Xinyuan City.

The afterglow of the setting sun turned the sky into a hazy yellow.

In the sky, the motorcycle aircraft driven by Xincheng Meihui made abnormal engine sounds. It seemed that it had reached the end of its power.

After shaking twice in the air, the aircraft finally emitted black smoke and staggered towards the ground.

"Phew, I didn’t expect that this old antique would come in handy today."

Falling on the ground, Xincheng Meihui took off her helmet and shook her golden hair. A relaxed look appeared on her stunning face.

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for me today, I'm afraid you would have been directly hunted by that guy Amagi Kaito.......Between the two of us, things are sorted out, right?"

Turning her head, Shinjo Mihui looked at Yujo Judai with the intention of claiming credit.

After Yujo Judai entered the heart garden alone, Shinjo Mihui was quite worried about Yujo Judai acting alone.

From then on , After completing the discharge procedures in the hospital, Kokoro Mie also came to Kokoro, and happened to see Amagi Kaito flying in the direction of the Doll House on a flying wing.

Kokoro Mie naturally knew Amagi Kaito's.

Among the no-card hunters, he was a terrifying god-of-kill figure.

Mie Kokoro immediately guessed that Amagi Kaito might have discovered Yujo Judai's traces, and was going to find Yujo Judai himself. There was trouble.

So Mie Shinjo borrowed a motorcycle aircraft on the roadside of Shinen Garden and followed behind Amagi Kaito.

When Amagi Kaito was about to hunt Yujo Judai, he rescued Yujo Judai Come out.

Of course, the above pictures are from Heart 10 City Mihui's own perspective.

In fact, it is still unclear who is hunting whom.

"Thank you very much."Yujo Judai got off the aircraft and said with a smile.

Indeed, if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of Mie Xincheng, he really wouldn't have known how to get rid of Kaito, a troublesome guy.

Although a duel can solve most things, if he really wants to be If Kaito keeps an eye on him and loses again and again, even Yujo Judai won't be able to stand it, okay?

"Humph, you're welcome. After all, you have saved me before."Xincheng Meihui's proud nose almost stood up.

"But you understand, right? Although your dueling ability is indeed very strong, there are people who are better than others. That Amagi Kaito is not an enemy that can be defeated so easily."

"If you collect more powerful no cards in the future, you might be that guy's opponent, right?"

Looking at Mie Shinjo's expression, I've known for a long time that you can't be strong alone, Yujo Judai suddenly felt dumbfounded.

If Mie Shinjo knew, he had just cleaned up Kaito half a month ago. Suddenly, I don’t know what kind of expression it will be like again....

"Talk about it."Xincheng Meihui thought of something,"Looking at you, you should have collected a lot of no cards today, right?"


Judai Yujo took out his today's spoils, four no cards.

Xincheng Meihui immediately came up in surprise

"It's amazing. You can collect four No cards in one breath. If you become a No card hunter, you will definitely have nothing to do with the likes of us."

"However, after collecting these NO cards, it may be a little difficult to collect new NO cards, right?"

Xincheng Mie touched her chin, as if she was thinking about Yujo Judai.

There are not many no cards left that can be collected on the surface.

Most of the remaining cards are concentrated in Nine-nine Yuma and Eight In the hands of Yun Xingsi.

It may be difficult to collect a large number of cards at once like today.

"Well, I have my own way."Yucheng Judai put the cards back into the box,"It's only a matter of time before we collect all the no cards."

After all, the three newly obtained elves in the heart garden will help him solve this problem.

With their existence, he will not need to rely on luck like before to collect no cards in the future.

"You are really confident......"

Shinjo Mihui really has nothing to do with this guy Yujo Judai.

I always feel that this guy's confidence is overwhelming.

I have only collected a few NO cards, but I am already thinking about all NO cards.

"never mind......In short, I don’t want to follow you through this muddy water anymore......."

Mie Kokoro took a deep look at Yujo Judai,"The opponents we have to deal with in collecting no cards are not only Yakumo Koji and Amagi Kaito......."

"Please be more careful yourself in the future."

After saying that, Xincheng Meihui left without looking back.

For her, the debt she owed to Yucheng Judai has been paid, and no matter what happens to Yucheng Judai in the future, it will have nothing to do with her.

"What a strange woman......"

Looking at the back of Mie Shinjo, Yubel's shadow appeared behind Judai Yujo and said with a smile.

"Maybe there will be a chance to meet again in the future......"

"Of course, it’s best not to see each other again......."

Shaking his head, Yujo Judai also turned around and headed towards Yuma's house.

Just returned to Ninety-nine House.

Opening the door, a delicate yet angry face appeared in front of Yujo Judai.

"Travel to the city for ten generations!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Akari put her hands on her hips, like an angry old hen, glaring at Judai Yusei at the door.

"What time is it already! Where did you go to collect materials today?!!!"

In the restaurant, hearing the sound at the door, Yuma, who was eating his late meal after returning from school, had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Well, Akari-san is angry again. Judai is so miserable......."

"......Akari's temper has always been like this."The astral body also nodded repeatedly.

Ever since he came behind Yuma, Akari has always looked like this strong woman.

"Akari's character is really similar to Shark's sister......."

Thinking of all the things that Kamishiro Risu was doing brilliantly in the academy today, Yuma couldn't help but complain,"Can it be said that all women are this strong?......"

"Isn't the bird obviously more gentle?"The astral body touched his chin and said

"Well......Birds are the same way......"Yuma rolled his eyes,"It's just that you don't know her very well, so you think she looks very gentle."

The astral body suddenly realized:"That's it.......Observation 24: Women are creatures with terrible tempers!"


Fortunately, few people except Yuma can see the astral body.

Otherwise, Yuma couldn't imagine what kind of threat the astral body would receive if Akari-san and the others heard such words.

Just at the same time as this ordinary day.

The other side.

Balian world.

Under the scarlet sky, there is a lifeless and chaotic world.

Under the throne that shines strangely scarlet.

A man in white robes stood in the hall, staring at the red crystals in front of him that reflected various situations in the human world.

The pictures in the crystal, without exception, are the moments when the Balian assassins controlled by Kiragu were defeated by Kujiu Yuma and others in the past half month.

Kiragu, who was sent to defeat Kujiu Yuma and the Astral Body, was obviously no longer a match for Kujiu Yuma and the others.

Just rely on Kiragu alone......Sure enough?

Man clenches fist


"Alit, are you there?"

In the man's call, a figure in a red robe condensed on the floating stones nearby.

"Hey, what's up, Droube?"Alite was a little impatient.

"Alit, I order you to go to the human world to collect no cards, go now!"Droube ordered loudly.

"Hey hey hey, why do you let me go? There are still many people who have nothing to do, right?"Alite immediately became dissatisfied,"In that kind of world, I simply can't exert my power and fight as I please."

A scarlet light appeared in Droube's eyes:"Alite!"

The unabashed threat made Alit tremble and he had to reluctantly jump down from the stone.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I get it......Isn’t it okay for me to go?"

Droubet raised his right hand and put it on his left shoulder:"Everything is for the Balian world."

"......For the Balian world."

Arit sighed, and his body turned into a red light spot and disappeared into the Balian world.

After Arit left

, a man in a golden robe condensed behind Droube.

"Is it possible to rely on a single-celled organism like Alit?"

"Mizael......"Glancing at the man behind him, Droube turned his gaze to the few red crystals floating in front of him.

"Nothing else to say......Alit's dueling skills are still very trustworthy."

"In short......"

The future of the Balian world today.

We can only rely on Alito and Kiragu.......

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