Wang Ping'an and his Gyarados were blessed by the Legend of the Lake Pokémon.

It looks like the situation is improving.

One person and one pet were not instantly killed by the Z's ultimate move of Ten Million Volts, but relied on the protection of the Immortal Family's Talisman.

So, when the medical team put on the stretcher and took this person away.

Keen observers discovered that there was only a ball of ashes left between Wang Ping'an's palms that firmly grasped the talisman.


Uxie, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, walked around Ying and Paimon and looked at them for a while.

As if feeling something, he raised his head and looked at the guest stand.

Fang Ye and this Lake Legend Pokémon locked eyes. on unknown communication channels.

Fang Ye sent a telegram encrypted by the power of the waveguide + super-power mental power:

Hello, the existence of Lake Wisdom.

Coincidentally, Uxie is also a super-type beast.

Human trainer, your surging telekinesis and spiritual power make me feel like I am communicating with a powerful super elf.

Yukki's voice was kind, with a slight smile.

Fang Ye sighed.


Most of the mythical beasts in the elven world are very easy to communicate with.

As long as you don't harbor evil thoughts about them.

In fact, the quietness of his home was broken by the Z trick, and thousands of years of sleep may have been disturbed.

But"Zero 20" Yoshi is still like an old man, calm and calm.

He also sent blessings to Ying and Wang Pingan respectively!

In the legends of the Sinnoh region.

The Pokémon of the Lake Legend are these three:

Uxie, who brought wisdom to mankind.

Emrido, who taught humans how to feel.

Akhnom who bestowed human will.

Going back to the origins, Arceus created the mythical Pokémon that shaped the physical world, after Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

Then came the creation of the Legend of the Lake Pokémon that shaped the human spiritual world.

They usually sleep at the bottom of the lake and maintain the balance of the world.

"The three gods of the lake are all very cute."


"It's just that the actual combat effectiveness is a bit stretched."

In the original work, in the modern elf world, the three cadres of Team Galaxy were able to capture the Three Gods of the Lake. Although it relied on the power of black technology to a certain extent.

But it is undeniable that the Three Gods of the Lake were shamefully captured by Team Galaxy. Lair, it is up to the protagonist to rescue them in the end.

However, thinking about the Galactic Team Red Sun, relying on the red chain, they also controlled Dialga and Palkia. It is convenient for Ye Fei to not be entangled.

In the elf world, humans The power of elves cannot be underestimated. Elf black technology has developed very powerfully!

Trainer, I am very optimistic about you.

In this new world, I see countless possibilities.

Then, I will give you this thing——

A prop was wrapped in a ball of light and came in a flash.

Fang Ye caught it and felt it was cold in his hands.

He lowered his head and looked.

He found that it was an item emitting a light emerald green light.


Gear of Time

Quality/Level: Golden Legend

Component 1/5

Note: Collect 5 pieces to open a world of incredible maze Pokémon


"Hold the grass? Secret key?"

Fang Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he put away the metal gear first. Immediately, with a curious and subtle gaze, he watched the battle scene in the virtual space gradually fade away.


Fang Ye couldn't laugh anymore.

What kind of map is this? Virtual Transformation.

Damn it!

No matter how 100% realistic it is, it is impossible for a Pokémon from the Legend of the Lake that is just a projection to give me a real SSR-colored prop!

Then, there is only one possibility!

This so-called Realism and scene simulation.

In fact, it directly maps part of the scene in the Xicui area behind the secret space and time gate.

"The truth should be like this"

"Later I will go to the Xicui area behind the door and check out several places that have been simulated."

"If there are traces of battle"

"It is these two worlds that overlap in mapping!"

Fang Ye's heartbeat has accelerated to a level that has not been seen in a long time. This is a big discovery.

No wonder, the virtual arena with purple SR equipment does not have the technological content to 100% project the mythical beast.

And the audience, everyone , were also collectively confused and shocked.

Before the scene disappeared, this mysterious Pokémon looked at Club Manager Fang Ye.

One person and one mythical beast, apparently reaching some kind of PY deal.

Then, the existence of the suspected mythical beast actually took the lead in giving away A luminous treasure in Fang Ye.

Not to mention the audience was buzzing with comments.

In the guest seats, all the members couldn't help but picked up the illustrated book.

Hutao: I want to deduct a wave of passionate 66666.

Xiangling : I’m playing Ca11 for store manager Fang Ye. Fang Ye, your little fan girl is here. Store manager, fly with peace of mind, and your die-hard fans will always be with you!

Zhongli: In terms of common rationality, the Pokémon that just appeared from the bottom of the lake , it is a mythical beast.

Wendy: Hey, the mysterious fluctuations on its body are really terrifying, ancient and powerful. It must have been sleeping for a long time...

Dadalia: The most terrifying thing is that this kind of mythical beast has been disturbed. When I woke up, for the sake of Club Manager Fang Ye, I also gave blessings to the traveler and Wang Ping'an respectively.

