
Speed ​​Car Cape's face became more and more ugly.

This defeat means that he can't have any influence on Shen Gonghe for the time being.

After taking a look at the card in his hand, Speed ​​​​Jiao waved his hand and covered one Card

"I cover a card and the turn ends!"

However, at the moment when the speeding corner was about to end the round, Jingu He suddenly waved his hand

"Hahaha, since this guest can't wait to taste the delicious food, let this guest taste the tapas first!"

"Open the cover card! Sustainable Trap Card [Staff Meal Recipe]】!"

Open the cover card in this case? ~!

Seeing Shen Gonghe's operation, everyone was shocked.

"Target a Ritual Monster on your field and Special Summon a [New Magic Chef Token-] on your field!"

"The card I chose as the target was, of course, the [New Magic Chef’s Pan-Fried Botis] on the field.】!"


Yucheng Judai's heart sank.

The new Magic Chef's Shengjian 2 effect will be activated when a monster on the field is selected as an attack or effect target.

I'm afraid the next step is...

"I release [New Magic Chef's Pan-fried Butis] on the field and a monster in attack position on my own or my opponent's field! Special summon a level 4 or 5 [New Magic Chef] ritual monster from your hand or deck!"

"I choose to liberate [New Demonic Chef's Pan-Fried Botis] and [Line Monster-Knight's Keima] in attack position on your field! Special summon Level 5 [New Magic Chef's Butter Pan-fried Balam] from the deck.】!"

"Free the monsters on my field?!"The speedster was shocked.

It's true!

Yujo Judai glanced at his hand card.

In the hand card, [Sakuya Shigure] flickered with a faint light

"Judai-sama, do you need me to appear later?"The white-haired girl wearing a bunny-eared hat appeared behind Yujo Judai and whispered into Yujo Judai's ears.

"No, it's not your time to show up yet......"

Yujo Judai's eyes darkened slightly and he responded in a low voice.

Now Jingu He obviously wants to rectify the speeding corner.

In this case, I don't need to make any moves at all, just watch the two of them fight dog.


After liberating the new Demon Chef's Jian Jian, [Ritual Demon Liberator]'s block on special summons will also disappear.

On the contrary, this provided help for myself to expand.

The two monsters on the field were immediately enveloped in the whirlpool of liberation.

Accompanied by a ray of light that soared into the sky, a plate of pan-fried butter with a rich aroma appeared on Jinguga's field.

And the aroma coming out of the pan-fried food actually transformed into a pale-skinned, white-haired man, who was focusing on the three people opposite him with strange eyes.

【New Magic Chef’s Butter Pan-fried Balam】

【Star rating: 5】

【Attack power: 2000】


The speeding corner broke into cold sweat.

My own monster was used as a material for the opponent's ritual summoning and was released.......

What kind of delicacy is this! You are simply ()!

"Hahaha, it seems that this customer is quite satisfied with the food in our restaurant."

Looking at the fear on Speedy Corner's face, a rather abstract and gloomy smile appeared on Shen Gonghe's face.

That smile did not look like that of a chef. Instead, it was like forcing something indescribable into the guest's mouth. The desperation of things.

And the almost crowded expression of the speeding corner is obviously aftertaste of the taste of this indescribable thing.

Almost all the ritual monsters in the new Magic Chef deck have the ability to liberate the opponent's field. The ability of the monster in attack position.

Fortunately, Judai Yujo knew this in advance, so he put the card cover on the field.

But Speedy Corner and Kaito were not so lucky.

Now the only monster in attack position on the field is The [Photon Smasher] in the Kai Dou Arena, the next one to be persecuted is probably Kaito.......

"【New Demonic Chef's Butter Pan-fried Balam] can be activated when the special summon is successful."

"Add a [New Magic Chef] card or [Recipe] card from the deck to your hand."

Taking out a card from the deck, Jinguhe raised his lips and turned his eyes to the monsters on the battlefield:"Then, it's my turn next."

