"That day will not be too far away!".

Looking at the nine rounds of the Great Sun in the sky, Su Han thought secretly.

At his current rate, a large number of dragons will be born every day, and even more and more.

The strength of the Supreme Hall will also snowball, getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of development will become faster and faster, until it finally amazes the gods and competes for the supremacy.

Retracting his gaze, Su Han began to calculate the resource reserves in his territory.

After yesterday's day, the resources produced in the territory have been settled and stored in the warehouse.

Su Han had read the rules, and the settlement of resource output in the territory was the next morning, that is, after the fog of war subsided, it was about seven o'clock in the morning.

From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. it is daytime and you can hunt to your heart's content, while from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning it is night, when there is a fog of war.

Yesterday, a total of 92,000 units of resources were produced in the territory, including 45,000 units of timber, 24,000 units of stone, 14,000 units of iron ore, 4,000 units of refined iron, and 5,000 units of food.

The number of provinces stored in resources is as follows:

Timber: 363,100 units

Stone: 89,200 units

Iron ore: 50,700 units

Iron: 13,400 units

Mithril: 0 units

Food: 5000 units

Su Han immediately put 5,000 units of food on the shelves of the store on the trading plane, and the price naturally couldn't be the same as meat, it was just ordinary food.

[One unit of grain for four units of wood].

[One unit of grain for two units of stone].

[One unit of grain for one unit of iron ore].

[Two units of grain for one unit of refined iron].

[Quantity of grain: 5000 units].

Su Han hadn't even put the news of the exchange of magic stones and magic crystals, he knew that no lord would trade magic stones and magic crystals now.

It's the third day of the novice, but fortunately, it's just begun, and Su Han's food is still selling quickly.

The main thing is that the price of grain is more than half cheaper than the price of meat, and all lords can afford it.

In less than five minutes, all 5,000 units of grain were sold out.

As a result, Su Han also obtained a lot of resources, a total of 4,000 units of wood, 3,000 units of stone, 1,500 units of iron ore and 1,000 units of refined iron.

Although the number is quite small, Su Han thinks it's okay, no matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat.

Closing the trading plane, Su Han opened the territory panel and checked the upgrade conditions.

[Upgrade conditions: 500,000 units of wood, 250,000 units of stone, 50,000 units of iron ore, 20,000 units of refined iron, 1,000 units of Mithril].

"There are still more than 130,000 units of wood, more than 150,000 units of stone, 5,600 units of fine iron, and 1,000 units of Mithril. "

"The iron ore is complete, and it can exceed 2,200 units. "

Closing the territory panel casually, Su Han already has a direction, and he also has a number of resources that are lacking in the upgrade of the territory.

In addition to 1000 units of Mithril, other resources can definitely be gathered after clearing the monster nests within the territory today.

It didn't take long for Su Han to suddenly receive a kill prompt, and it was a series of kill prompts.

[Hint: Kill a third-order barbarian, mana +22!].

[Hint: Kill a fourth-order barbarian, mana +58, magic stone +1!].

[Hint: Kill a first-order barbarian, mana +10, magic stone +1!].


Su Han only glanced at it and found that there were at least hundreds of kill hints, indicating that the Dragon Legion had found a monster's lair.

"Is it a barbarian tribe this time, or a large tribe. "

Su Han immediately opened the map of forces and looked at it, and found that about ten miles outside the Supreme Hall, there were more than two thousand red dots, mixed with dozens of white dots.

But the number of red dots was rapidly decreasing, and barbarians were killed every moment, and in less than three minutes, there were less than a thousand red dots left.

Su Han was not surprised by this.

Yesterday the Hall of the Supreme had only twenty-one dragons, today there are sixty-one, plus a negligible centaur hero, Angelella.

And their opponent, a large tribe of barbarians, was large in number, but not very strong.

Barbarians are only elite troops, and the growth limit is only the sixth order, even if there are hundreds of sixth-order barbarians, there is only one way to die in front of the dragon army.

Not to mention, it was impossible for this large barbarian tribe to have hundreds of sixth-order barbarians.

At present, Hu Tao and Angelila are only hunting in their sphere of influence, and they will not encounter danger at all, and no monster lair will be the opponent of the Dragon Legion.

Unless Hu Tao and the others go hunting outside the territory, the danger will be uncontrollable, and they may encounter the demigods in the Forest of Dread.

There is a novice protective barrier in the Supreme Hall, which is absolutely safe.

Generally speaking, within the territory, the highest-level monsters will not exceed the class level by three levels.

For example, the highest level of the Supreme Hall class is the sixth order, and the monster level in the territory is at most a ninth-order lord, and there are generally no sanctuary-level monsters.

This is to give the lord time to develop.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and powerful monsters outside the territory can also pass by or break into the territory for some reason.

At this time, it is necessary for the lords to retreat and wait for the powerful monsters to leave before going out hunting.

After seeing that the Dragon Legion had no suspense about the destruction of this large barbarian tribe, Su Han closed the map of forces.

After opening the world channel and taking a few looks, Su Han opened the friend list again.

At this moment, after a night of brewing, the number of people who have applied to add him as friends has exceeded a billion, including some mythical lords.

Most of the owners of these castles come here, and a few have ulterior motives.

In Su Han's opinion, these lords probably wanted to hug his thighs and use his strength to develop their own territory.

When Su Han checked the friend application before, he found that there were countless remarks in it, Lori, warm bed, school flower, royal sister, 0 find 1, owner and so on.

In order to attract Su Han's attention and become Su Han's friend, these lords can be said to do everything.

But Su Han is not a heavy taste, and he doesn't look down on those so-called Lori, school flowers, and royal sisters or something, who knows if he is a big man who picks his feet.

Besides, isn't it fragrant on the dragon?

Horseback riding is also acceptable!

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on Su Han's face.

With hundreds of millions of new lords who apply to add friends, there should be someone he needs, right?

After Su Han added some filter conditions, he began to filter for eligible lords.

After a few screenings, only three lords remained in the end.

Su Han began to check the information given by the three lords to apply for adding friends.

PS: The little author asks for a wave of collections, flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation votes, and readers to greatly support !!

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