Lin Beifan was shocked:"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Xingchen said in a broken voice:"I don't know what's wrong. I haven't been able to sleep well recently, I have no appetite for food, and I'm in a daze all day long! Although the injuries on my body heal quickly , but I really can’t bear it anymore! Mr. Lin, take me out quickly, I really don’t want to stay here anymore!"

Lin Beifan glanced at a few potted plants next to him, and then asked:"In your situation... Didn't you tell the doctor?"

"After all, they said I had a mental illness caused by being in the same room for a long time! They said that now I can be discharged from the hospital due to my illness, but they cannot bear the responsibility and must have a signed consent from my guardian!"

"Mr. Lin, you are the only friend I have here, please!"

"Yeah? Then I'll ask! Lin

Beifan went to ask the attending doctor.

The answer given by the other party was that he could barely be discharged, but he had to come back for a follow-up visit in three days.

Lin Beifan waved his hand:"Brother, I will handle the discharge procedures for you right now!"

Ye Xingchen was very happy:"Thank you, Mr. Lin!""

"Just wait one more day and I'll find someone to take care of you!"

"Looking for someone to take care of me? No need, right?"

"Why not? Look at the way you are now, it’s hard to walk. Is it okay if no one takes care of you? Lin Beifan said seriously:"Brother, your body is important!" If you don't agree to my request, I won't allow you to be discharged from the hospital!"

"Okay, I'll endure it for one more day!"Ye Xingchen compromised.

On the second day, Lin Beifan came with an aunt in her 50s.

"Brother Ye, let me introduce you to someone! Lin Beifan said enthusiastically:"This is the nanny I found for you. She will be responsible for your food, clothing, housing and transportation. Her name is Li Duoyan. Just call her Mama Li!""

"Um. Ye Xingchen nodded, then pulled Lin Beifan over and whispered:"Mr. Lin, why did you find someone so old?" You can be my mother now!"

"Older people take care of others, and this is fully reflected in Liu’s mother! So, I just picked this person just for you, can I take care of you?"Lin Beifan blinked.

Ye Xingchen really couldn't bear to get along with an aunt.

In the past, he was surrounded by beautiful women, but now he is reduced to this.

But after thinking about it seriously, it's only a month anyway. The time passed by Ren Ren.

So he called out:"Hello Ma Li, please take care of me in the next days!""

"No trouble!"Mother Li smiled, then pulled Lin Beifan over and whispered:"Mr. Lin, he is so seriously injured, it is very troublesome to take care of him, so we need to pay more!"

"You actually have the nerve to ask me for money?"Lin Beifan was shocked.

"Why are you embarrassed? Shouldn’t my hard work be rewarded?"Mama Li is not happy anymore.

"Hard work does pay off, but do you know who he is?"

"who is he? Could he be a big shot?"Mother Li was curious.

"I tell you! Lin Beifan said proudly:"He is the top trader in our company, with outstanding ability and high respect!" And he has no wife, no parents, no children, but he has a net worth of hundreds of millions! Do you think that such a person, after serving you well, will treat you badly?"

Li Ma's eyes suddenly lit up:"You have no wife, no parents, no children, and a net worth of hundreds of millions. How are you in such good conditions?

Lin Beifan became even more proud:"Of course, do I need to lie to you?" If this condition were placed in the blind date market, all the girls would definitely snatch it up!"

"that's right! Moreover, he looks very young……"

"Of course he is young. This brother of mine is only in his 20s this year, so he can be said to be young and promising! Lin Beifan blinked and said,"If there is any girl of the right age in your family, you can take the opportunity to introduce her!" If it happens, wouldn't you make a lot of money?"

Li Ma smiled from ear to ear:"Why bother? Just digest it internally!

Lin Beifan:"Huh?" Internal digestion?"

At this time, Li Ma had already pushed Lin Beifan away, came to Ye Xingchen diligently, and said with a friendly smile:"I'm older than you, so I'll call you Xiaoye!

Ye Xingchen nodded:"That's fine, Mother Li!""

Li's mother scolded:"Don't call me mom, I'm only more than 20 years older than you, you can just call me Sister Li!"

Ye Xingchen:"……"

Isn’t it too old to be in your 20s?

"Xiaoye, do you have anything else to clean up?"

"there is none left!"

"Since not, let's go! Whatever you want to eat tonight, I'll prepare it for you!"

"Just do whatever you want, I’m not picky about food!"

"He's not picky about food and is easy to feed, that's what I like about a person like that!"


Watching the two people gradually leaving, Lin Beifan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't place it at the moment.

On the second day, Ye Xingchen came to the company in a wheelchair, causing a sensation throughout the company.

"Mr. Ye, you are back!"

"Mr. Ye, how are you feeling now?"

"Mr. Ye, we all miss you very much!"

"Mr. Ye……"


Surrounded by everyone, Ye Xingchen actually felt like home!

Ye Xingchen found it ridiculous that he actually felt warm in his enemy's lair! illusion! It must be an illusion!

Ye Xingchen shook his head fiercely and said with a smile:"Don't worry, everyone, I'm much better now, and the doctor has approved my discharge! In another month, I will make a complete recovery!"

"That’s great!"

"Just recover after being discharged from the hospital!"


At this time, Lin Beifan trotted out and blamed:"Brother, why don't you stay at home for a few days?"

Ye Xingchen quickly showed his loyalty:"Mr. Lin, this is what it is like! I have been lying in the hospital for more than a month, and there is no help. Mr. Shang Lin is so busy that you often go to the hospital. I feel very sorry! I have almost recovered now, so I want to come to work in the company and help Mr. Lin solve your problems!" But I thought in my heart

, can I not come back?

If I didn't keep an eye on you, you wouldn't even know what would happen to you!

My Ruoxue will be kidnapped by you!

Lin Beifan was so moved that tears almost came out of his eyes.

He patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder excitedly:"Brother, I didn't expect you to still think of me at this time! Okay, I'm so happy and touched! If you have difficulty moving, I'll push you!""

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"Ye Xingchen was grateful.

Seeing the two people leaving, everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"No wonder Mr. Lin values ​​Mr. Ye so much, one is affectionate and the other is righteous!"

"Yes, in this day and age, such friendship is rare!"

"It made my eyes filled with sand!"


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