The lens freezes for a long time!

Yingmei's face was in a daze, holding the heavy first championship badge in her hands.

Paimon put his hands on his hips in mid-air, the little thing looking proud.

This scene.

This picture.

It is destined to leave a strong mark in the elven era of Teyvat!

The second thing.

It is an elf egg engraved with complex golden patterns.

Fang Ye handed the egg to Yingmei and said openly to the camera:

"The elf egg obtained by the champion will definitely hatch into a quasi-god!"

"Let me congratulate the contestant again, this is what she deserves - the championship prize……"

As soon as the words fell, the entire arena boiled.

A quasi-god!

Nowadays, he is the dream elf of countless boys and girls in Teyvat.

Even the most rubbish potential of the quasi-god race will not be lower than the Heavenly King level!

In other words, no matter which one of the nine known quasi-gods you get, you will definitely be a king-level trainer! And there is one main elf who is also a powerful quasi-god, more valuable than ordinary kings!

"Wow, this egg is so cool, it will definitely hatch into a quasi-god!"

"Hiss...priceless elf eggs, I'm crying!"

"Damn it, the more I watch, the more I regret it. The more I watch, the more I want to replace Traveler and stand in the championship position. I also want to have a quasi-god!"

"Work hard, Sao Nian. Maybe the next champion will be you?"

Yora has already taken back the super fire-breathing dragon whose stamina gauge has been exhausted.

As Yingmei's backdrop and the runner-up in this competition, she stared at the quasi-god elf egg held high by Yingmei with some reluctance...

At this time.

It was sunset!

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the noble golden lines on the surface of the egg. The whole egg was immediately coated with an even more mysterious luster!

Yola sighed, suppressed the strong unwillingness in her eyes, and shook her hand secretly He clenched his fists and said to himself:

Next time, I will have no regrets!

Guest stage.

Hutao can be regarded as envious and jealous, and strongly unwilling to give in.

In the semi-finals of 42.

Her fierce bite of the land shark can also be regarded as the blood-winged flying dragon that was killed She was beaten to death.

There was no way!

As a trainer of the Eye of God, she could fight against overlord-level elves.

If it were a battlefield on the ground, Hu Tao thought that if she lost under a series of tactical operations, she would not be beaten unilaterally. Absolutely lose.

But it is an aerial battle between the"Dragon Knight" at high altitude and in the strong wind!

At this time, if the God's Eye trainer is not skilled enough in riding, he will not be able to give the Pokémon any help.

Therefore, he can only The victory and defeat were all left to the flying Pokémon.

She lost completely.

"Damn it! Hutao screamed angrily:

"What a quasi-god egg!"

"You know, among the nine types of quasi-gods, there don’t need to be too many dragon-type quasi-gods. I can hatch one of the dragon-type + quasi-gods at any time!"

Xiang Ling is different. She has reached the top ten and has achieved her scheduled goal for this tournament.

Heihe patted Hutao on the shoulder, seemingly to comfort her, but in fact she said naughtily: rubbing salt into the wound:

"Oh, that's okay"

"You didn't match the travelers in advance and were knocked out of the top eight."

"Now, you should be happy that you are lucky, isn’t that true?"

Hu Tao turned around and pounced on Xiang Ling, raised her hand and spanked her little butt:

"I call you Pi!"

"Call you yin and yang!"

Ning Guang also sighed.

The third and fourth places will be rewarded with one heaven and one earth.

Tomorrow there will be a duel between the third place and the third place, and then the sixth and seventh place will also be ranked, and the rewards will be different.

Fang Ye Continue with awarding awards.

This is the most important event after the finals, and the prizes are also generous. The more attention the finalists receive, the more it shows that the event has achieved great success and influence?

"These are two commemorative master balls."

Fang Ye gave the elf balls to Yingmei and Youla respectively.

He also handed out Youla's badge and elf eggs.

Then, Fang Ye stood in the middle of the podium.

Yingmei, Paimon and Youla La was separated on the left and right, and they were facing the camera together. One hand held the glittering championship and runner-up badges, and the other hand held the elf egg in her arms.

"3, 2, 1! eggplant!"


The award ceremony ended with another photo of a famous scene. A classic moment!

Later that night, this picture became the background poster of the official website of the Elf Era, appearing among Dao Wife, Liyue and Meng. Derenren is in the sight of millions of people.

The first super competition is over.

The regular season auditions are still in full swing.

On the official website forum, in the final clip video of Teyvat Cheers, the discussion and popularity are not the same. Specifications and levels.

For example, at the Cheers Station, someone cut and condensed the Travelers’ Super Series schedule and each match into about 10 minutes of highlights.

Below the video, the highly praised replies are:

"So great, my great leather god!"

"Pi Shen: I am the true God. Who agrees and who opposes?"

"Bloodwing Flying Dragon: Nose Picking.jpg, without me, how would you, a yellow-skinned electric mouse, win the championship?"

For example.

In the official website forum, those valuable technical analysis posts

《On the semi-finals of Metagross, Biting Land Shark, Bloodwing Wyvern and Super Charizard!》

《Analysis of the Pokémon team of the champion sister!"

