
I, Barbatos, can't be so shameless!

Wendy glanced at Zhongli angrily

"Zhongli, didn’t you say on the road that the prize pool on Daozi’s opening day was not normal?"

"Why can’t I draw the mythical beast!"

"Others draw five, and two are drawn! Zhongli said:"

Based on common rationality, the prize pool is not normal, but not everyone can win the divine beast.""

Fang Ye kept an awkward but polite smile towards Fengshen and Yanshen who doubted the prize pool and probability:

"Well, to answer Wendy’s question just now"

"The weakest mythical beast larvae is named Cosmog!"

In terms of race value.

Cosmogu, which only has a race value of 200 points, is not unfair to call it the weakest divine beast larvae.

Or there is no such thing as either!

It is the weakest!

What a coincidence.

Master Zhi is here When traveling in the Alola region, I was accompanied by a Cosmog, but if I didn't take in the Poké Ball, it would not be considered as subdued.

Cosmog, also known as Little Nebula.

In the distant past, it was called the Star Child.

Its final evolved form is The two routes are the famous Lunayala and Solgaleo!

Fang Ye really wants to draw a Lunayala.


Lunayala is the beast that attracts the moon, and is known as The incarnation of the moon.

She can be called the moon goddess in the Pokémon world.

Authority is the moon.

If there is a Lunayala, there are more mythical beasts related to the authority of the moon in his team besides Cresselia. Got one


On the opening day of Inazuma's Elf House store, General Raiden received the larvae of the mythical beast as an introduction.

This good start immediately heated up the atmosphere.

Wendy, the arrogant person, quietly retreated.

"Club Manager Fang Ye, I want to smoke a mythical beast too!!"

Arataki Yidou shouted with a loud voice.

"Store manager, I……"

Kamisato Ayaka actually raised her hand regardless of the eldest lady's manners.

Everyone looked at him.

Kamisato Ayaka still pursed her lips and said firmly:"I want to smoke too!"

"Okay, we have them, we have them~"

Fang Ye had a smile on his face

"If you already have illustrations, bring them out and I will authorize them in bulk for you."

"It would be too slow to come one by one."

Hearing this, Kamisato Ayato, Yae Kamiko, Kuki Shinobu, and Xiaomiya all took out illustrated guides.

Hayao, Toma, and Kujo Sora, these have not yet obtained illustrated manuals.

Fang Ye distributed them in unison and taught them how to do it. Register.

Seeing the faces of the Rice Wife characters, they were all filled with deep expectations.

Fang Ye’s smile became brighter.

He sent a super power transmission to Yingfa:

"Shadow, thank you so much"

"You, the lightning general, lead by example."

"All of a sudden, the business atmosphere of Inazuma Elf Shop reached its ceiling."

The figure who was teasing the Meltan baby raised her head and asked seriously:

"Inazuma Ecological Zone on Tsurukwan Island"

"When will it be completed? Fang Ye said:"

Uh... maybe, after the Liyue competition?""

Ying didn't pursue the question anymore.


Immediately, Fang Ye said to the Crescent Moon Beast who controlled the live broadcast lens.

"Pull the lens into the air and shoot from a bird's eye view."

Fang Ye pointed at the people in the room.

They were all famous characters.

Except for Xiao Gong, everyone was picking up Pokémon in the store for the first time.

It will be like the various aspects of life later, some are crying, some are laughing.


Precious video data!

Also Maybe it’s the dark history of some African chiefs.

"Try to capture as much as possible the scenes of them extracting elves."

Ten people are on the same screen to draw the lottery, which is unprecedented!

Teyvat Cheers station live broadcast room, group chat live room.

Everyone moved to small benches to eat melon and watch.

Lisa: Pfft, I cried with laughter, the one with the loudest voice... called Huang Taki? I would like to be called Fengchu. My luck is similar to that of Dadalia!

Dadalia: Although I don’t want to admit it, this guy is indeed comparable to me. He is the black one

~ Hisashi: Haha~ Dadalia, you are born as a fox, Arataki Ichito, he is born as a pig!

Yura: Kamisato Ayaka, hiss, the luck of this young lady is as amazing as ever, both of them Are you drawing the Gosan family in a row?

Kurumi: Kamisato Ayaka, eh, Gosan family, I just don’t choose, I’m just playing ~


These joking group chat barrages.

But it seems that I saw some shocking scene.

Everyone was surprised. No more speech


In the live broadcast,

Fang Ye walked up to Yae Shenzi and saw a Pokémon that looked like a paper man shikigami on her picture book.

This was Yae Shenzi's first draw in her career.

She herself was stunned. Stunned, he pointed at the Pokémon picture and said:

"What the hell"

"You said it was a paper-man shikigami, but I believed it."

Fang Ye took a closer look.

"Good guy!"

He immediately saw the unusualness of this paper shikigami:

"It's called Paper Edge Sword"

"It is one of the ultimate alien beasts!"

"Codename: UB04-Chop."

Eightfold God Son:"???"

What a Pokémon.

She is stupid

"A small, paper-like mini thing is actually a Pokémon?"

When he came back to his senses, Yae Kamiko felt that this little thing was really destined for him.

It was like the paper figure of the Shinto Onmyoji.

