"Activate the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead]】!"

At the end of the battle phase, Captain Corn decided to make a final death struggle.

Although it has realized that the opponent in front of it is very powerful.

However, Captain Corn still has the final trust in the no card in his hand!

"Resurrect the [parent-child corn] in my graveyard! After that, stack the level 4 parent-child corn and the level 4 cat corn on the field!"

Captain Corn raised his arms and pointed directly at the sky

"Come out! 【no.50 black corn number】!"


Accompanied by a thunder.

A huge pirate ship appeared in the super vortex in the sky.

The black pirate ship pressed down from the sky like a dark cloud.

On the sail, the number 50 flashes scarlet light

【No.50 Black Corn], coming!

【Level: 4

【Plant family/excess】

【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 2100】

"Has it finally appeared? No card......"Yujo Judai raised his arms to shield himself from the strong wind. Under his flowing broken hair, his eyes showed full of interest.

"Then the real duel begins! Captain Corn waved his hand and took out the material under a monster card:"Activate the effect of [no. 50 Black Corn]!" Remove a piece of super material, launch one of your opponent's monsters as a cannonball, and inflict combat damage equal to the opponent's monster's attack power!!!"

In the ocg version, Black Corn can remove an excess material, target a monster on the opponent's field with less than the attack power of this card, send that monster to the graveyard, and give"Nine Three Zero" 1000 points of damage per side.

Unlike the OCG version of the Black Corn.

The Black Corn in the original work can ignore the attack power condition and directly send an opponent's monster to the grave, and inflict damage equal to the attack power of the opponent's monster.!

The two [Block Cutters] on Yusei Judai's field both have an attack power of 2,000 points.

No matter which one is sent to the grave, it is not unacceptable to Yusheng Judai.

Of course.

This, Yucheng Judai has already prepared countermeasures!

"Activate the effect of [Block Chopping Machine-Counter Laplace]!"

Youjo Judai said loudly:"Using the Zhanji Jingwu as a material to synchronize and supercharge monsters, you can get a brand new effect!"

"Brand new effects?!"Captain Corn was stunned for a moment.

"That's right! It can only be activated when the opponent activates the effects of magic, traps, and monsters in the round that uses [Zhanji-Jingwu] as a material to successfully special summon it!"

Yushiro Judai pointed at the huge ship Black Corn

"Disable that effect!"


Captain Corn was shocked.

On the field, the cannon on the side of the Black Corn had been charged.

However, at the moment when it was about to be launched,

Laplace had already grasped the golden sword in his hand and rushed forward. With a sword Cut off the Black Corn's gun barrel

"Black, black corn number!"

Captain Corn immediately panicked.

His only means of resistance was so easily cracked by Judai Yujo.......What kind of opponent is this guy?

"Then, open the cover card! Continuous Trap Card [Induction Method of Killing Machines]】!"Yujo Judai did not give Captain Corn a chance to resist.

Now that the threat of the Black Corn has been resolved, it’s time to clean up the opponent’s backcourt!

"If there is a [Destroyer] monster on your field, send this face-up card in the magic or trap area to the graveyard, and target a card on your opponent's field to activate! That card is destroyed!"

"What?!"As the Gaika around him shattered, Captain Corn's psychological defense suddenly collapsed.

Not only did he resist his own No card, he even destroyed his own Gaika.

This is so nonsense!

"Me, my turn is over......"

Captain Corn ended his turn dejectedly.

It seems that he already knows his next fate

"My turn, draw a card!"Yusheng Judai took out a card from the deck.

Next, it was a gorgeous killing move!

"Activate the effect of [Block Chopping Machine-Counter D'Alembert]!"

"Liberate a monster on your field to activate, and select a four-star slashing monster from your hand or graveyard to Special Summon!"

Yucheng Judai said, having taken out a card from the cemetery area in his hand:"I special summon [Zhanji-Yuanwu]】!"

