"Your Excellency!".

Angelella bowed slightly, expressing her respect, before speaking

"I've arranged for the warriors to gather resources, does the lord need to make a round?"

Looking at Angelella, who was looking forward to it, Su Han thought about it and agreed, he was looking for an opportunity to see how much resource output these resource buildings could bring to the territory after they were put into operation.

Later, Su Han and Angelila went to inspect the lumber yards, quarries, ironworks, and mills, and after learning about them, they finally learned about the situation of these resource buildings.

These four resource buildings can increase the amount of resources in the province, and the ironworks can quench refined iron, without the need for specialized troops

There are grain seeds in the mill, which can be used to plant, and the mill can shorten the growth cycle of food crops, and finally make these food crops into grain.

[Lumber Yard].

[Type: Resource Building].

[Grade: Level 1].

[Effect: Wood +10000 units/day].

[Upgrade conditions: 3000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone].

[Note: Increasing the level of the Lumberyard increases the province's timber production].



[Type: Resource Building].

[Grade: Level 1].

[Effect: Stone +5000 units per day].

[Upgrade conditions: 2000 units of wood, 2000 units of stone].

[Note: Increasing the quarry level can increase the province's stone production].



[Type: Resource Building].

[Grade: Level 1].

[Effect 1: Iron ore +3000 units per day].

[Effect 2: Refined Iron +1000 units per day].

[Upgrade conditions: 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone, 2000 units of iron ore].

[Note: Increasing the level of the ironmaking yard can increase the output of collar subway mines and refined iron].



[Type: Resource Building].

[Grade: Level 1].

[Effect 1: Food +1000 units per day].

[Effect 2: The maturity cycle of grain crops in the territory is shortened to 50 days].

[Upgrade conditions: 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone, 1000 units of iron ore, 1000 units of refined iron].

[Note: Increasing the level of the mill increases the grain production in the province].

After the four resource buildings are operational, the province can obtain 10,000 units of each of the four resources and 5,000 units of fine iron every day.

It doesn't take much manpower to run a four-resource building, three or four centaur warriors in one building are enough.

"Angelella, tell me about your arrangement. "

Su Han looked at the centaur heroine beside him.

"My lord, Angelella is happy to serve you. "

Angelella casually spoke of her arrangement for the centaur warriors: "Sixteen warriors in the lumberyard, quarry, ironworks, and mills are enough to function well at the moment. "

"Ten warriors patrolled the Supreme Palace, and twenty centaur warriors patrolled the territory. "

"The remaining 64 warriors were divided equally between me and gathered resources, including logging, quarrying, mining, and growing food crops. "

"After investigation, we have found that there are a lot of timber, stone and iron ore resources in our territory, and there is also fertile land. "

"They can produce 5,000 units of wood, 3,500 units of stone, 2,000 units of iron ore and 800 units of food per day for the territory. "

Su Han nodded when he heard this, and said, "There is no need for training in the city for the time being, so send this part of the manpower to collect resources." "

"In addition, at least 120 centaur warriors will be born every day in the Centaur Stable, and they will also be under your command, arrange their tasks, and contribute to the development of the territory. "

"Yes, my lord!"

Angelella saluted heroically.

"By the way, how do you improve your strength?" Su Han suddenly asked.

"My lord, although we can't improve our strength through hunting, we can improve our strength through daily practice, but the efficiency is not as fast as hunting. "

Centaur hero Angelella replied.

"That's good. "

Su Han received a satisfactory answer and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Centaur warriors are high-level troops, and it is not good if they have always been first-order strength, but Su Han doesn't want to send them to hunt.

Centaur warriors go hunting for far less than they do for gathering resources, and they also produce all kinds of casualties, which is not cost-effective.

Of course, if there are still ordinary and elite troops in the territory, then the centaur warriors will be liberated and can go hunting.

Now, they need to take on the responsibility of gathering resources for the development of their realm.

Sending Angelella away, Su Han was thinking about whether to upgrade the level of the four resource buildings.

Now each resource building can provide a lot of resources for the territory every day, which seems to be a lot, but in fact it is quite few.

Because the four resource buildings need to be upgraded to a level 1 town.

Normally, with the output of four resource buildings, it takes ten days to gather the resources for the territory to be upgraded to a second-tier town.


takes twenty days to get the resources to get to the third-level town.

That is to say, ordinary territories do nothing, and it takes a month to upgrade from a first-level town to a third-level town by relying on resource buildings to produce resources.

After such a long time, the daylilies are cold, and this kind of lord will definitely be eliminated early.

And if you spend some resources to increase the building level, then the daily resource production will increase a lot, plus the resources collected by the class

In five days, or even less, you can raise the level of your province to a second-tier town.

The disadvantage is that it will consume a lot of resources in a short period of time and slow down the upgrade speed of the territory, but in the medium and long term, it will indeed have a very large benefit.

But doing so can reduce the demand for external resources and avoid falling into resource difficulties.

Su Han only hesitated a little before deciding to temporarily increase the level of the four resource buildings as much as possible.

[The Lumberyard upgrade conditions have been met, is it possible to upgrade immediately?].


[Consumes 3000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone, and the upgrade is successful!].

Su Han casually opened the information panel of the lumber yard.

[Lumber Yard].

[Type: Resource Building].

[Grade: Level 2].

[Effect: Wood +20,000 units per day].

[Upgrade conditions: 10,000 units of wood, 4,000 units of stone, 1,000 units of iron ore].

[Note: Increasing the level of the Lumberyard increases the province's timber production].


[The Lumberyard upgrade conditions have been met, is it possible to upgrade immediately?].


[Consumes 10,000 units of wood, 4,000 units of stone, and 1,000 units of iron ore, and the upgrade is successful!].

Su Han opened the information panel of the lumber yard again.

[Lumber Yard].

[Type: Resource Building].

[Level: Level 3].

[Effect: Wood +40,000 units per day].

[Upgrade conditions: 50,000 units of wood, 20,000 units of stone, 5,000 units of iron ore, 1,000 units of refined iron].

[Note: Increasing the level of the Lumberyard increases the province's timber production].

PS: The little author asks for a wave of collections, flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation votes, and readers to greatly support !!

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