Walnut: Fiona?

Xiangling: Hmm... pretty ordinary.

Lisa: Looking at the text introduction, there is really nothing surprising about it.

Yora: Didn’t you see that the border of the illustrated book is golden?

Qin:...It’s so lively. It’s so late and everyone is awake?

Keqing: I can't sleep.

Yan Fei: Keqing, aren’t you also a contestant?

Keqing: Ningguang has signed up to compete, why can’t I?

Dadalia: Stop chatting when you are already on horseback! The focus of the topic now should not be the water Pokémon named Fiona. Why is the border not blue, but glowing gold?

At this time.

A system prompt floated across the group chat interface:

The group leader (Fang Ye) has started a group chat panoramic meeting, please join in and watch! the other side.

On Kamisato Ayaka's illustrated book, the invitation message that pops up is as follows:

The group leader (Fang Ye) has granted you the sub-venue permission for the panoramic meeting. Now start the meeting!


Xiao Gong grabbed Miss Ayaka's finger and gently clicked on the options attached to the system message.

Suddenly, the illustrated book projected a scanning red light visible to the naked eye.

After sweeping around this spacious study room.

Scene simulation in progress...

Conference participants have been scanned, 4 people, 100% real projection is being generated...

Final debugging of the conference... is starting!


In the study, 23 people were shocked.

In the light curtain of the illustrated book, a young man slowly walked out.

His body was initially composed of a halo, and then details such as clothing and accessories were completely covered.

He was like a real visitor.

Looked around.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the surprised Xiao Gong:


"I didn't expect to break into the headquarters of Kamisato's family and community so quickly."

The visitor who came out was none other than Fang Ye.

Xiaogong also saw for the first time the power of the group leader's authority:

"That’s awesome, Manager Fang Ye!"

"I'm coming directly"

"This is much more powerful than the live broadcast mode!"

"panoramic meeting……"

"Can actually generate your simulated image?"

A bright and bright smile appeared on Xiaogong's face. Hehehe stepped forward and poked Fang Ye's image with his finger. He found that it was as if his finger was poking into the air, without any texture of a real person.

He was slightly disappointed:

"Ah, we can't poke the store manager."

Fang Ye laughed.

He did understand Xiao Gong's character, he was careless, but he was also very delicate in his heart.

Therefore, Fang Ye felt free to leave the matter of Dao Wife's preaching to Xiao Gong.

After Dao Wife's Elf House branch was completed,.

Yonomiya is outside his family's fireworks shop. He is afraid that he will also serve as the branch manager.

On the other side, the Kamisato brothers and sisters are stunned.

Toma is even more confused as a stone.

"Is this some kind of magical power?"

From a distant land separated by vast oceans.

From the land of rock with prosperous trade.

To actually arrive at the backyard of Kamisato Yashiki?

The smile on Kamisato Ayato's face has long since faded away. At this moment, only Shocked

"It’s not something technology can do!"

But no matter what.

Fang Ye came out of the light projected from the illustrated book.

"I have admired my name for a long time"

"Mr. Social Advocate……"

A chuckle.

Bringing Ayato Kamisato's thoughts back

"I suddenly understood something"

"Why does Xiao Palace respect you like another great imperial minister?"

Master Daigosho refers to the Narukami, the ruling god who rules the Inazuma area.

Fang Ye spread his hands:"Don't get me wrong."

"This is not a miracle"

"That is, a kind of panoramic meeting. The illustrated book scans and generates the environment of your house, and also scans and generates the environment of mine."

"This is the method of Elf Technology, a type of remote conferencing technology."

"Of course, if you brothers and sisters mind and are afraid of exposing your privacy, I can also close the panoramic view of both parties.……"

"Change back to a system default conference room claustrophobic space."

Kamizato Ayato shook his head with a solemn and serious look on his face.


"Your Excellency is here. My sister and I welcome you!"

At this time, the members of the group chat who couldn't sleep late at night clicked to watch the meeting.

They were not participants and had no permission to participate.

Therefore, the perspective was like watching a live broadcast.

Xingqiu: These brothers and sisters have extraordinary bearings. I'm afraid they are In Inazuma, you have a distinguished status.

Yelan: Inazuma does not have seven stars, or the seven stars are the three major families, namely the Kamisato family, the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family.

At the same time, these three families also correspond to the social practice, the Tenryo family and the The determination is carried out.

Xiangling: Sister Yelan is really powerful. She has mastered a lot of information about foreign countries!

