Yakumo Xingji raised his eyebrows.

From the look of Kaito, he hasn't given up completely yet.

However, with only 800 blood left, what else can he do?

Can this kind of blood volume of Feng Zhongzhu still allow him to make a comeback?

"I activate the magic card [Galactic Expedition]】!"

"If you have a five-star or higher Galaxy or Photon monster on your field, special summon a five-star or higher [Photon] or [Galaxy] monster from your deck to the field! Kaito raised the Duel Disk on his arm,"[Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon] can be used as the [Galaxy Eye] and [Photon] fields, so I can special summon it from the deck!""

"Come out! 【Photon Emperor】!"

【photon emperor】

【Star rating: 8】

【warrior clan】

【Attack power: 2800】

"Furthermore, when there is a [Galaxy] or [Photon] monster on your field, you can summon [Galaxy Knight] from your hand without releasing it.】!"

【galactic knights】

【Star rating: 8】

【warrior clan】

【Attack power: 2800】

"oh? Want to collect super materials for super monsters?"Yakumo Koji immediately saw through Kaito's tactics,"How naive! Activate the trap card! 【Sudden advance】!"


Kaito trembled, showing a shocked expression

"Destroy a beast-type 077 monster on your field, select a monster on your opponent's field, and return it to the deck!"

Yakumo Koji sneered gloomily,"I choose to destroy the [No. 14 Death Dog of Desire] on the field! Disappear! 【Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon】!" boom!

The death dog on the field shattered in response.

The next moment, the broken soul of the Death Dog suddenly rushed out from the dust and smoke of the explosion, and bit the Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon's arm.


The Milky Way Eye let out a clear dragon roar, and immediately turned into starlight and dissipated in the fast battlefield.

"Milky Way Eye......"

Kaito clenched his fists.

Galaxy Eye has been returned to the deck, which means that his trump card...

"Damn it, it looks like Kaito has no chance in this round."Yushiro Judai knows what Kaito is thinking in his heart.

He wants to summon his strongest super monster, [Super Galaxy Eyed Photon Dragon] to defeat his opponent.

But unfortunately, [Super Galaxy Eyed Photon Dragon] Three eight-star monsters are needed as materials to perform a super summon.

Once this step is broken, it will be almost impossible to summon super galaxy eyes.......


Kaito also knows it very well.

If this continues, No. 70 can evolve infinitely, which is particularly disadvantageous to himself.


No monsters will not be destroyed by battles with monsters other than No.......

Even if the monsters on your field have 100 higher attack power than the Sin Spider, if they cannot be destroyed, there seems to be no other meaning except for the Sin Spider to evolve again...

"my turn......Finish."

After a moment of silence, Kaito could only lower his arms.

"Ha ha ha ha! Is this what you call anger? Killing me!"Yakumo Kyouji covered his forehead and raised his head and laughed.

Kaito's face was gloomy, but he didn't refute anything.

Indeed, in his decision-making just now, he ignored his opponent's Gaika because of his anger.

Now it seems that Yakumo has been I'm just waiting to gather the super materials for super monsters.....

"Huh, my turn."

Yakumo Koji drew a card from the deck.

"Draw a card!"

"Fight!"After taking a look at the drawn card, Yakumo Koji took the initiative to initiate the battle.

"What?! Kaito was stunned for a moment,"Could it be that you would rather take damage than let No. 70 evolve?""

"Hahaha! no.70 Sin Spider! Attack【Galaxy Knight】!"

Yakumo Xingji laughed crazily, and the spider in the darkness behind him immediately attacked quickly.

Faced with the attack of the Sin Spider, the Galaxy Knight launched a counterattack without hesitation, and just hit the Sin Spider back with a single strike of his sword.

【Yakumo Koji: LP40003900】

"Hahaha."The shocked Yakumo Koji sneered, seemingly not afraid of this level of injury. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"At the end of the damage step, the Sin Spider's attack power increases by 30 (badh)0, and its level increases by 3 levels."

【no.70 Sin Spider】

【Class: 710】

【Attack power: 27003000]

Attack power has become 3000?!

"Oops, if the Sin Spider becomes a level 10 super monster, that means......"What did Yujo Judai remember?

"Ha ha ha ha! The Sin Spider, which has become a level 10 super monster, will usher in a brand new form!"Yakumo Xingji laughed, his expression seemed a little distorted,"Kaito, let me show you my true power!"

"I formed a super network of [no.70 Sin Spiders] and stacked them again!"

Stack it again?!

A stream of cold sweat flowed from Kaito's forehead, and he watched the vortex swirling in the sky warily.

It seemed that something was coming.......

"The silk thread that controls the transformation of heaven! Turn into nothingness and guide my soul to destruction!"

Yakumo Koji raised his right hand high, with madness written on his face.

"Super Summon!"

"Come out! 【no.77-Seven Sins Spider】!" boom!

A super vortex exploded in the darkness.

Huge spider webs hang under the moonlight, forming regular silver threads!

A huge crystal spider crawls on the spider web, with the scarlet number 77 engraved on its sharp mouthparts.

【NO.77Seven Sins Spider】

【Level: 12】


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 4000】

Twelve-level super monster......

The highest level of excess!

"and! The effect of [no.77 Seven Sins Spider] is activated!"Yakumo Xingji sneered,"Get rid of an excessive amount of material! Destroy all monsters on the opponent's field! (original effect)"

"Destroy all monsters?!"

Kaito was shocked.

"Destroy it! Amagi Kaito!"

Boom boom boom!

Continuous explosions rose up on Kaito's field.

The Galaxy Knight and the Photon Emperor were destroyed one after another and turned into pieces.

"and! Monsters destroyed by this effect will become the material for the Seven Sins Spider! Yakumo Xingji said loudly,"Come on!" Become my slave and serve me!"

The Galaxy Knight and Photon Emperor who were sent to the cemetery were pulled out of the cemetery again.

The souls of the two monsters were turned into golden super material and were absorbed by the Seven Sins Spider.

【no.77 Seven Sins Spider】

【Excess material: 13】

"This, does this mean that the Seven Sins Spider's excess materials are endless? Kaito said in shock.

"Hahaha, being able to see this kind of monster, Kaito......This is your honor."

Yakumo Xingji opened his arms as if he were the emperor of the whole world, enjoying this supreme power.

"next round......That will be the time when you are completely defeated"

"That's it, round is over!"......

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