"whispering sound......"A wisp of cold sweat ran down Kaito's forehead, as if he knew what he would face next.

"My turn, draw a card!"

"Activate the field magic card! 【New Magic Kitchen Inn restaurant is open for dinner】!"

Behind Jin Gonghe, the gorgeous restaurant decoration gradually emerged.

In the splendid hall, Jingu He put his right hand on his shoulder and bowed like a gentleman.

"Then, the next customer to be served is you, Amagi Kaito."

Who wants this kind of service?......

A stream of cold sweat oozed from Amagi Kaito's forehead

"Next, I activated the venue magic, the effect of the new Magic Kitchen Inn restaurant." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"When this card is activated, you can add a [Recipe] card from your deck or graveyard to your hand."

"The card I chose to add to my hand was the ritual magic card [Meat Dishes Recipe]】"

Jingu He said and threw the ritual magic card in his hand on the field.

"Then! Because of the effect of [Ritual Demon-Liberator] in my graveyard, I excluded [Ritual Demon-Liberator] from the graveyard! The sacrifices summoned in place of this ritual!"

Does this mean that the special move blockade has been activated again?

Yusheng Judai frowned.

But he is not a fool, and naturally he will not let his opponent successfully block it again so easily!

"Open the cover card! Quick Attack Magic Card [Namer of the Grave]】!"Yujo Judai opened his hand, and a cover card on the field was immediately opened frontally.

0 flowers requested

"This card can target a monster in your opponent's graveyard, banishing that monster, and until the end of the next turn, the effects of the banished monster and the card with the same name are negated!"


The [Ritual Demon-Liberator] in the cemetery was instantly excluded from the game.

Kamiyaga trembled and looked at Yujo Judai in disbelief.

This guy actually took my ritual The devil gives......

Jingu He suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked this inconspicuous Yujo Judai.

Compared to Amagi Kaito and Speedy Head, this guy is so low-key that people almost ignore him. but.

Although the sacrifices in the graveyard are excluded, there are other sacrifices in your hand and on the field that can be used.

"I release the [New Magic Chef's Bouillabaisse] in my hand and the [New Magic Chef Token] on the field!"

"Ritual call! Level 2【New Magic Chef's Confit Flasks】!"

【The New Magic Chef’s Confit Fras】

【Star rating: 2】

【Attack power: 800】

"Moreover, according to the effect of [Meat Dishes Recipe], when this card is used to ritually summon [New Magic Chef's Confit Flas], all defense position monsters on the opponent's field will be changed to face-up attack position!"

The monster hiding in the field of Yucheng Judai was suddenly opened.

A female hero wearing black armor appeared in front of everyone!

【Elemental Hero-Shadowmist Girl】

【Attack power: 1000】

"Ah, I didn't expect it to be reversed in this situation."Yushiro Judai scratched his head,"I originally wanted to wait until the next round."

"Next round? This round I will completely defeat you first!"

Jingu Ga looked at Yujo Judai with cold eyes and said loudly,"I activate the effect of [New Demonic Chef's Butter Pan-fried Balam]!"

"Activate by targeting a face-up attack position monster on your opponent's side of the field! Liberate that monster and Special Summon a level 6 [New Magic Chef] monster from your hand or deck!"

"Your hero on the field, come and taste the taste of butter frying!"

Who would taste this kind of thing!

Yujo Judai looked embarrassed, but he really didn't have a card in his hand that could cope with this effect.......

Just when Yujo Judai was waiting for the monsters on the field to be released.

Amagi Kaito on the side suddenly spoke:

"Activate the quick attack magic card! 【Book of the Moon】!"


Everyone's eyes turned to Amagi Kaito.

But he saw a Book of the Moon quick attack magic card standing there on the Amagi Kaiba Arena.

The target chosen by this Book of the Moon is none other than the [Elemental Hero-Shadow Mist Girl] on the field of Yucheng Judai】!.....Spoon..

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