Ningguang: Haha, Yelan’s footprints are all over the seven countries in a sense, and she is no less known than those legendary adventurers. In the future If you encounter something in a foreign country and you don’t understand it, feel free to ask Yelan. She also enjoys the feeling of selling information.

Yelan: Ningguang, you talk too much.

Some group members spoke.

Although some group members were silent, But they were also watching the meeting, looking forward to Fang Ye’s explanation to Fiona.


Fang Ye shouted to the little beast in Kamisato Ayaka's arms.

"Fury, oh, oh, nirvana~!"

The little blue beast was in the arms of Kamisato Ayaka. Like a good baby, it raised its little face and shouted loudly to Kamisato Ayaka: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

(Trainer, let me tell you Oh, this man is not normal!)

Kamisato Ayaka:?

She tilted her head, although she didn't quite understand.

But Fiona's round little hand kept pointing at Fang Ye, her little face looked very serious.

Then I realized it.

It turned out that her Pokémon was introducing Fang Ye in a serious way?

"See it."

Fang Ye took the initiative to step forward and wanted to poke Fiona's round head with his finger.

This kind of ocean Pokémon has a crown like an air bag on the top of its head, which should feel good.

However, the finger pierced Fiona's head. Na's body.

Fang Ye was stunned.

Damn! He was so charmed by the cute little Fiona.

He actually forgot that he was in a panoramic projection state.

In other words, now he is a virtual body, and his body is a pile of rays.


In front of the brothers and sisters Kamisato Ayaka and Kamisato Ayato,

Fang Ye's expression remained unchanged.

"Fiona's wisdom, spirituality"

"Are you surprised?"

The brothers and sisters nodded.

"In fact, Xiao Gong should know it, and everyone in the group chat should also know it."

"Pokémon also have genetics"

"The stronger the parents, usually their offspring will not be weak……"

"Some heirs can even exceed the upper limit of their parents' bloodline!"

Kamisato Ayaka's breath was suffocated.

His face glowed with surprise, and he asked quickly:

"Manager Fang Ye, what do you mean?"

"Is Fiona stronger than its parent?"

Next to her, her brother Kamisato Ayato and housekeeping officer Toma looked as serious as they could.

Fang Ye's mouth slanted slightly, showing an evil smile:

"Well... quite the opposite!"

Kamizato Ayaka was startled, and suddenly felt like she was being teased.

The eldest lady had a good temper, and was not at all embarrassed. Instead, she was looked at by Fang Ye's narrow eyes, and her pretty face turned a little red. Those who were watching the first panoramic meeting The members of the group ate the melons, and laughed one by one.

Qin: Manager Fang Ye really likes this rice wife’s eldest lady.

Lisa:...Captain Qin, please pay attention, using the word"like" to describe it is a bit too much. Sorry, many people in the group will be heartbroken tonight!

Ningguang: Favor and appreciation are more appropriate.

The illustrated book is still in the hands of Kamisato Ayaka.

It is similar to a live 850 live broadcast, with comments and comments floating around.

Kamisato Ayaka's face turned even redder.

However, her big eyes blinked, feeling novel and amazed at this way of communicating with people.



Fang Ye continued to say without surprising:


"Well, its parent is named Mana Fe"

"And Manaphy is a fantasy Pokémon!"

"It is also called the Prince of Canghai!"

Pokémon of fantasy!

The prince of the sea!!


Ayaka Kamisato discovered it.

A moment ago, there was a barrage of melons eating melons with laughter.

Then, the screen suddenly cleared.

Ayaka Kamisato: ???

Even Xiao Gong next to her was also stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face showed a complicated change from shock to envy.


Xiaogong smiled heartily:

"Legendary Pokémon, Fantasy Pokémon……"

"In group chats, there is a general term——"

"That is - the mythical beast!"

Mythical beast...

The hearts of the Kamisato brothers and sisters trembled violently.

Toma scratched his head, shocked and confused:"Mythical beast?"

"Presumably, it refers to the followers of God?"

"For example, Mondstadt's Dragon of the East Wind, Tvarin?"

After saying that, Toma found himself being looked at by his friend Xiao Gong with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded.

"Is that a mythical beast? That's called a servant of God, a servant of God!"

"The real divine beast is one that controls power and authority, and has great power that reaches the heavens and the earth!"


Fang Ye found that Xiao Gong's sense of substitution was too strong, and he couldn't help coughing.

When he drew everyone's attention again, he stopped showing off and revealed a trace ofHe said with an interesting smile:

"It's actually a pity"

"Although Fiona is the heir of the prince of Canghai"

"But it does not inherit the personality of its parent!"

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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