Next, Lu Mobai was really banned.

Moreover, his message was hung up and beaten, and 100,000 people greeted him together, scolding him to the point of becoming autistic.

"You are just a bunch of idiots who don’t understand good people’s hearts!"

He roared angrily to vent his dissatisfaction. He originally wanted to close the post and be out of sight, out of mind, but he was afraid of missing the news about his sweetheart. He was even more afraid of what his biggest enemy Lin Beifan would do. Something happened.

When he thought that his woman would fall into the hands of the other party again, he felt like he was going to explode!

So, he could only endure hundreds of thousands of people scolding and staring.

It was better not to watch the result. His face looks even greener.

Because, the next photos uploaded are all intimate photos of the two of them holding hands, as well as photos of Lin Beifan hugging Leng Qingyue and twisting her waist, and photos showing her heart.……

"Damn it, I’ve never held Qingyue’s hand!"

"asshole! Where did you put your hands? Is that a place you can put it? Stop!"

"Are you actually comparing yourself to Qingyue? Do you deserve it? shameless!"

"Lin Beifan, you and I are at odds with each other!"


Seeing his eyes getting redder and redder, he almost turned into lemon essence!

In the end, everyone exploded

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Anxiously, he picked up his phone again and sent several WeChat messages. He found that he was still calm.

Lu Mobai was extremely worried.

"Why isn't the charity party over yet?"

"When will it be done?"

"I am really anxious!"


On the other side, Lin Beifan, who had already walked the red carpet and entered the venue, noticed that another cell phone was vibrating.

When I opened it, I was immediately happy. They were all sent by Lu Mobai.

And the frequency becomes higher as we get to the back, and he looks very anxious, with a smell of dog licking coming towards his face.

Lin Beifan narrowed his eyes:"I sent a WeChat message at this time, and I am still so anxious. Could it be that……"

"Is there something urgent?"Leng Qingyue turned around and asked.

Lin Beifan put away his phone:"It's not an urgent matter, it's just spam text messages, don't worry about it!"

Then, Lin Beifan would devote himself wholeheartedly to the party.

Three hours later, the charity party finally ended.

Lu Mobai endured this for more than three hours.

Every minute and every second of this was torture for him.

He didn't receive a reply on his phone until 20 minutes after the charity gala.

Qingyue: What's the matter? I see you sent me several text messages. Is there something urgent?

Qingyue: I just attended a banquet, no Got the message, sorry!

"Qingyue finally replied!"Lu Mobai was ecstatic. He quickly picked up the phone and was about to type a question, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, they were just friends on the Internet. No one knew each other in real life. How could he ask?

As soon as he asked, Didn't he expose his"wolfish ambition"?

"I can only ask insinuatingly!"

Mo Bai: It turns out you went to a party. I thought something had happened to you. You haven't replied to me. I'm so angry!

Qingyue: What are you worried about? What could happen to a person like me?"^_^

Mo Bai: By the way, what kind of party is it?

Qingyue: It’s a charity party, the kind where everyone donates money and materials!

Mo Bai: By the way, I heard that to attend these parties, you need to dress up and bring a companion. Have you brought one?

Qingyue: Of course I did. It’s too embarrassing to attend such a party alone!

Mo Bai: Who did you bring to participate?

Qingyue: A rich second generation named Lin Beifan!

Qingyue: However, I don’t like this person very much!

"Qingyue actually doesn't like Lin Beifan?" Lu Mobai's heart moved, and he felt secretly happy.

He quickly asked more questions.

Mo Bai: Why don't you like it?

Qingyue: Because this man named Lin Beifan is a playboy. He often goes to nightclubs to pick up girls and spends his parents' money. You don’t have any ability! Apart from being good-looking, what else can you have?

Qingyue: Do you think I can like such a person?

"Yes, Lin Beifan is still a playboy now. He has nothing but money and good looks. How could Qingyue like such a person?" Lu Mobai slapped his head and suddenly realized.

He then remembered that the Lin Beifan at this time was not the Lin Beifan later.

The later Lin Beifan was very awesome and desperate, so he attracted the likes of many women.

But now, although Lin Beifan is also Awesome, but he didn't show off his awesomeness. Instead, he stayed in nightclubs all day, squandering his parents' money, and his reputation was extremely bad!

How many people would like such a person?

Except for those gold diggers, that's it. No one else!

His goddess Leng Qingyue is a woman with high aspirations. How could a woman who is not short of money fall in love with such a person?

Mo Bai: Since you don’t like it, why did you bring him to participate again?

Qingyue: It’s not because Ding Shaojie!

Mo Bai: ??? Qingyue

: Because this person always annoys me! And it just so happened that at this time, Lin Beifan, a playboy, got stuck with him, so annoying! I just thought about it, both of them are playboys, both Group II, what will happen if a dog bites a dog?

Qingyue: So, I took him to the charity party!

Qingyue: Who knows, Ding Shaojie didn’t come because something happened at home!

Qingyue: The plan didn’t work out, okay Depressing!

"So that’s it!"

Lu Mobai suddenly understood and felt very happy.

"Let me just say, how could they get together? It turns out that Qingyue was teasing them, trying to get them to fight each other. Qingyue is so naughty!"

But when he thought of them walking the red carpet intimately, his heart felt sour again, as if he had eaten hundreds of lemons.

"Don't think too much, it's just a joke!"

"After all, in such an occasion, this is what you need to do!"

"Qingyue didn't even have him in her heart!"

Qingyue: This Lin Beifan is so annoying, I have blocked his phone number!

"Good job blocking! It’s best never to interact!"Lu Mobai became happy again and almost jumped up.

Because his biggest love rival is Lin Beifan.

At this time, he was blacklisted by the goddess. It can be said that in this competition, he has already won!

Mo Bai: Well done. , it’s better not to date such a playboy anymore!

Qingyue: Yes, you’re right!

Qingyue: However, what makes me most happy today is that something happened to Ding Shaojie’s family! They almost went bankrupt, which made me so happy.! Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that there is no reward but that the time has not come! It’s time!

Qingyue: Haha! (Happy.jpg) (Happy.jpg) (Happy.jpg)

Lu Mobai was also very happy and said silently in his heart :"Qingyue, I did this for you, you're welcome!"

Qingyue: However, this incident will only hurt his family's muscles and bones at most! I'm really afraid that when his family recovers, he will continue to come and bother me! Oh, I really hope he never comes back!

Lu Mobai's eyes sternly said:"Qingyue Don't worry, he will never have this chance!"

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