"At the end of the round, the effects of Iron Drive Dragon and Xun Demon Dragon are activated."

Just as Alito was preparing for his turn, Yujo Judai suddenly interrupted Alito's actions.

"Ah? Is there any end-stage effect?"

Alito flicked his finger

"Yes, at the end of the round when [Iron Drive Dragon - Communication Demon Dragon] is sent to the graveyard, you can select a [Treasure Cannon Monster] monster from the deck, or add [Albus's Fallen] to your hand or special card. Summoned to the field."

Yucheng Judai said, taking out a card from the deck

"I choose to add [Albus's Fallen] to my hand."

"Eh? Add a card to your hand? Yuma was a little puzzled:"Wouldn't it be better if he was summoned directly to the field?""

"No, that monster should have an effect that activates when summoned. Yujo Judai did not summon him directly to the field, so he must have prepared a counterattack in the next round."

The astral body saw Judai Yujo's thoughts at a glance.

For other duelists, attacking first may be the best way to suppress the opponent.

But for Judai Yujo, attacking first is just for layout. The next round It's just a better kill.

Well, hero players are like this. They feel uncomfortable if they can't kill the opponent in one round.

Alito is a little disdainful. After all, he is also the Seventh Emperor of Balian.

Although he can't use all his abilities with a human body now. Strength, but isn't it still easy to deal with someone who doesn't even have a No card?

"My turn, draw a card!"

Using all his strength to draw a card from the duel plate, Alito raised his voice,"I summon [Burning Boxer-Head Protector Boxer]】!"

Use the jab first to test your opponent's cover a little!

Alito's eyes scanned the three trap cards on Yucheng Judai's field.

"Burning Boxer - When the Head Protector Boxer is summoned, send a [Burning Boxer] monster from the deck to the graveyard!"

"I choose to send [Burning Boxer-Practice Boxer] in the deck to the graveyard!"

As a card entered the graveyard, Alito continued:"Then, I activate the magic card [Announce the players' entry! 】(original card)"

"After activating this card, you can special summon a [Burning Boxer] monster from your hand!"

Seeing that Yujo Judai didn't respond, Alito curled his lips and threw a monster in his hand on the duel plate.

"Come out! 【Burning Boxer-Big Bandage Boxer】!"

Alito continued:"The effect of Big Bandage Player is activated! Once per turn, target a [Burning Boxer] monster in your graveyard, and the level of all monsters on your field becomes the same as that monster's level!"

"The level of [Burning Boxer-Practice Boxer] in my graveyard is 4, so the levels of [Burning Boxer-Head Guard Boxer] and [Burning Boxer-Big Bandage Boxer] on my field have all become four stars!"

The number of stars above the two boxer monsters turned to four in the blink of an eye.

This means that Alito has already gathered two level 4 monsters on the field!

"There are two level four monsters! Yuma couldn't help shouting,"Are we going to start super summoning?""

"I will stack the [Burning Boxer-Big Bandage Boxer] and [Burning Boxer-Head Protector Boxer] on the field!"

Alito raised his right hand high, with hot flames flashing in his eyes.

"Two four-star monsters build a stacking network and super summon!"

"Gather the fire bred by your soul into your fists! Let it burn!"

"【Burning Boxer - Restrained Brute Jab Boxer】!" boom!

The sound of heavy iron locks echoed on the rooftop.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, a monster wearing an iron mask and carrying heavy and huge shackles fell from the sky, smashing a piece of broken ground on the ground.

【Burning Boxer - Restrained Brute Jab Boxer】!

【Level: 4


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 2200】

"This guy also summoned a super monster all at once......."Yuma couldn't help but sigh.

I always feel that people nowadays are getting stronger and stronger.

How come everyone can summon an ace in one turn?

Alito stared at Yujo Judai, feeling a little impatient in his heart.

I have already tested it to this point, why doesn't Yujo Judai not activate the trap card in the backcourt?

You are really calm enough.......

If this is the case, then I have to fight it in one go!

"Activate the continuous magic card! [One-on-one duel] (original card)!"

"This card can increase that battle damage by another thousand points when the monsters on both sides cause battle damage!"

After Alito finished speaking, a scene like a boxing ring suddenly appeared around Yucheng Judai and Alito. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This, what is this!"

Both Yuma and Zhenzuki were startled by what appeared in front of them.

Why does it feel like this duel is going somewhere strange?

"Fight!"Alito declared the fight without hesitation.

"Jab boxer, attack [Treasure Protector Cannon Demon Small Rocket]】!"

Looking at Yujo Judai who still seemed to be unresponsive, Alito raised a subtle sneer on his lips.

The attack power of the jab boxer is 2200 points, compared to the attack power of 1600 points of the small rocket, although it seems that this blow only has 600 points of combat damage, and the 1000 points of combat damage caused by [one-on-one duel].

But in fact......

The damage caused to Yucheng Judai in this battle was 4200 points!

In Alito's hand, there are also [Burning Boxer-Counterattack Boxer] and quick-attack magic cards.【K.O Burning Fist] (original card).

The counter-puncher can remove this card from his hand during the damage step to increase the jab fighter's attack power by another 1000 points. and【K.O Burning Fist], when you destroy the opponent's monster in battle, you can inflict damage to the opponent equal to the attack power of the destroyed monster!

Although it looks like an ordinary test punch, in fact, this punch contains extremely murderous intent!

If Judai Yujo was the kind of cautious person, he would definitely not give up his life-saving means for a mere 1,600 points of combat damage.

But that's exactly what it is, this blow will completely destroy him!


Just when this punch was about to succeed.

Yucheng Judai suddenly started to move

".Open the trap card! [The experience of teaching】!"


Seeing the trap card that was suddenly opened, Alito was shocked.

How could this guy suddenly open the trap under such circumstances?

Could it be that he guessed wrong!

"【"Teaching Encounter", you can special summon a"Teaching" monster or"Albus's Fallen" from the card in your hand!"

Yucheng Judai showed his [Albus's Fallen Plate] in his hand.】,"In this case, this card comes in handy!"


He looked at the white-haired boy who suddenly appeared in Yucheng Judai Field. (King’s) Alito’s heart trembled

"【Albus's Fall] effect is activated!"

"If this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, discard a card from your hand to activate!"

"Send the fusion material monster of this card included in the Fusion Monster Card from your own field or your opponent's field to the graveyard!"

"Fusion Summon that fusion monster!"

Own......other side?

Alito suddenly thought of something bad.

"Doesn't that mean......"

"Yes, this card can also fuse monsters on the opponent's field!"

Youcheng Judai said coldly:"Come on! Fusion of [Albus' Fallen] on my field and [Burning Boxer-Restrained Barbarian Jab Boxer] on your field!"

On the field, the jab boxer's body began to twist together with Albus's body.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, a giant dragon covered with white ice crystals appeared on the field of Yucheng Judai!

"Come out!"

"【Ice Sword Dragon-Fantasy Ice Dragon】!".....bundle.......

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