Well, the opponent's five-for-one operation is indeed exciting.

It's a pity that I met Judai Yujo.

The wind bird in the ear, as a wind attribute, level 1 super monster, has full resistance and the ability to avoid battle damage for one round.

It can be regarded as a very good card for late-attack decks to use first.

However, because it can only be summoned with two 1-star monsters, it will basically only appear in decks with good adaptability such as Lyrical Songbird, Pure Love, or Longhui Qiao, which cannot be destroyed with 41. Use To create a mess after the first mover is interrupted. certainly.

Youcheng Judai's first mover didn't get stuck.

He was originally the king of drawing, and with the current environment of attacking six hands first, it was impossible for him to get stuck no matter how hard he thought.

The reason why I started with the Wind Bird in my ears was just to see how my opponent [Balian's Power] was doing.

But now it seems.

There is indeed a certain reason why Balian's power can defeat most of the opponents in the original work.

It can not only evolve super monsters, but also greatly enhance the effects of super monsters.

It can even devour excess materials on the opponent's field.

In this era where almost everyone uses ultra-capacity decks, this is simply equivalent to killing the opponent.

Without Xyz materials, most Xyz monsters will become no different than blank slates, and then they will just wait to die.

"Damn, damn it......Cover a card and turn 883 ends."

After completing his wonderful five-for-one operation, Kitano Taiga could only grit his teeth and cover the cards in his hands on the field.

At this time, Yuma and others finally arrived at the duel hall.

As soon as they entered, they saw the duel at this moment situation

"Ten, ten generations?"

Seeing that the person dueling turned out to be Judai Yujo, Yuma showed an unexpected look on his face.

"Yo, you're here, Yuma."Yushiro Judai waved his finger and said hello,"It's a pity that this duel belongs to me."

"Eh?"When Zhenzuki Rei walked into the hall, his expression froze when he saw Yujo Judai.

What's going on?...

Why is he the one dueling here?

Where is the opponent I specially arranged for Kujiu Yuma?

Aren't humans controlled by Balian's power supposed to obey their orders unconditionally?

Didn't he let him duel with Kujiu Yuma and take the NO card from his hand?

"hateful......"Zhenzuki Rei gritted his teeth and could only watch helplessly as his plan was shattered by a Yujo Judai who popped up out of nowhere.

"Speaking of which, Judai! You have to be careful with this guy! That guy was infected by Balian's power. In short (bafh), he is a very troublesome opponent!"Yuma anxiously shouted to Yujo Judai

"Moreover, the opponent's Chaos Ultra Monster has also been summoned."The astral body watched the duel in front of him warily.

That super monster with disturbing factors floating all over its body is indeed Chaos Super.

This kind of card is difficult for even NO cards to deal with.

However, the game Jushidai didn't even suffer any health damage in front of this chaotic super monster.

The monsters on his field were not the heroes he thought they were.......

"So, my turn is to draw a card!"

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Yusheng Judai is also ready to make a quick decision.

Although [Wind Bird in the Ear] has no super material at this moment, as long as it comes to Yusheng Judai's killing round, there is nothing he can't do The killing field!

"First, I activate the magic card [Super Swap]! Liberate a Hyper Monster on your field, special summon a Hyper Monster with the same race, attribute, and class as the liberated monster but a different card name from the Extra Deck, and superimpose this card under the monster as a Hyper Monster. Amount of materials!"

Yushiro Judai took down the [Wind Bird in the Ear] on the field and said:"The Wind Bird in the Ear has a level of 1, a race of Birds and Beasts, and an attribute of wind. The one with the same three conditions is this card [Lyrical] Songbird-Dance Thrush】!"

"Super transformation!"

The wind bird on the field immediately turned into a ball of light and rushed into the sky.

The next moment, a purple-haired bird elf girl wearing gorgeous black feathers, surrounded by a golden super material, appeared in the city ten On behalf of the field!

【Lyrical Songbird-Dance Thrush】

【Level: 1】

【Birds and Beasts/Excessive] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Attack power: 0】

"Furthermore, activate the effect of [Lyric Songbird - Dance Thrush], once per turn, remove an excess material, activate it with a magic or trap card on the opponent's field, and return that card to the owner's deck!"

Return to the deck?!

Kitano Taiga's expression changed, and he could only watch helplessly as the Gaika on his field turned into light in the blink of an eye and returned to the deck.

"Eliminate the opponent's backcourt threats from the start? He is indeed a very experienced duelist......."The astral body murmured softly

"I activate the magic card [Lyric Songbird-Bird Calling]】"

Yujo Judai placed the card into the duel plate,"Add a [Lyric Songbird] monster from the deck to your hand or send it to the graveyard, and then add a [Lyric Songbird] monster with a different card name from your hand. Card Special Summon"

"I chose to add [Lyric Songbird - Beryl Canary] to my hand, and then Special Summon [Lyric Songbird - Cobalt Spinel] from the hand card】!"


With a wave of his hand, a sparrow girl with gray feathers was already floating next to Yujo Judai, making a lovely chirping sound.

"When the Cobalt Spinel is successfully Special Summoned, add a Level 1 Bird-Beast monster from the Deck to your hand."

"What I chose is [Lyric Songbird-Qingyuyan】!"

Taking the card in his hand, Yujo Judai immediately pressed a monster card on the duel plate,"Activate the effect of [Lyric Songbird - Beryl Canary]!"

"Special summon this card together with [Lyric Songbird-Turquoise Warbler] in the graveyard!"


Two more cute bird girls in gold and cyan appeared on the left and right in the Yucheng Judai field.

"It's so amazing, I gathered three monsters in the blink of an eye......."Yuma couldn't help but marvel,"Although they are all one-star monsters......"

"One-star monsters also have a power that cannot be ignored."The astral body folded his arms and murmured,"Yushidai Judai, come on, let me witness your power......."

Yujo Judai glanced at the card in his hand and continued to take out a card:"Finally, the [Lyric Songbird-Qingyuyan" in the beckoning card】!"

With the appearance of the last blue-feathered jade swallow girl, four super materials have been collected on the Judai field of Yucheng!

"Then, I stacked four level 1 [Lyric Songbird] monsters!"

"Super Summon!"

Raised his hand.

The four lyrical singing robin girls immediately circled and rushed into the sky.

Yuma and Astral showed surprised expressions at the same time:"Four monsters as material? Four for one!"

Yucheng Judai held up the card in his hand.

"Come out! Level 1!"

"【Lyrical Songbird - Gathering Nightingales】!"

【Lyrical Songbird - Gathering Nightingales】

【Level: 1】

【Birds and Beasts/Excessive】

【Excess material: 4】

【Attack power: 0800].

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