With a shattering electrical storm.

Zhanji Enwu returned to the Judai field of Yucheng again

"Then, when there are no monsters in your extra monster zone, [Zeki-Sigma] in the graveyard can be specially summoned from the graveyard to the field!"

Another machine-killing monster appeared.

Sigma, holding a red sharp-toothed giant blade, landed next to Yuan Wu.

"Woo......"Captain Corn broke out in a cold sweat and turned a little pale.

"【The effect of"Zhanji-Yuanwu" is activated again. When there is a"Zhanji" monster summoned or special summoned on the field, add a"Zhanji" magic or trap card from the deck to your hand!"

Yushiro Judai waved his hand, and a card appeared between his fingers:"The card I chose to add to my hand is the equipment magic card [Zhanjitou-Nayuta]】!"

"After that, activate the magic card [Destroyer Formula] in your hand! Special summon [Zhanji-Jingwu] from the graveyard, and increase its attack power by 1000 points!"


The Zhanji-Jingwu appeared again!

In just a blink of an eye, the three little Zhanjis appeared in front of Captain Corn again.

It's outrageous!

This is simply outrageous!

They didn't even use the normal summons, Just summon three monsters at once......

Captain Corn wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his teeth couldn't stop chattering.

"Next, it’s Synchro Summoning."Yushiro Judai narrowed his eyes and quickly took down the [Zhanji-Yuanwu], [Zhanji-Jingwu] and [Zhanji-Sigma] on the field,"[Zhanji-Sigma] is doing something. [Slasher] When the synchro material of a monster is used, it can be used as a monster other than the tuner."

"In other words, I will adjust the monsters [Zhanji-Jingwu], and [Zhanji Yuanwu] and [Zhanji Sigma] to adjust the stars!"

Tune star?

Synchro monster?

What are these!

This series of unfamiliar words caused Captain Corn's brain to shut down.

And around Judai Yujo, the duel uniform designed by Kaiba Company also began to flash blue. star point

【Synchro summoning in progress detected】

【The system architecture required for Synchro Summoning is completed! Wandering Star Particles, release!】

"Synchro Summon!"

Swish, swish, swish!

The three monsters turned into a total of twelve stars and surged up into the sky.

In the green halo, they lined up in a row, shining with dazzling brilliance.

"A strong man born in the electronic storm! Use your scorching fire to burn everything you look at and bring about the end of the world!"

"Come out! [Fire Slasher-Final Sigma】!" boom!

Flames erupted across the field.

Sigma, wearing fiery red armor and holding a flaming sword, appeared on the field of Yujo Judai!

【Flame Slasher - Final Sigma】

【Star Rating: 12] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Electronic world/synchrony】

【Attack power: 3000/Defense power: 0】

"This, this, this......"Captain Corn stared at the monster in front of him in stunned silence, unable to even utter a complete sentence.

"Then, I equipped the equipment magic card [Zanjitou-Nayuta] in my hand to [Fire Zhanji-End Sigma]】!"

"The battle is on!"

Yushidai Judai said sternly:"[Final Sigma]! Attack [Black Corn]】!"

"When the [Fire Slayer-Final Sigma] in the extra monster area causes combat damage to a monster, that combat damage can be doubled!"

"Moreover, [Fire Slayer - Final Sigma] is not affected by any cards other than the [Slasher] card!"

The words of Yujo Judai made Captain Corn, who was still thinking of struggling, suddenly wilt.

He is not affected by any card except the machine-killing card?!

This, isn't this equivalent to total resistance!

"Furthermore, during the damage calculation with the opponent's monster, the effect of [Sword Cutting Sword - Nayuta] is activated!"

Suddenly there was a card in the hand of Yujo Judai:"Send a [Zhanji] monster in the deck to the graveyard. The equipped monster's attack power will increase until the end of the round. The monster sent to the graveyard will increase. Attack power value!"

