"So dense?!"Link looked at the radar display and changed his expression.

This area is only a few light seconds away from the Redor Fortress garrison. This distance is almost within reach in space.

However, in such a close area, There is a fleet of wild monsters. It can be imagined that going deeper into the galaxy, there must be dangers everywhere.

"Sit tight and I'll give it a try."Lin Zhichen breathed out. He was not going to back down, but was preparing to attack to see the strength of the dark galaxy's wild monster fleet.

The engine started, and the"Qinyuan" increased to 1‰ the speed of light in just a few seconds. degree, and rushed towards the rebel fleet.

Sub-light speed assault!

The movements of the"Qinyuan" were controlled in advance through radar. The rebel fleet, which was preparing to disperse and encircle, immediately changed its formation, with the cruiser as the leader, forming a neat line. The queue rushed over.

This was a head-on collision. If you just look at the strength of both fleets, they are not of the same magnitude at all. It is like a lone warrior tragically rushing towards a large group of enemies.


Electromagnetic projectiles were launched one after another, turning into a sparse net in the starry sky.

The rebel fleet was the first to launch an attack. With the help of excellent shipboard radar, the ballistics launched by the warships were far away from the trajectory of the"Qinyuan" Generally relatively close, far more threatening than the pirate fleets in the solar system.

The"Qinyuan" flying at sub-light speed was constantly shaking and making small deviations, and none of the shuttle projectiles could even get close to the psychic warship. The hull of the ship.

It seemed that the firepower was dense, but the threat to the"Qinyuan" flying at sub-light speed was limited. Lin Zhichen briefly tried the firepower density of the enemy fleet and immediately mobilized the hull to turn sideways.

In space, two two sides faced each other. As the fleet was moving, suddenly a starship drew an arc before the two sides collided head-on, deflected the front of the rebel fleet, and flew towards the starry sky to the side. In just one second,"Qin Yuan"" soared from 1‰ to 1% of the speed of light, and reached 10% in a few seconds. It made a big bend in space and turned to the side and rear of the rebel fleet. At this time, Lin Zhichen's intention had been revealed. When the rebel fleet was still intending to solve the enemy through a head-on decisive battle, the"Qinyuan" had already targeted the enemy's weakest point, preparing to launch the most deadly attack. In terms of military literacy, the rebel fleet was far from a pirate fleet. Nengbi, just when the"Qinyuan" shifted towards the flank of the fleet, the enemy, who had detected this scene through radar, had already noticed that something was wrong, and quickly slowed down and turned sideways, intending to always face the fleet's front. The enemy.

But this is in vain. The"Qinyuan" is equipped with gravitational thrusters. Its maneuverability far exceeds that of the enemy fleet by several levels. With a flick of its tail, it draws an arc in space and shuttles directly to the rebels. rear of military fleet


Three coil cannons were fired, electromagnetic projectiles were fired, red meteors flashed past, and three frigates exploded.

Two seconds later, another round of electromagnetic cannons was fired from the position closest to the rebel fleet..

Three dazzling lights appeared in space almost at the same time. Three rebel warships, including a destroyer, exploded. At this time, the rebel fleet had no time to turn and could only turn the fort in vain. , chasing the trajectory of the"Qinyuan" and firing shells.

But this was in vain, because the"Qinyuan" turned around in space again and continued to rush towards the rebel fleet.

The battle at this time was like An enraged giant bear beat wildly, intending to kill the poisonous bees flying in front of him.

Even though it was a hundred times stronger than the enemy, and unable to face the speed beyond normal, Lin Zhichen took advantage of the speed of"Qinyuan" to the extreme, and flew in space It painstakingly drew one circle after another, nailing the deadly"poison needles" to the prey. The flames of the explosion rose in groups in the space, and the broken hull fragments rolled randomly. The originally neat and orderly The rebel fleet in sequence gradually became chaotic under the continuous harassment and attack of the"Qinyuan". Some fleets that had no time to adjust adjusted their posture according to their own judgment, and even pointed their bows at friendly ships.

Because of the chaos in the fleet, the naval guns fired salvos Gradually it became messy, and the firepower attracted by the attacking"Qinyuan" dropped sharply at the same time, and the threat was negligible.

In order to avoid danger before, the speed of the"Qinyuan" was increased to 10% of the speed of light during the attack. This kind of The extreme height brings difficulty in aiming, and often only two rounds can be fired at most in a charge. At this time, the threat encountered is reduced, and he simultaneously reduces the speed of the"Qinyuan", which decays to 100% in a few seconds. 5% of the speed of light. At this speed, he can add one round of shooting to each dive attack, thus further accelerating the losses of the rebel fleet.

In the space, balls of fire suddenly appeared and returned to darkness in an instant,"Qin Yuan"" shuttled non-stop, and the starships on the battlefield kept exploding, like peeling an onion. The originally huge rebel fleet was destroyed layer by layer, gradually exposing the core - the cruiser as the core of the fleet.

"Very well protected."Lin Zhichen praised, he no longer dared to underestimate the commander of the rebel NPC. Although it was at an absolute disadvantage, the fleet always maintained a certain formation.

After discovering that the"Qinyuan" was unstoppable, as a fleet The flagship cruiser huddled directly in the center of the fleet. This made Lin Zhichen, who had always wanted to directly behead and disrupt the deployment of the enemy fleet, unable to do anything.

"My sub-light speed raid ability is still lacking. Federation hero Beerus Deckard launched a raid, but he was able to shuttle through a dense group of enemy ships at a speed of more than 30% of the speed of light and directly find the enemy ship to launch a raid. This level is better than I don’t know how high my current level is!"

What level is 30% of the speed of light?

You can't even find the enemy's position or shadow without relying on radar. Think about an enemy ship with 30% of the speed of light shuttle back and forth in the fleet. Recently, even two The two were only a few meters apart. How terrible is this?

The warnings from psychic powers never ceased. They were not from the enemy ships that had been destroyed for the most part, but from the darker depths of the starry sky. The keen sixth sense told Something dangerous must be happening to him, and it becomes more and more dangerous as time goes by.

Obviously, when he regards this fleet as prey, there is a stronger predator approaching, and the danger is almost imminent.

Fortunately, the long-awaited prey was finally exposed, because the rebel warships were destroyed one by one, and the cruiser protected in the core was finally revealed. At this time, it seemed that the crisis had been discovered, and it was busy moving its exposed stern into the center of the fleet..Reading books on May Day will be great! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

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