And she happened to be the Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Of course Yae Kamiko was also proficient in Onmyoji..

There were three people in the shadow of Kage.

Asase Hibiki, Gogo Nagamasa, and Kami Harunosuke.

They all studied at Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Among them, Yuikam Harunosuke became the Great Onmyoji and was the most proficient in Shinto Onmyoji.

It can be seen that The determination of the Eightfold God Son.

Fang Ye coughed lightly and reminded:"It is very expensive!"

Ye Shenzi became interested.

High value means high potential and combat power:"Why?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Just because it is the ultimate alien beast"

"It's the numbered one.

Fang Ye said:"Let me first talk about the origin of the ultimate beast!""

"In the elven world, the Alola region, there are many ultimate caves"

"You can understand that this is a space-time wormhole"

"The ultimate beast came to the elven world from the ultimate space through the ultimate cave."

Ye Shenzi couldn't help but be stunned.


The ultimate alien beast comes from the ultimate space outside the elf world?

Shouldn't it be called a life in another time and space? Why is it still a Pokémon??

The top of her head was so densely packed A series of question marks.

There are also intensive question marks.

There are also viewers in the two live broadcast rooms.

Now, all the viewers cannot calmly eat melon.

"Hold the grass! My scalp is numb!"

"The ultimate space? Another unknown secret world outside the Xicui area?"

"I'm so stupid, we haven't explored the Xicui map yet, and now another ultimate space has popped up!!"

"The Pokémon multiverse is so vast, I...I want to go see it!"

Fang Ye didn't have time to watch these barrages.

His eyes were fixed on Yae Shenzi, and even the fox had goosebumps when he saw it.

"Each numbered ultimate beast"

"It is said that its combat power is not weaker than any mythical beast"

"But, after all, it’s just a name"

"As we all know, mythical beasts appear to have a transcendent status because of their power and divine handle!"

"So, can the combat power of the ultimate beasts, or their innate ultimate power, be able to resist the power and handle of the divine beasts?……"

Fang Ye spread his hands.

To Yae Shenzi, but also to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Word by word.

Said very seriously:

"I have no way to answer!"


After all, this is reality, not an anime, let alone a game.

In Fang Ye's opinion, the combat power of the ultimate beast is a bit illusory. To be precise, after the strange conquering of Giratina, it should be Said that after temporarily imprisoning Giratina in a master ball,

Fang Ye's thinking about the mythical beasts and his discussion of their specific combat power became more and more in-depth.

He was better able to objectively analyze the specific combat power of a mythical beast. It shows.

Divine beasts, of course, cannot be expressed in terms of conventional combat power.

They should be elevated to the rules of divine battles!

Just like.

In today's Teyvat.

Thunder movie, Morax.

A god of thunder.

A god of rock.

They opened the gods. To fight, they must use their respective priesthoods, powers and divine handles.

Fang Ye is willing to call the exclusive power of the divine beasts divine power.

There is no doubt that the domain and priesthood directly affect the strength of the divine power.

It is said that Fang Ye has now formed a team Several mythical beasts.

Jirachi is the realm of prayers and wishes.

Meloetta is dancing and singing.

Cresselia is the new moon and dreams.

Lugia is the sea god.

And Giratina...destruction With antimatter!

What are the ultimate alien beasts?

At the level of divine warfare, in the normal material plane.

Can they erupt with regular power at the same level as divine power?

"Maybe so? The ultimate power?"

At the thought of this,

Fang Ye was very interested in the experiment.

He glanced at the system's quotation for the paper sword.


Clear question mark.


Just like Disciple Xiong and Melutan.

The system has pricing power. It was completely handed over to Fang Ye, the host.

Fang Ye’s scrutinizing eyes made Yae Shenzi’s hair stand on end.


Cran Fox has given up on taking back the initiative in negotiations. (Wang Wang's)"Manager Fang Ye, what do I have to pay to receive this Pokémon?"

She has decided that it is the paper sword.

She will not change it anymore!

The more she listens to Fang Ye's explanation, the more she likes it.

The ultimate beast is not in baby form, so there is no need to spend time and resources to cultivate it~

It’s simply good news for us lazy people!

It starts with the strongest combat power and the strongest form! I love it!

Fang Ye is also thinking about it.

It’s impossible to give it away for free!

It’s impossible to make this bad start, otherwise What if everyone acts coquettishly to him from now on and even sleeps on his bed to beg for physical debt repayment?

I just asked

Kage for the right to use Tsurukwan Island. There is also an ecological zone in Inazuma.

In the short term, he will be in Inoda My wife has no idea of ​​creating another land.

By the way!

Fang Ye suddenly thought of something and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"The Eightfold Palace Secretary."

He said meaningfully to Dan Fox:

"Is that thing belonging to General Thunder and Lightning at your place?"


Yae Shenzi was blinking in confusion.

But he saw Fang Ye facing her, opening and closing his lips silently, and lip-texting three words:

God's Heart!!

Yae Shenzi's face was shocked.

But his joy soon overflowed.

That's right.!

Ying gave me her God's Heart to dispose of at my will long ago.

The God's Heart is precious, but now that there are trading items with matching value, it is reasonable to trade it out! Stretch.

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