The amiable voice sounded a bit flattering and flattering.

Fang Ye was stunned.

Is this really"Arceus"?

Isn't he pretending to be some old man?

However, this town treasure is exactly the same as the one in the game, and the system also gave accurate identification information.

It can't be fake, it's the treasured item used to conquer Arceus' clone.

"No no no. Fang

Ye had a change of thought and confirmed again and again that the voice in the ball was Arceus.

He also quickly became humble:

"You created the entire Pokémon Multiverse"

"And I, as you said, am just a time traveler who happens to meet"

"Just a classic porter!"

The existence in the ball was stunned.

This time he had a direct conversation with Fang Ye for the first time. He had appeared before

, when the Liyue Ecological Zone was just completed.

But at that time, he was more like a symbol A witness of meaning, he used to support Fang Ye.

But this time it is different.

In the Xicui area, in the cosmic world he created.

Although his body has fallen into a deep sleep somewhere in the universe, many clones are still scattered. Everywhere, he secretly observes the operation of the world.

Among them, what exists in this treasure ball now is one of his clones.

That is, the fake Arceus with"normal attributes" that was subdued by the player in the original game. Only by loading the magical stone slab can one obtain various attributes.

Hearing Fang Ye be so humble, the Arceus clone felt something was wrong.

Especially, it sensed that there was a pair of"eyes" somewhere in Fang Ye's body.",Scan this avatar of Him at all times.

He is in those"eyes."

It seems that everything has been penetrated and completely seen through.

The Arceus clone always felt that Fang Ye's"existence" seemed to be a joke.

He quickly said:

"no no no……"

"No matter how vast the Pokémon multiverse is, it can’t compare to Yggdrasil’s Star Ocean"

"It's you who let Pokémon get out of the crystal wall type!"

"It was you who allowed the beings I created to gain a broad future... and possibilities in other crystal wall worlds!"


Fang Ye couldn't listen anymore and waved his hand in time:

"Arceus, let's end our business exchanges here, okay?"

The friendly voice in the ball laughed:

"Very good, I also prefer this daily communication method."

At the same time, the clone of Arceus in the ball could clearly see Fang Ye throwing the ball of origin in his hand.

He angrily yelled at Dialga in the ball of origin:


"I know how to fight all day long!"

A weak cry came from the origin ball:"Roar~"




(I really didn't...)

(It was all that bad guy Palkia who asked me to fight...)

Fang Ye has the power of a wave guide, not to mention that the Arceus clone seemed to have deliberately let him see this wave of father and son. Communicate.

Dialga, as a life created by Arceus.

It is naturally in awe and fear of this strict father.

"Come out."

His voice was thin and angry.

Dialga's voice was very aggrieved:

"I, I can't get out, I'm restricted by the red chains!

He turned to Fang Ye in a gentle voice and said,"Mr. Trouble, please let this traitor out.""

Fang Ye held back his laughter, feeling that the family father-son ethics drama between Arceus and Dialga was no different from humans.

Of course, one is the creator god and the other is a mythical beast... so I am afraid that he was the only one who was lucky enough to witness this ethical drama at such a close distance.

At the foot of the steps outside the ruins of the Pillar of Guns, Shen He and the three wild thief sisters all fell into a state of pause button.

Fang Ye Press the switch of the origin ball, release Dialga, and with Dialga's resentful eyes, untie the red chain that was wrapped around it several times.

The seal of the red chain is gone.

But Dialga Ka did not dare to move.

The golden treasure ball was filled with mysterious power, suspended in the air, and taught Dialga:

"You're not allowed to fight with Palkia anymore, you hear me?"

Dialga cried out aggrieved:

"Daddy, I told you, it was Palkia who provoked me.……"

The voice said angrily:"I told you not to fight! Palkia teases you first, but you can't fight either!"

Dialga's heart was fluctuating, and he looked like he was about to cry, which made Fang Yeyu, who was watching the ethics drama, Gradually, the expression becomes weird

"Daddy, I don’t want to be beaten by Palkia’s fool!"

"Do you have the heart to let me be bullied by that idiot?"



Arceus obviously didn't educate these idiotic sons again and again.

In a sense, he now regrets creating the two gods of time and space who know how to fight all day long.

This pair of"firstborns" did not bring any useful help to the Pokémon world. Over time, they only knew how to chase and fight all day long.

Would you like to learn about the three"second-born" offspring in the Legend of Lake?

Arceus is also tired.

Fortunately, these"second-born" descendants of the Legend of the Lake are very sensible and silently guide the human beings in the elven world to thrive. After the culture is brilliant, they do not cause trouble and choose to live in seclusion in the three sacred lakes.

Arceus, who was tired of the naughty children, saw that the Xicui area was facing a time and space catastrophe because of the naughty children fighting. so.

