The fifty no cards collected by Astral and Yuma contain a large number of powerful cards.

Among them, there are also cards that have been banned for ten thousand years like [no.16-The Dominator of Color].

Of course, although they are all replica cards, the power contained in these cards is almost the same as the original no cards!

It can be said that this happiness came a bit too suddenly.

Yucheng Judai didn't recover from the excitement until he returned to his residence.

Originally, I was worried about how to get back the 50 no cards in Yuma's hands.

It's better now. The system will directly help you copy it, and you don't need to go through the trouble of collecting it yourself. but.

Excitement is excitement.

Yujo Judai's mind is still very clear.

Close the door.

Yucheng Judai began to check these fifty no cards.

The moment he saw [no.96 Black Mist], Yujo Judai's expression immediately became heavy.

Yes, Yujo Judai has always been worried about this.

【no.96 Black Mist】!

It can be felt that this card contains an extremely powerful power of chaos.

【no.96 Black Mist], although it is one of the fragments of the astral body.

But in fact, the true identity of No. 96 Black Mist is the energy body left in the body of the astral body when the Thousand Lords of Balian God fought against the astral body thousands of years ago.

This is also the reason why the astral body has never been able to merge with the black mist.

Once the astral body wants to merge with the black mist, the power of thousands of Lords will be leaked, and they will madly want to seize the astral body's body. but.

No.96 Black Mist is another key fragment to unlock the secret of the source code.

Therefore, this hand of thousands of masters cannot be said to be cruel.

Yujo Judai took out [no.96 Black Mist], closed his eyes and felt the power in the card.

However, as the perception of the power of this card deepened, an extremely evil aura of chaos suddenly surged out of it.

The powerful force almost swallowed up Judai Yujo.

A black monster like a swamp spewed out from the card

"Ten generations!"

Yubel immediately appeared next to Yujo Judai, stretched out the claws of the magic dragon, and tightly grabbed the black mist that was trying to assimilate with Yujo Judai.


However, Black Mist's resistance was extremely strong. It twisted its dark body, its bone-like claws and fangs, biting Yubel, and its body even wanted to assimilate Yubel.

"Hey, what's going on with this card? This kind of power is a bit too much, right?"

Yubel felt that he could hardly hold this monster with his hands.

This powerful power is not the strength that a duel elf should have at all!

"【Elemental Hero-Xinyuxia】!"

Golden light appeared in Yucheng Judai's eyes.

As the duel plate unfolded, Xin Yuxia, who had not been seen for a long time, immediately appeared next to Yucheng Judai.

"The Wrath of Xinyu!"

Under the command of Yu Cheng Judai, Xin Yuxia shouted, and cut the monster like brown sugar from Yubel's body with a hand knife. At this time, the black mist finally stopped and suddenly turned into a A thick black liquid flowed back into the card

"call!"Yubel, who broke free from the black mist, breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the card lying quietly on the ground with some lingering fear.

"It's so, so outrageous, the power of this monster......"

"Well, I didn’t expect that this monster would have such powerful evil thoughts......."Yucheng Judai picked up the black mist, his expression was particularly solemn.

With the power of the Overlord, plus Yubel's power, were they almost unable to suppress the black mist?...

No wonder Black Mist was able to be arrogant for so long in the original work, and the Astral Body couldn't do anything about him.

"It seems that I'd better not touch this card for the time being."

Shaked his head and re-sealed the black mist in the system.

Yujo Judai knew that before officially destroying the [no.96 Black Mist] in the Emperor's Key, it is better not to use this card easily.

Within the Emperor's Key.The sealed black mist suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at the vast starry sky outside the spacecraft, and a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yujo Judai......

Maybe this guy can be used a little bit.......


The night passed.

Amid the almost daily screams of Yuma, a new peaceful day ushered in

"Late, late, late!"

Looking at Yuma who was sitting at the dining table and eating six large bowls of rice, Yujo Judai held up his face and his expression was a little dull.

Although he is also the kind of person with a big appetite. (Read violent novels and go to the airport. Lu Novel Network!)

But seeing Yuma's appetite, Yujo Judai still felt a little ashamed.

Beside Yuma, the astral body was floating there with its arms folded.

Regarding Yuma's exaggerated way of cooking, the astral body had already I'm used to it.

After looking at Yujo Judai, Astral nodded politely as a greeting.

"I'm out!"

After eating, he threw away the bowl, and Yuma immediately grabbed his schoolbag and ran towards the school.

"After eating so much and running so fast, should I be called the leader of the Soaring Sect? It's really quite fierce."

0 Asking for flowers.

Drinking milk calmly, Judai Yujo complained in a low voice.

"Really, that guy Yuma......His behavior is becoming more and more like an idiot."

Ming Li also looked helpless.

Everyone else in the family was obviously normal, so why did she look so stupid when she came to her brother?

"Speaking of which, Judai! Akari suddenly turned her gaze to Yusheng Judai.

Yusheng Judai’s hand holding the milk cup shook:"Cough.......What's wrong?"

"I was too busy at work yesterday and had no time to settle accounts with you."

"Damn it, did you sneak out to fish again yesterday? Akari put her hands on her hips and stared at Judai Yujo angrily,"Besides, I heard it last night too, so it's late, what are you and Yuma doing?""

"Well......No, it's nothing, I just went for a short walk or something."Yucheng Judai scratched his face and moved his eyes guiltily.

"ha? Are you doing something dangerous without telling me?" Akari's sixth sense is still very strong, and she immediately guessed that there must be some ulterior secret between Yujo Judai and Yuma.

Yujo Judai clenched his fists seriously and coughed:"How can there be any danger? matter......They are all very ordinary and normal entertainment activities."

Originally, it was just a game of cards, nothing messy.

It can be said that Akari didn't believe a word of Yujo Judai's words.

At the beginning, she and Yuma's parents, Ninety-nine One Horse and Ninety-nine Mirai , disappeared because of some dangerous things.

Akari didn’t want Yuma to follow the same path as her parents, and she didn’t want Yuma to get hurt in any way.

"Ahem, in short, don’t think too much, I will definitely ensure that your brother’s life is safe!"Yucheng Judai quickly picked up the camera on the side and ran outside quickly,"Well, I'm going out to look for materials first! Bye-Bye!"

"Hello! What life is safe? What are you doing secretly? Why is life and safety involved?"

"tour! city! ten! generation!!!"

Akari's voice echoed behind him.

This deafening roar could make Yujo Judai's ears numb, even if he had already run out of the house.

"Come on, there will be no going back for a while."

Rubbing his ears, Yucheng Judai opened his hand and brought up the system interface.

"Let’s follow this clue of no card today and look for a new no card......."

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