Red scales!

Gyarados scales?

I saw that the manager of Fang Night Club suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of Champion Ying and posted a barrage.

The audience is excited:

"Club manager Fang, please tell me in detail!"

"Why are Gyarados' scales red? Normally Gyarados clearly has the main color blue!"

"Club Manager Fang Ye, I vaguely guessed something, and I called it outrageous!"

"I, I probably guessed it...Fang Nightclub Manager, after a series of accusations, it was definitely a secret operation! The luck of the players is so incredible!!"

Dadalia couldn't breathe, and her fingers were trembling.

He also thought of that possibility.

The scales as bright as fire... the different colors... were confirmed by the manager of Fang Night Club as indeed coming from a tyrannosaurus carp. What fell off the dragon... there is only one possibility!

A heterochromatic, shining Gyarados!!

Dadalia gritted her teeth, the flames of jealousy in her eyes were about to burst out, and she sent a message to feed a box of SC colors of high-end energy cubes. Barrage:

Club Manager Fang Ye, I don’t accept it! Why not me!

I can also do flash and heterochromatic Gyarados!

Isn’t it just a PY transaction~

Just come! We can welcome the man!

This wave of low-level shouting , which made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room of the champion contestant even more intense.

"What? The executives of the Fools want to do business with our nightclub manager PY?"

"No, no, Manager Fang Ye, I’ll do it!"

"For the sparkle and the heterochromatic Gyarados, let alone the PY transaction, I am willing to contract my beauty to Fang Nightclub Manager……"

"Female players, get out! This is a male-to-male deal, a fencing between men!"

At the same time, the water friends who were scurrying around to commit the crime also spread the news about the red-scaled Gyarados to other players' live broadcast rooms. The customer group chat quickly started to talk about it.

Hutao: Traveler, send the coordinates, I'm here to collect this red Gyarados! This hall master's pure dragon formation, just for this one flash elf, is reluctant to surrender!

Xingqiu: Traveler Ying, 100 million Mora will be acquired from you red scales, given accurate coordinates, and an additional 100 million molas!

Kamisato Ayato: (meditation.jpg), Gyarados? I watched the previous game video and found that the Gyarados of the Star Lord, actually Very strong...

Kamisato Ayaka: Kamisato Ayato, brother, stop talking, you are the eye of the water type, I am the ice type, I am more suitable for the red Gyarados.

Traveler Ying, I will pay 500 million Mora buys that red scale and the coordinates!

Ajiu (Dragon King Ruotu): Ah, ah, I want to go out, especially the Xicui area!

Kunjun (Dragon King Ruotu): Ajiu, do you have money?

Ajiu: (Silence)

Ningguang: Traveler Ying, everyone, please don’t make any noise. The flashing red Gyarados matches my flashing Metagross very well. I decided to form a flash luxury lineup with all members. Each one is 10 Billions of molas are the bottom line. You are welcome to privately chat with me to discuss in detail!


He is worthy of being a wealthy Tianquan star. He asked for 1 billion molas. Many people in the group were eager to bid.

Seeing Ningguang acting like this They spoke with confidence, but each of them chose to remain silent and watch the show. Bidding with Ning Guang?

That doesn’t exist!


Washui area, in front of the forest lake.

Little Paimon also held up a illustrated book that was not being broadcast live. He looked at the boiling group chat interface and drooled:


"This red scale is worth at least 1 billion molas! Ningguang’s price!"

After the one billion asking price came down, the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, and the number of comments instantly decreased a lot. It seemed that many people were shocked by the price.

Ying, however, shook his head without any hesitation:


"I don't plan to sell this red scale"

"That shiny red Gyarados in this lake... I plan to conquer it myself!"


A Shiny Pokémon.

It's still an adult Gyarados.

If you miss it, it will probably be a lifelong regret!

Counting the Bloodwing Wyvern who hasn't recognized her yet, Ying's team has 4 Pokémon. , add 2 more family members to be considered a complete team of trainers

"Then, this Shiny Gyarados will be my fifth Pokémon!"

The fresh and enthusiastic champion player declared this to the camera in the live broadcast room.

Barrage and group chat.

It is not surprising that Ying's determination and choice.

She is already a champion, and it is not just money that can impress her, let alone Gyarados. There is no doubt that she is powerful, and it makes sense to be accepted as a family member by the champion.


Ning Guang, who is the most arrogant about spending billions of dollars, has another cool operation. She takes Paimon from the illustrated book and asks Paimon and Ying to help hang it up in the live broadcast room. An advertisement.

Paid. Advertising is calculated on a daily basis, one million molas per day.

Advertising space? After some operations, the money was put into his pocket.

Then, in the lower right corner of the live broadcast screen, an advertisement appeared:

Tianquan Star Ningguang: Acquire any Shiny Pokémon, whether it is a larvae, an adult or a clue.

Acquire Metagross's Mega Evolution Stone, the price guarantees your satisfaction!

10 million mola/piece, purchase Fire Stone in bulk!

Good guy!

Dadalia’s number one traffic position was snatched away by the popular champion.

He didn’t even get the advertising money from the traffic. Dadalia’s face was distorted when he saw this wave.


Fang Ye sent all the players into the secret realm gate.