The clone of Arceus also used a ray of power to help Fang Ye imprison Giratina, the unfilial son, in a master ball to prevent the naughty child from being burned and causing even greater trouble...

Dialga, Pa Rukia is a naughty kid.

So, in the eyes of Arceus, Giratina is an unfilial and rebellious son who often secretly gets angry.

A cry for Dialga. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The voice of Arceus' clone said unmoved:

"You will listen to this Mr. Fang Ye from now on."

"You can fight only if he asks you to fight"

"He can't let you beat him. If you're beaten to death, he can't even let out a fart. Do you know?"


Dialga looked at Fang Ye aggrievedly, with some kind of pleading and pity in his eyes:


"Mr. Fang Ye……"

"No, you are my trainer. You can't watch me being chased and beaten by that idiot Palkia?"

Fang Ye almost laughed out loud.

Dialga's still-intelligent appearance is like a giant baby that has been around for hundreds of millions of years.

In fact, it's not surprising when you think about it. Although Dialga controls the priesthood of time, it's really He has never done anything serious, and has never been truly conquered by humans. He went to the prosperous world of humans and experienced all kinds of life.

Therefore, his experience, wisdom, etc. are all blank!

Fang Ye could tell that Arceus was secretly assisting him, and he was with Xiong. It's useless to reason with children. You have to use certain strategies to guide them...

It's so difficult to raise children!

Fang Ye held a moment of silence for Arceus.

At the same time, he answered Dialga righteously:

"do not worry!"

"If Palkia dares to chase you and ask you to fight, we will fight together! Fuck it!"

Hearing this, Dialga suddenly looked at Fang Ye with a strong sense of recognition in his eyes.


"Beat Palkia to death!"

I don't know why.

Giratina, who was imprisoned in the Master Ball, was filled with chills.

Did he really beat Palkia? Not me?


"Also, Mr. Fang Ye, let me strengthen the imprisonment on this master ball for you."

The gentle voice said:

"Please take this traitor and unfilial son with you."

"I added a sensing mechanism to the ball... and added rules for long-distance retrieval and release."

"As long as the traitor does not escape the sensing range of an area and does not exceed the distance limit, you can take Giratina back anytime and anywhere by pressing the switch.……"

Giratina, who was suddenly lying on his back, was very irritable and angry.

It is the third child in the family.

But this youngest, not only does not receive a lot of love, but most of the time he is ordered to be imprisoned in the nothingness that destroys the world most of the time by Arceus, the strict father.……

"Daddy! No!"

"You can't do this to me!"

Giratina in the master ball wanted to rush out.

But on the surface of the ball, a kind of confinement rule rune that was very close to a red chain appeared.

How miserable!

Fang Ye's face burst into laughter.

Giratina, please continue to give us Crazy?


The golden treasure ball floating in the air, and Dialga, both looked at the time and space vortex.

Another head poked out.

It was Palkia!

It looked around cautiously.

When it saw Behind Daddy's treasure ball, his eyes were full of fear, his head immediately shrank back, and he turned around and ran away with a breath of space.

"This idiot!" Dialga cursed.

But Arceus's treasure ball ignored the fleeing Palkia.

He turned his attention to Fang Ye:

"My clone and this ball will still remain in the remains of the Pillar of Spears."

"If you need the power of my clone, you can collect 17 magical stone tablets, and then this clone will glow with great strength."

The subtext is, collect 17 magical stone tablets,Can I come here to subdue your clone?

Fang Ye's heart skipped a beat.

In the game, raising an Arceus clone is one thing.

Put in a realistic version. (Money is good)

Let’s not talk about the combat power. Carrying a Sinnoh Grand Master in and out every day is really cool!


In Fang Ye, he successfully collected Dialga.

When Palkia saw the creation god Papa, he ran away to hide in an unknown space.

The time-space distortion cloud covering the Xicui area dissipated inch by inch.

Team Galaxy Headquarters.

Magamu, Xingyue, Dr. Laben and other Galaxy team members all looked up at the sky above the Xicui area, looking at the clear blue sky above them that had not been seen for many days, with smiles on their faces.

The home of Team Pearl.

Guana excitedly said to the leader Subei, as well as the surrounding Kikui, Xipu, Beishang and Hamagara:

"It must be Mr. Fang Ye who saved the Xicui area!"

Guana vowed.

The Vajra team is stationed.

The boss Gangshi folded his hands and stared at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, with the laughing members behind him. The ancient retreat.

It is located between the southern foot of Tianguan Mountain and Honglian Wetland.

In the wooden house.

In the entire Xicui area, Wu Si, the most mysterious human being in a black dress, looked up at the top of Tianguan Mountain and raised the corners of her mouth slightly:

"Is it really him?"

I thought about it for a while, then went outside the wooden house and called Uncle Eagle, a warrior:

"Send this fairy slate to the Galaxy Team headquarters for me, saying yes, as a small thank you gift to Mr. Fang Ye."

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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