suddenly, a harsh white noise appeared on the radio.

The seven rulers of the earthly world.


Suddenly descended on the sky above this underground world.

Rock God, Thunder God, Wind God, Grass God, Water God, Fire God, and Ice God...

They are like stars of different bright colors, hanging in the night sky of the underground world.

At the same time!

A terrifying aura is permeating from the depths of the royal court of Kanria!

In an instant, The veins of Teyvat are stirring, and it feels like the entire continent is being shaken by it.


A cold snort full of anger penetrated the sky and the earth.

Ringing in the ears of every Kanria people


In front of Fang Ye and Lei Movie, the park, which was originally a prosperous scene, and all the people of Canria were branded with some kind of divine curse.

Their faces were distorted, they were roaring, and they were raising their heads and howling wildly.

Civilization collapsed like this!

Let's start with the people of Kanria... these people were given the curse of immortality and turned into ugly Chuqiu people... soon.

A nail of cold weather, like a divine punishment, fell from the sky.

It tears apart the crust.

Volcanoes erupt and continental plates break apart

"we go over——"

Fang Ye took a deep breath and held Aying's hand.

Thunder movie nods


The beast of time opened a layer of time barrier to protect Fang Ye and Lei Qingying. Otherwise, the disaster sweeping through the underground world at this time would make it difficult for them to move forward. The royal court of Kanria did not collapse immediately.

There was a group of people gathered underground.

Very deep.

There was a door!

The king wearing a crown looked at the sage.

There was also Golden Reindot.

Fang Ye and Aying were helped by Dialga When he descended and reached the deepest space in the earth, he happened to hear the sage trusted by the king say in a low and mysterious tone:

"Wisdom brings prosperity, prosperity brings temptation, temptation breeds desire, and desire is endless."

"In ancient civilizations, there were chief priests who wore white branch sacrificial crowns."

"They can directly receive the revelation from Sky Island and enjoy the wisdom flowing from it."

"But after the extremely brilliant prosperity, these priests with great wisdom could not help but wonder.——"

"Delivered everything to the revelation of Sky Island?"

"But what about thousands of years later?"

"Is there really no disaster, no barrenness and hunger?"

"In other words, will the love, prosperity and wisdom promised by the gods on Sky Island not deteriorate?".

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