Finally, two old guys, Wendy and Zhongli, also entered. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fang Ye returned to the research institute and had some free time, switching channels in the various live broadcast rooms of the contestants.

Others are exploring.

He directly nestled in the soft sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the institute, blowing on the cool air conditioner, drinking ice cream, and watching the live broadcast of various famous characters' gray-faced and interesting travels. Isn't it very interesting?

You can also be an omniscient and omniscient barrage master!

Club manager Fang Ye (the founder of the era) fed the anchor 100 boxes of high-grade energy cubes!

Gently click on the feeding option on the live broadcast room interface.

These energy cubes are the settings he had in mind when making the Cheers APP, which are gifts from various live streaming software on Blue Star.

There is definitely a commission, but the anchor himself still gets 70%. for example.

He just fed Yingtu 100 boxes of high-grade energy cubes.

With the background information, Ying can collect 70 boxes of physical items when she returns to the Elf Center in Liyue Port. Of course, she can also exchange them for molas of equivalent value.

As for how to"recharge", we have to talk about the elf alliance institutions that have been increasingly perfected in Liyue, Mondstadt and Daozhi recently.

Teyvat Elf Network has launched online banking services. The driving forces behind it are Fang Ye and Tianquanxing Ningguang. As for the person in charge of implementing it, it is Ningguang's own team.

In other words, Fang Ye is the behind-the-scenes chairman of Teyvat’s online banking and digital currency business.

As always, Ningguang continues to be in charge of the real power of digital currency business outside the gold house.

This is very reasonable. The Morados of the Seven Kingdoms are constantly producing from the Golden House. Liyue, or the Seven-Star Cabinet, already firmly controls the minting power of the only common currency on the continent.

Now the Ningguang and Liyue cabinets are launching the digital currency business, and they have encountered almost no obstacles.

Seeing that Fang Ye was so majestic and so happy, he stuffed a hundred boxes of high-grade energy cubes into Yingmei's mouth at once.

The barrage atmosphere in the live broadcast room is heated:

"The store manager is enthusiastic!"

"The champion said: If you give me another hundred boxes, I can still eat it!"

"No willfulness!"

An SC color barrage attached to the feeding is:

With this red scale, you can sense the flashing Gyarados in the lake. Correspondingly, the other party can also sense you...

Then, the red scale has Research the value. After you conquer the red Gyarados, send this scale to the Liyue Research Institute.

You can change it to an advanced skill disc.

After sending the barrage,

Fang Ye switches to Dardalia's live broadcast room.

That's it. In this short time, Dadalia rushed out of the ice cellar and collided head-on with the"ice ghost" wandering outside.

Many viewers also flocked to the live broadcast room like a melon, and discussed with great interest whether this Liyue Ecological Zone 's Pokémon:

"It can float, looks like a ghost, and has a cold air on its body. It is obviously an ice-type + spirit-type Pokémon."

"Don't tell me, if you look closely, this female ghost is quite cute."

"The rice wife said she was very excited and wanted to catch him! She looks a lot like the Pokémon version of Snow Girl, wearing a kimono and her DNA is moving!"

On the ice field battlefield in the live broadcast.

Dadalia raised the water bow and shot an arrow.

The female ghost and the ice Pokémon waved their kimono sleeves and easily froze the water element into ice skates.

On the side, Dadali Asia's Ice Nine Tails and Evil Eye transformed into a duck, and they also released their skills one after another.

"Wag your tail!"

The nine fluffy long tails behind Ice Nine Tails' buttocks swayed.

The female Pokémon like a snow girl froze, and her eyes were uncontrollably attracted to the tail behind Ice Ninetails' butt.

"Mental shock!"

The condensed spiritual power of Kodak, tainted with some of the power of the Evil Eye, actually launched a spiritual pillar filled with black aura and hit the target. The leader Pokémon's body shook violently and let out a piercing scream.

It He looked at Dadalia, who also had evil eyes and was armed with demon kings. His eyes were quite unwilling to scan over Dadalia's childish but handsome face.


This boss The figure of the Pokémon quickly faded, and it was clear that he had chosen to run away.

Dadalia disarmed the Demon King and exhaled a breath of ice mist.

Coincidentally, an SC barrage of earth-trenched food popped up on the live broadcast screen:

Fang Nightclub Manager (The Creator of the Era) ) fed the anchor 10 boxes of high-grade energy cubes!

Manager Fang Ye: This boss Pokémon is called Snow Maiden, and there are only females. According to research, they are considered to be the souls of women who died in the snowy mountains with complaints and hatred. A Pokémon born on an icicle.

The Snow Witch will target humans who intrude into the snowy mountains, especially handsome men!

Congratulations, you have been entangled by this leader Snow Witch, and it wants to capture you and take you back to its lair. Frozen into ice sculptures, the soul is also frozen, taste it bit by bit...

Legend has it that men who misbehave will be cursed by the Snow Witch! Be careful! I saw the conspicuous color science barrage, and found out that it was Fang The nightclub manager.

Dadalia had no doubts at all. His face twitched fiercely, he sighed and stroked his handsome face pitifully:

"So, it was my beauty that attracted this snow witch?"


It was as if I heard Dadalia talking to himself.

Not far away, among the ruins of the snow village, the Snow Witch appeared again.

Its ice-blue eyes seemed to be carefully examining Dadali. Ya..

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