On the other side, after playing for a day, Lin Beifan and Chu Ruoxue finally came back.

Walking on the busy street, the two of them still held hands together.

Chu Ruoxue's face turned red and she said excitedly:"I had so much fun today! I have never been as happy as I am tonight! Let's go again tomorrow!"

Lin Beifan was shocked:"We are going to have fun tomorrow. field?"

"Um! Chu Ruoxue nodded excitedly:"I didn't have the chance to play before, so now I want to make up for all the losses in the past!" You must not disagree, you promised me!"

"Agree, very much agree! Lin Beifan immediately said:"But, can you let go of my hand now?""

Chu Ruoxue reluctantly shook Lin Beifan's hand away, turned her head to the other side, and said harshly:"You think I am willing to hold your hand! It's not because you were too scared just now, so I gave you some warmth and encouragement, but you didn't appreciate it, hum!"

At this time, Lin Beifan stretched out his hand.

Chu Ruoxue turned around and said fiercely:"What are you doing?

Lin Beifan said shyly:"I'm still scared now. Can I continue to hold you?""

Chu Ruoxue laughed out loud:"You're getting an advantage!"

So, the two people's hands were held together again.

They ate, drank and had fun, and never let go.

After returning home, Chu Ruoxue thought of everything today. Although she was very tired, she was still too excited to sleep.

There was a sentence She was right, this was her first time to play in an amusement park!

When she was a child, she wanted to play, but her parents raised her as an heir, so there was no chance! When she grew up, she wanted to play, but she didn’t have many friends. I was embarrassed to go alone!

I was afraid of being called naive by others!

Now that I met Lin Beifan, I took him as a backing and had a great time playing with him!

If others asked, just say that Lin Beifan brought him. Throw all your responsibilities away, hee hee!

"Anyway, you already have so many black spots on your body, you don’t care about one more!"

She found that she was so happy every time she met Lin Beifan!

Chatting with him was fun!

Playing with him was even more fun!

He seemed to understand her very well!

And she always felt a strong sense of security around him!

So, every time When I'm scared, I can't help but rush to his side, so I don't feel scared anymore!

When I encounter a problem, I think of him first!

I always feel that there is no problem that he can't solve!

"But... he seems to have a girlfriend!"

When she thought about this problem, she became a little irritable.

She had met Lin Beifan's girlfriend, named Song Yuqing. Like her, she was rated as the two golden flowers of Mohai City. Her appearance and ability were naturally unparalleled.

That is, Her family background is not as good as hers!

But she looks like a good wife and mother. Any man would want to marry her!

When competing with her, I don’t seem to have much advantage!

Moreover, this guy is also a bit of a playboy.……

"Why do you think so much? Chu Ruoxue shook her head fiercely:"Who wants to compete with her for Lin Beifan?" Lin Beifan and I are just ordinary friends, at most we are business partners!"

"Don’t think about it anymore, just go to bed and get up tomorrow!"

On the second day, Chu Ruoxue took Lin Beifan to the amusement park again.

On this day, Ye Xingchen helped Lin Beifan earn another 10 billion in the midst of suffering.

While worrying about his brother! At the same time

, he was worried that he would be cheated! At the same time

, he helped Making money with his big enemy Lin Beifan!

Three things happened to him, and Tao's heart almost collapsed!

"damn it! I have obviously been reborn once, which is equivalent to cheating. Why is my life worse?

At this time, the trader came over and asked respectfully:"Mr. Ye, what should we do now?" Ye Xingchen was impatient:"

Don't ask, asking is just short selling!""

"OK, Mr. Ye!"

Half an hour later

"As expected of Mr. Ye, he saw so accurately that he brought us another 2 billion!"

"The operation that God calls upon is breathtaking!"

"Mr. Ye, awesome!"


Ye Xingchen:"……"

On the third day, Lin Beifan finally came back.

Ye Xingchen immediately chased into the office:"Mr. Lin, how is the situation? Will Chu Ruoxue agree to release her?"

Lin Beifan sighed:"At the beginning, the other party was very unhappy! But after my unremitting efforts Then, she finally relented and said she would no longer pursue the matter!"

"real? Thank you Mr. Lin!"Ye Xingchen was overjoyed, and his anxious heart was finally relieved.

"You're welcome! Lin Beifan sighed again:"Brother, you don't know how hard I have been these two days. I have to eat with her, drink with her, play with her, and she often takes advantage of me. I am really tired." My heart is tired too! But don’t worry, brother, she and I are absolutely innocent!"

How can you still be innocent after hugging me like that?

Ye Xingchen burst into tears:"Mr. Lin, I believe you! Thank you for your hard work these two days!"

"Not hard! For you, brother, everything is worth it! Lin Beifan smiled

"Since Chu Ruoxue and I were fine and said we would no longer pursue the case, the police did not continue to investigate further. Your friends have already come out after paying some fines! He is currently recovering in the hospital, please go and see!

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed:"Which hospital are they in?""

"It's the one you originally went to! Ye Xingchen:"


When I hear about this hospital, I always have a bad feeling in my heart.

"Mr. Lin, I’m going to see them now!"

"Go for it!"

Ye Xingchen rushed to the hospital quickly.

He looked at his brothers who were going through life and death, covered with thick bandages, lying side by side.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but cry out:"Brothers, I'm here!"

"Boss, you are here!"

"I thought I almost wouldn't see you!"



After saying hello, everyone couldn't help but complain.

"Big, you are too harsh! I was stepped on by you and two of my ribs were broken. My chest still hurts! Acting doesn’t have to be so real, right?"

"Yes, my hand was broken by you. I almost thought you were going to kill me!"

"It was so terrible, one punch made me vomit blood!"


Ye Xingchen quickly lowered his head and apologized:"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Brothers, I really didn't mean it! I may have hurt you because I was in good health and couldn't hold back my strength! I will find the best hospital right now, the best hospital Doctor, cure you!"

"well!"Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Now, this is all we can do, we can't fight back, right?

At this moment, a person walked in.

Ye Xingchen was very surprised:"Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

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