The bright moonlight poured on the Forbidden Forest, as if it were covered with a mist-like veil.

Hermione took Lorne's hand, a smile appeared on her lips, and led him towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

"It's only around seven o'clock in the evening, are you in that hurry?"

Lorne couldn't help laughing.

"If we go later, the flowers in the wooden house will wither..."

Hermione's eyes flashed slightly and she said in a light and sweet voice.

"I remember that all the things growing in the room seemed to be cacti..."

Lorne raised the corner of his mouth slightly, seeming to mean it intentionally.

"No, I also planted winter roses, white flowers, and wolfsbane flowers at the door."

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and retorted softly.

However, just as the two of them were chatting and laughing with each other, there was suddenly a rustling sound from the trees in the distance, just like inside the room. It was like he was hiding something.

Lorne paused slightly, and his light blue eyes instantly turned scarlet, looking at the grass in the distance like a hawk.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione was pulled by Lorne behind her and did not continue walking forward. Instead, she followed his gaze and looked at the trees not far away.

"There is a wizard inside."

Lorne half-squinted his eyes and explained softly.


Hermione was slightly startled, and her brown eyes subconsciously looked towards the darkness in the distance.

However, except for the dark grass and tall branches around, the little The witch didn't find anything else.

However, she still chose to believe Lorne's words - after all, her boyfriend had never lied to her.

Thinking of this, she reached out to her robe and fumbled out her tiny penis. The wand.

At this time, the movement in the jungle was getting louder and louder. With the help of the pale moonlight, a man suddenly stumbled out from behind the jungle.

It was Barty Crouch who had been missing for a long time!

"Mr. Crouch?"

Hermione stood behind Lorne and shouted in surprise.

She looked as if she had been wandering outside for a long time. The gorgeous magic cloth robe had also been torn to pieces, and it was still stained with bright red stains. There were blood stains on his face, and his face was also covered with haggard scars.

His complexion gradually looked gray and haggard. Crouch seemed to have heard the call, and he quickly raised his head and looked to the opposite side.

"Why is Mr. Crouch here! ?"

Hermione said to herself hesitantly.

She had also seen the recent Daily Prophet, which had marked the time that Mr. Crouch had been missing for several months - but now he actually appeared in front of her?

And he looked crazy... not at all like the calm person he looked like when he was a referee.

At this time, Crouch seemed to be talking to someone, his behavior became more and more crazy, and he made inexplicable gestures with his hands from time to time.

"Wait, don't get close to him yet."

Lorne reached out and took Hermione's hand that was about to move forward. He half-squinted his eyes and said softly.

Crouch's current appearance must have been caused by Voldemort.

It seems that after Barty Crouch Jr. came out, Mr. Crouch was already controlled by Voldemort.

Lorne took out his wand from his robe and moved slowly towards him.

"Mr. Crouch, how did you become like this?"

The light voice was very clear in the silent forest, but Crouch in front of him was talking non-stop to a tree next to him, without any intention of paying any attention to him.

"…Weatherby, after you finish this matter, go and help me send an owl to deliver a message to Dumbledore. There are too many students participating in this competition.…"

"Who is he talking to?"

Hermione also clenched her wand and asked in a low voice.

Why did she feel that this scene was getting weirder?

Near midnight, Crouch, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly appeared in the forest, and he looked like a madman. , fighting to talk to a tree...

However, Weatherby - does it refer to Percy of the Weasley family?

She remembered that she heard Fred and George use this name to mock their own Ministry of Magic Brother, because Crouch just calls him by the wrong name.

"Mr. Crouch, do you need us to help you find Dumbledore?"

Lorne looked at the crazy Ministry of Magic operator in front of him and asked with half-squinted eyes.

"Dumbledore...Yes, help me find Dumbledore quickly, I want to see him!"

After hearing this familiar name, Mr. Crouch rushed towards Lorne and tightly held the robe under him. The frightened little witch on the side quickly pointed her wand at the increasingly crazier Crowe. Odd, for fear that he might cause some harm to her boyfriend

"I want to see him. I did something... stupid. I must tell... tell Deng Bu.——"

Crouch kept breathing heavily, his eyes protruded outwards and rolled around, and his saliva dripped down his chin to the ground. He seemed to put all his effort into every word he said.

"What are you going to tell him?"

Hermione stood behind and asked softly.

"I must tell him and give him a heads up..."

However, Crouch did not give his own answer to this kind of question. He was talking to himself non-stop.

It seemed that his mind was completely gone. Got it

"Hermione, go to the Gryffindor common room to find Professor McGonagall, tell her what's going on here, and then bring Principal Dumbledore over.…"

"I'm here watching him."

Lorne shook his head and whispered to Hermione

" careful."

Hermione nodded obediently. She knew that she would not be able to return to her cabin tonight. She felt inexplicably tired...

After sighing a little, she turned around and ran towards the outside of the Forbidden Forest, hanging on her earrings. The amethyst on it shines in the moonlight

"'s really troublesome, so let's find the person hiding in the forest first."

Thinking like this, Lorne's scarlet eyes looked at the surrounding trees.

Finally, his eyes were locked behind an oak tree.

He saw you.

Are you a Death Eater?

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