"The monster I sent to the graveyard is [Zhanji-Chengwu], so the attack power of [Flame Zhanji-Last Sigma] has increased by 500 points!"

【Flame Slasher - Final Sigma】

【Attack power: 30003500】

"But, but, even if the attack power is increased, even if the combat damage is doubled, it is still far from the level of killing for me!"

Captain Corn roared with cold sweat,"When the time comes, I will still have 1,200 health points left!"

"That's not necessarily the case.0"

Youcheng Judai raised his lips and turned over the [Zhanji-Chengwu] in his hand.】

"【[Zhuji-Chengwu] can be activated when being sent to the graveyard."

"Target a Cyber ​​monster in the extra monster area"

"That monster's attack power is doubled until the end of the turn!"

"In other words, the attack power of [Fire Slayer - Final Sigma] at this moment is not 3500 points."

"Instead, 7,000 points!"

Chengwu's figure gradually overlapped with Sigma's body.

As a big multiplication sign appeared behind Sigma, a terrifying force burst out from Sigma's body in an instant!

【Flame Slasher - Final Sigma】

【Attack power: 7000!!! 】

Attack power 7000?!

And the combat damage caused to monsters is doubled?!

Captain Corn stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

The next moment, Final Sigma had already slashed through the hull of the black corn ship.

The entire pirate ship was split into two parts in the blink of an eye!

"The combat damage this blow gives you is......9800 points!"Youcheng Judai smiled and said

【Captain Corn: LP40000]

This knife goes down.

He still owes more than five thousand life points!

Captain Corn's eyes widened.

The next moment, the body was suddenly wrapped in the fire of Final Sigma, and with a bang, it turned into popcorn flying everywhere like stars.

【Yujo Judai: The WIN duel is over.

Looking at the popcorn flying in the sky, Judai Yusheng scratched his face and picked up the [no.50 black corn] from the ground covered with popcorn.】

"All in all, the first no card is easy to win."

Looking at the [no.50 Black Corn] in his hand, Judai Yujo breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something strange in his card box.

He reached out and took out a blank card from the card box..As a black aura poured into the card.

Captain Corn, who had turned into popcorn and disappeared, now turned into a card elf and was sealed into the card of Yujo Judai.

【captain corn】

【Star rating: 4

【plant family/general】

【Attack power: 1400, defense power: 1000】

"Um? Why are you still buying one and getting one free?"

Looking at this four-star normal monster, Judai Yujo showed an unexpected expression on his face.

He didn't use any power at all.

This guy's soul actually ran into his blank card since 1.7 and turned into a card elf. ?

"Ah?! Me, I didn’t say thank you to anyone?"Captain Corn also noticed something strange about him at this moment.

He sat in the card and looked at the surrounding environment with surprise.

Hui Liuli folded his arms and floated beside Yucheng Judai, and said with a look of a fox pretending to be a tiger,"Hey Hey, Judai-sama has given you a chance to be reborn, you guy, hurry up and be grateful to me, you bastard!"


Captain Corn was shocked, and when he looked at Yujo Judai, his eyes suddenly became a little different.

For living things like them that evolved from non-living things.

This practice of letting them live in another way is tantamount to recreating with kindness!

At this moment, Captain Corn's inner excitement was no less than the moment when Dr. Fika created it!

"Ten, your lord! Please let me follow you forever from now on!"

"Please accept the little man’s grateful kiss!"

Looking at Captain Corn with his thick lips pouting, desperately trying to squeeze out the card and rush towards him.

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Yujo Judai's forehead, and he quickly stuffed it back into his card box.

Hey, hey, hey......

Stop it.

Who wants to be forcefully kissed by a corn?

Captain Corn paused.

Yucheng Judai breathed a long sigh of relief and turned his eyes to the electronic screen in the underground mine.

"The next stop is Leishan, which is located in the high-speed venue......." high speed venue......


Are you going to start a high-speed duel in the world of ZEXAL?.

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