Diluc: That's right! It must be for the sake of Club Manager Fang Ye!

Keli: Woohoo~~Little If Keli wants to become smarter, can the master of the mythical beast give Keli a blessing to make Keli smart?

Xingqiu: If the mythical beast blesses Keli, it can open up the mind, become wise, and even allow Pokémon to evolve regardless of the evolution conditions. , I am willing to give this blessing, and the price is 100 million molas!

Ningguang: Haha, Second Young Master, you are too small, I will price 1 billion molas!

Ye Lan: Manager Fang Ye, what treasure did the mythical beast just give you? I'm curious..

Yan Fei: Curiosity +1

Fang Ye: (Gears of Time.jpg), nothing, just a treasure that opens the secret realm of the second world.

Everyone:... (Shocked!) (How dare we speak!)

In the illustrated book They were communicating quietly.

Ying and Paimon also came back from the venue. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Xiangling came up, gave Paimon a high-five, and then said to Ying with a smile:

"Now that they have evolved into Brikaron, can you share the illustrations?"

Ying didn't hesitate and posted the illustrated book in the group chat.

"Brikaron, Grass-type and Fighting-type, Thorny Armor Pokémon Level

: Lv.37

Characteristics: Lush

Hidden Characteristics: Bulletproof

Skills: Vine Whip, Rolling, Bite, Slam, Missile Needle, Parasitic Seed, Seed Bomb...

It has the power to overturn a ton-heavy tank with its body impact. Use yourself as a shield to protect your partners."

Gulu~~ saw the level 37 Bricalon with a long skill bar that could not be fully displayed.

Xiangling couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Hold the grass——!

"Is this the attribute at level 37?"Hu Tao was also startled.

Ying tilted her head:

"In fact, after being blessed with evolution just now,"

"My Bricalon has acquired several grass-type and fighting-type skills......"

"spiked arm, spiked defense"

"Absorption punch, the ultimate absorption."

Questions floated wildly on everyone's foreheads.

All of a sudden, four new skills were learned?


"Too exaggerated!"

Fang Ye sighed.

No wonder it is a blessing from the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.


This is equivalent to four times the effect of a move learner! It has been used four times!

Not to mention the first two skills that strengthen defense.

The second one. Both have the blood-sucking effect of % damage.

High-defense human shield + armor + blood.

I am afraid that you, a warrior, will be unlucky!

At the same time, the notice for the third battle has also been sent out.

This round, it is Dadalia took the stage.

His opponent was a warrior from the Liyue secret sect.

"Ice Nine Tails, show your beautiful figure——"

Dadalia throws the Poké Ball.

Pure white, like a cloud fox Pokémon, with slender limbs leaping lightly, it appeared on the field.

"The most evil technique is to destroy the flash!"

A magic arrow filled with water elements was shot out, causing widespread rainfall and making the terrain moist.

Then, Dadalia raised the corners of his mouth:

"Ice Nine Tails!"

"Freezing beam!!"

The warrior and his Pokémon on the opposite side had just appeared and turned into ice sculptures.

The elemental reactions were frozen!

Dadalia snapped his fingers, and he flew up handsomely and calmly,"Destroy the water light!"

Draw your sword and cut through the freeze.

The person and the Pokémon lost consciousness at the same time.

Dardalia was very handsome, and made a love gesture towards the camera.


Suddenly, the women at the scene screamed faintly.

Fang Ye:"……"

Group chat with the rest of the group:


As expected, he is the first person in the group chat to become a celebrity on the Cheers website. He is so proficient in the idol fandom routine.


A pure mind.

Shadow and Shenzi were once again forced to open a new way to compete in the Super Series


The Son of God's eyes widened, full of curiosity and interest:

"Can you still play with Jiang Zi?"

"With the eye of the water elemental god, he can precipitate and moisten"

"Then, with a 4.3 ice-type Pokémon, using an ice-type skill causes a freezing reaction?"

Lei Movie called softly.gas:

"This kind of tactics——"

"It opens up the diversity of teaming up and cooperation between people and Pokémon!"

On the barrage, the audience was also talking about the disgusting aspects of the Elemental Response Team.

For example, Dadalia and his Ice Nine Tails vividly demonstrated that you don't need many Pokémon.

One can freeze everything. The ice nine tails on the field are enough to create the so-called"Eternal Freeze Team".

Shenzi glanced at the barrage, continued to learn elf knowledge, and murmured:

"Water+, is frozen"

"Water + is electric"

"Water+ can evaporate."

So, in addition to Ice Nine Tails, this Dadalia's future team composition and subsequent members will most likely be electric + type Pokémon.

However, the master and slave of the elemental reaction will change.

Sometimes , where the Pokémon is in the output position, and the trainer is in the auxiliary position in the elemental state.

But it may also change to a situation where the trainer is in the C position and the Pokémon is in the auxiliary position. This is another Super Tournament competition.

Eightfold The Son of God stretched his waist:


"What do you think of the unknown Pokémon from the lake just now?"

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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