There are even users who claim to be elf egg experts, who swear that Yingmei's champion quasi-god elf egg is most likely a"mini dragon".

However, the voices from the outside world have nothing to do with the elf customer group chat.

The topic that everyone is talking about tonight has quickly escaped from this Super Series.

Everyone was awake at night and in high spirits.

A small group chat with only a few dozen people can generate 99+ messages every minute.

Hutao: In the Xicui area, our hall master is here~!

Xiangling: Store manager, do you have any map information on the Xicui area? I want to know the distribution of elves' habitats, and then accurately find the insect Pokémon I want... Fang

Ye: There is no map. You can explore and create map resources by yourselves. I don't object to sharing various information in the group chat. intelligence.

Ye Lan (Administrator): Manager Fang Ye, let me ask for everyone, how should those who have not signed up for this event go to the Xicui area?

Ajiu (Ruotuo Dragon King): Manager Fang Ye, I don’t accept it! Demand a rematch! Requires access to the Washui area!

Kunjun (Ruotuo Dragon King): Club Manager Fang Ye, ahem, if this pass qualification can be redeemed, I am willing to use some god-level resources to redeem and purchase it.

Ajiu: Kunjun, can it still be like this? I also have some god-level resources!! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yae Shenzi: Urgent! All rice wives! Everyone, come out quickly. Fang Nightclub Manager calls on the store manager to open additional pass channels. Inazuma people are dissatisfied!

Xiaogong (Administrator): Manager Fang Ye, cry!

Kamisato Ayaka: Club Manager Fang Ye, can you... (Pity.jpg)

Kamisato Ayato: Club Manager Fang Ye, that...

Coral Palace Xinhai: I don’t say anything, just an emoticon (Hyunran I want to cry and bite my handkerchief.jpg)

Late at night, Liyue’s research institute.

Fang Ye bared his teeth.

It means that the illustrated book has been exploded, and the private chat is also 99+ scary!

Fang Ye hasn't figured out yet how to open the access to the Xicui area to Daozuma personnel and some important characters who did not participate in this competition.

At least, opening up will have to be postponed for more than a week. otherwise.

What do you think of the characters who finally made it to the top 50 in this Super Tournament and worked hard to gain rankings and qualifications?

Wendy suddenly sat on the sofa next to Fang Ye.

This is the first floor hall of the main building of the institute.

Wendy:"Hey, there are many wild mythical beasts in the Xicui area, right? What if Morax and I conquer them?"

Zhongli led his bear apprentice:

"My bear apprentice, when will there be a way to evolve?"

Fang Ye rubbed his temples.

After the super match, there were also many things on his mind. There were too many things waiting for him to deal with.

"Let me answer Wendy’s question first."

"Among wild beasts, if you are lucky enough to find them and have the ability to conquer them, that is your own business."

Fang Ye is not worried at all about the three rulers of Teyvat going to the Xicui area to plunder all the mythical beasts. The mythical beasts are not cabbage.

Most of them come and go without a trace.

We must accurately locate the mythical beasts. The habitat and activity patterns require a very high level of research on various legends and historical materials.

Moreover, after the three consuls have found the mythical beasts, they still have to face the question of whether they can beat them and whether they are willing to follow them.……

"Then, I will answer your question Zhongli"

"The evolutionary path of the bear apprentice is on the Island of Armor. If the process of creating Inazuma's ecological zone goes smoothly"

"Inazuma's Tsuruguan Island is Teyvat's version of the Island of Armor."

Zhongli and Wendy looked at each other in surprise.

The Lonely Island of Armor?

It's another completely unfamiliar place name in the Elf World!

But no matter what, since Fang Ye said he wanted to build Heguan into a Teyvat version of an ecological island, they didn't Tangled.

Fang Ye:"By the way, Fish God, you have to burst your nerves tonight and help me compose a song."

Wendy:? ?

Make a song? And such good things?

Fang Ye:"Since the next step is to explore the great era of Xicui, many people must truly embark on the journey of a trainer."

"At this time, if you sing a theme song together, wouldn’t it instantly blow up the entire Internet?"

Wendy suddenly became interested:

"Hey, that sounds interesting!"

"What about the arrangement and lyrics?"

"If it's a high-quality song, it won't last a whole night, right?"

Fang Ye directly opened his illustrated book and opened the music app that was recently transplanted to the illustrated book.

There are some classic songs on it, hundreds of them?

Fang Ye opened a"Pokémon Classics" column.

First Song.

In Wendy's eyes, the name of the song is:

The goal is the Pokémon Master!

A boyish voice sang in a passionate melody:

"I got the Pokémon, whether it's in the fire, the water, the grass or the forest, whether it's the land, the clouds, or that girl's skirt……"

The opening melody and the first line sung.

Wendy's eyes widened in surprise.

He is Barbatos, the god of wind.

But in a sense.

His domain and authority also include"music"、""Melody".

The classic image of Barbatos is that of a bard.

Therefore, even from the perspective of a Teyvat"god of music", look at this song"The target is the Pokémon Master!"

Wendy also suddenly felt a strong feeling of excitement.

She couldn't wait to embark on a journey as a trainer immediately!

"This song……"

"Someone who will definitely explode!".

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